Why is there a constant FTE and FTF?

It may be possible that you are "limp wristing" your ruger. I would have someone else, perhaps your cameraman or range officer, fire off a few rounds. This would help narrow down if it's operator error or pistol, magazine or ammo related. Without watching your video again, is the pistol jamming after every shot? It appeared that you seated the magazine all the way. Was the gun properly reassembled last time after cleaning.

I'm sure your frustration level is high. Nothing like paying hard earned money for something and it not working 100%.

Have someone else fire the pistol, preferably someone who has lots of experience with automatics.

Good luck :)
I don't care how new a pistol is, his is malfunctioning on every single shot. I can't believe that Ruger pistols are intended to leave the factory in a condition to consistently malfunction like that and then magically stop after a "break in period".

BMB, you should have somebody familiar with autos shoot your gun to see if the problem is operator error, as Jaybird suggested. I don't think you are limp wristing it, but you may be doing something as simple as engaging the slide stop with your firing grip. I'm not familiar enough with Ruger pistols to know if this a common problem, or even likely. If the problem does not appear to be operator error, it could be any number of problems but it would be hard to make a recommendation without knowing the failure mode. Again, somebody with first hand experience probably needs to help you out in real life in this instance to help troubleshoot.
I don't care how new a pistol is, his is malfunctioning on every single shot. I can't believe that Ruger pistols are intended to leave the factory in a condition to consistently malfunction like that and then magically stop after a "break in period".

I think thats a bit over the top. I really think its his grip. Gabe, ask one of the guys who work at the range to try it out. if it happens for them, you problem need to send it to the factory. The grip method you are using can easily lead to the malfunction you are having. There is a certain gun (I wont say the name) that will malfunction everytime if held a certain way. I reading recoil was a concern for you. You'll find that with a good solid grip the gun will 1)function 2)return to point of aim 3)recoil less.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
You should hold the gun so that the web of your hand is directly up against the top curve of the back of the grip. The barrel of the gun should line up with the line of your forearm. You shouldn't try to keep the gun from recoiling, but you will have to provide enough resistance for the slide to cycle properly.

That said, I don't see any obvious issues with your grip. If it were me, I'd have someone else shoot the gun to see if they have similar problems. If they do then it's time for a call to Ruger.

Frankly, I think that if you had grip problems you would have already found that out shooting the Glock earlier.
You say the gun is "brand new" so I have to ask the typical question.
Have you disassembled, cleaned, and re-lubed the gun?

Firearms (with a few exceptions) come from the factory lubed for shipping, not shooting. The goop that most factories put on is a protective not a lubricant. Or maybe you are using too much lubricant or something too heavy? (just brainstorming here).

Also, there are things you simply aren't going to be able to "see" with your fingers, you should have a sighted person who knows guns inspect around the rails to make sure there isn't something funny going on. I had a chip of brass (tiny little thing) act like a wedge on one gun, caused me all kinds of grief until I finally found and removed the damned thing.
Its brand new
rugers require a break in period of about 200 rounds before they work flawlessly

Source please? As I said in the other thread on this subject, I've never had to break any of mine in. They ran right out of the box. Does the manual say anything about a break in period?


1) Grip may be an issue here. Have someone else shoot it and see if the same thing happens. Adjust your grip higher and adjust your support hand as described in the other thread.

2) ZeSpectre's comment about packing grease vs. lube is spot on. The stuff they stuff guns with at the factory is meant to protect them from rusting in shipment and storage in warehouse conditions. It's not a functional lubricant. Make sure you've stripped and cleaned the gun appropriately. I like synthetic safe Bores Srubber as it tends to really blow out the goo. Re-lube with Breakfree CLP or equivalent and you'll have ruled out any lube issues.

3) You may have gotten a lemon. It happens. Ruger will take care of you though and will pay shipping both ways. Sometimes the person you talk to will say something along the lines of "We'll reimburse you afterward". NO, they will send you a call tag.

Best of luck.......
You could have a bad extractor but as mentioned already I would have a visual inspection done by some one and another to shoot it to rule out its not you but I dont think its you at all.

It could be something real simple that may not even need to go in to ruger.I would try all the suggestions above,then if needed use rugers warranty.Good luck

By the way good shooting you do very well.
At 3:20 in the video the limpwristing is pretty evident. There's one good shot, then a bad shot.

Your hand appears to be over-rotated towards the trigger and your thumb is not securely wrapped around the opposite side of the pistol.

You're also shooting with a 1 handed grip. Looks almost like your off hand is gripping the fore-arm of your shooting hand? Use a two handed grip. Both thumbs line up next to each other and keep counter pressure on the rotation you otherwise would experience when shooting one handed.