Why isn't Cheney running in 08?


New member
Just curious- a randon musing. Usually you see a VP gearing up for their run. All has been pretty quiet since the shotgun incident *ahem*. On the same note, I wonder why Rove jumped ship so seemingly randomly? Thoughts/flames?
Good questions.

I'm guessing that everyone, himself included, knows Cheney hasn't got the charisma to run for president. He seems to value highly his own privacy and prefer positions of power which aren't subject to as much spotlight.

Rove leaving was also interesting to me. He may have figured that there's little he can in such little time, but I still wonder why he left.

Something I'll always remember fondly: Cheney demolishing Edwards in the VP debate in 2004. That really should be replayed sometime....
Cheney is one of the most disliked people in the US for one.
He's also had several surgery's for heart problems over the last 8 years. Many people doubt he'd live through one term.
The primary reasons for Cheney being chosen as VP were: his experience as Secretary of Defense, and to prevent the development of any rival to Jeb Bush should he have decided to run in 2008.

Cheney was never going to make a run for President.

And, it didn't hurt that Cheney headed up the search committee looking for a VP candidate back in 2000.
He just spent almost eight years running the country let the guy have a rest.

Besides he will be too busy making millions in the private sector.
He's too reclusive to run for the job. He does not answer questions from anyone so a debate would be out of the question. He has been in the middle of every scandal since Teapot Dome and he can only survive in direct sunlight for a few minutes without an injection of cobra venom and the blood of sacrificed goats.

And everyone in the US knows about all of this. He would be lucky to get 5% of the popular vote, although that may not stop him from taking power.
Cheney IS running, his name is Giuliani.

Cheney is a powerful insider to effectively the same degree that Giuliani is. Cheney is clearly bush's chief handler on behalf of the globalist power structure.

Cheney is deeply committed to following the orders of his handlers and pushing globalist agendas. Giuliani is exactly the same. I'm always amazed at the legions of people who won't even try to defeat the truths I just mentioned, they go straight to attacking the messenger for daring to say them. So I expect all sorts of veiled personal insults for merely saying these things (disguised as attacks that call what I just said "wacko" "crazy" "loony" etc).
Said he had too many rivers to fish yet. I can buy that. Thigh-deep in a trout stream with your fly rod beats prez hands down, every day.:)
I figured he got his hunting permits early and was planning on taking a lot of time of, you know, dove hunting...
we have short term memories.

back in 2000, Cheney said He'd only serve as a VP and had absolutely no ambition sof running for prez.

also, VPs very seldom win presidential elections. Since 1804 only three veeps have won an election on their own: Van Buren, Nixon, and Bush.

I can agree with Cabin Pressure's assessment of Cheney-Giuliani.
Are you kicking with this question??
This current ticket has split the party and pissed off conservatives

Are You kidding with this question???:eek:
Bush / Cheney in '08

Jeb and Dick

Got my vote.

Unfortunately, George W screwed it up for anyone named Bush to ever get elected again. Many people feel that Jeb would have done a better job. Then again, many people feel that ANYONE would have done a better job. Bush has taken any momentum the Republicans had and handed it all to the Democrats. Now they will most likely have the White house and the Senate.