Why Liberals Should Love the Second Amendment


Why Liberals Should Love the Second Amendment


Many of you know that DailyKos.com is perhaps the largest liberal blog. It is influential because mainstream media picks up stories; it is important because even Senators blog there.

The article above is outstanding. Most importantly, it is NOT an article about the Second Amendment. It is an article about how to persuasively convince a liberal why they should literally love it.

Many of you will say such attempts are pointless, energies are better spent elsewhere, there's nothing new there (you would have missed the point that the article is not about the Second Amendment -- it is about persuasion), you can't change a liberal's mind, etc. Maybe you're right. Let's not discuss these things.

Read it. If you like it, send it to liberal friends. That's it. How long does it take to send a link? People forward pictures of puppies and kittens millions of times a day. My favorite thing to forward is http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=irule

which is much better than furry animals.
I just spent about an hour reading that, and all the comments. Very compelling arguments, well articulated and spoken. Saw both sides of the coin, gun carrying democrats, and the gun hating "nuts." Although, to use "nuts," I think it was Angry Mouse in the discussion that said calling them "nuts" was prejudiced, offensive, and bigoted term. Rather, it was put:
"Gun nuts" is a bigoted, prejudiced, offensive term. Liberals -- the same people who pride themselves on their tolerance and political correctiness -- should really stop using that term. It makes them look like hypocrites.
Consider the irony of their position: They don't trust a government that is trying to take away first, fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment rights, yet they only trust the government to have guns.
Dang good article. Thanks for unearthing it. I'm sending a link to all my anti-gun acquaintences.
Fine, you say. Have your big, scary guns. It's not like you actually stand a chance in fighting against the United States government. The Army has bigger, badder weapons than any private citizen. Your most deadly gun is no match for their tanks, their helicopters, their atom bombs. Maybe two hundred years ago, citizens stood a chance in a fight against government, but not today. The Second Amendment is obsolete.

Tell that to the Iraqi "insurgents" who are putting up a pretty good fight against our military might with fairly primitive weapons.
Yes! If I had a dollar for every time I've said that... I'd go get a CZ75 compact.
oh yup

I'm a liberal and I love the 2nd amendment. I love all the amendments, because I love limiting the power of government.

Which is why I think the 8th amendment prohibits the death penalty. Not because I love criminals, but because I want to limit the power of the government to kill its own citizens.
Consider the irony of their position: They don't trust a government that is trying to take away first, fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment rights, yet they only trust the government to have guns.

It was not "their position". Their position was very pro-2A. A very small minority of commentors were trying to take that stand & were roundly shown the error by many others who repied. Did it make a difference to them? probably not. At least they tried.
Kossackistan is very liberal, but they also host a lot of pro-gun libertarians. I would forward that article to my gun-grabber friends... but I don't have any.
Great post Aristodemus. I posted on several Libertarian, Republican, and Democratic facebook groups. I also forwarded to a couple of my instructors/Professors who always comment about how they feel besieged by the Democratic "gun grabbers," although they are also Democrats.