Why is the Mini-14 more popular than the Mini-30??


New member
I don't know any specific numbers, so I am only guessing that the Mini-14 sells better than the Min-30. Why does it though? The Mini-14 is not a terribly accurate rifle, but the .223 cartridge is and a long range cartridge at that. But the 7.62x39 is more suited to close/medium range. It seems to me that for the Minis that the 7.62 would be the better round. It has more whomp at the range the Mini is best for, and the ammo is cheaper. So why is the '14 so darn more popular than the '30? I'd buy a '30 if it wasn't overpriced, it'd be a fun rifle. I am just confused why the sales are mixed up.

Functional magazines over 5 rounds are just about non-existent for mini30

7.62x39 used to be expensive till recently

Other than that, I don't know.
I had a Mini-30 for a while. Fun gun, cheap to shoot and totally reliable. I liked everything about it except the magazines. Oleg was dead on. Nobody, but nobody makes a decent hi-cap mag for this gun. Every one I tried gave me problems. Without reliable mags, the gun is useless. I sold it.

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!
Maybe it's because of the unavailabilty, try asking gun dealers about it. I went in 3 stores this year looking for the Mini-30SS. It's a beautiful gun and the 7.62 is a fun round for the range, especially when hittin those reactive targets :D.
I've owned a Mini-30 for quite a few years .. I also have found it to be relaible but not nearly as accurate as my Bushmaster Shorty. I guess I've been lucky cause I have 3 30 round magazines that function just fine.. I did have to tinker with two of them to get them to the point where they were reliable, I also have several of the 18 round plastic mags, which are next to worthless. I'll probably take the Dremel to one of them to see if I can make it work. Overall a very nice little carbine. Mark / Fl
I don't know about nationwide, but I imagine that the mini-14 has had an uplift in sales here in the People's Republic of California.

I have one, as you cannot get much else here, and I have been satisfied. It is certainly no competition rifle, but it is "combat accurate" and a lot of fun to shoot. It also is very reliable. I think the reason it is more popular than the mini-30 has been stated: mags and ammo. I was able to get some 30 round mags just before the ban and I really enjoy shooting the gun. By the way, here in California, even if you are getting a used "hi cap" mag, you are breaking the law. If you didn't have a magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds before Jan 1st, then you are not allowed to get one ever.

Maybe I should move to Arizona . . .
From the people I've talked to who have owned or shot both the attitude seems to be: Mini-14 is known for poor accuracy; Mini-30 is known for worse accuracy.

I'm told (by a gunsmith here in my home town) that the Ruger 30 cal barrel has a groove diameter that is not compatible with the surplus ammo everyone shoots in this caliber. The expensive (reletively speaking) factory ammo (Win, Rem, Fed, etc) shoots much better in the Mini 30 but that isn't what ppeople buy them for.

That's $.02 worth.
I think it has to do with why have one when you can get the real thing, as in the AK or SKS with cheep mags that work better.
I would like to see a Mini-14 in 7mm TCU. Same case as .223 so should be an easy Ruger manufacturing thing.

Might even lead to factory loading of TCU

[This message has been edited by Lavan (edited May 12, 2000).]
The major complaint against the mini-30 was accuracy. Supposedly it was designed with a rather loose chamber to handle variation in surplus ammo and this was detrimental to overall accuracy. I've heard of the mini-30 being used as a deer rifle in the woods. I guess that's the main advantage over the mini-14.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Russell:
I had a mini-30, it sucked hairy wookie turds so I sold it and put the money towards an AR-15[/quote]


Why buy a Mini30 for $400 when an SKS will do the same for $200 (or less)? I think cost is a major factor why the Mini30 isn't as popular as the Mini14. Another reason is the availability of high capacity magazines. You can get them for the Mini14, AKMs or AK-47s, but nothing reliable for the Mini30.
I chose the Mini-14 over the 30(and M16)
because I don't like the Sov cartridge. And I think a .223 hollow point will do more tissue damage at close range than the slower moving 7.62x39. And FMJ 5.56 has better AP ability than the Sov round.

And the supply of 7.62x39 could be cut off abruptly by our heroic masters in Washington. 5.56mm will be on this continent for decades to come. The mil uses it.

I know the '16 is 5.56mm, but I can't stand the AR action. No insult to AR owners intended. We all have differant rifle criteria.
For me, the choice of Mini-14 over Mini-30 is due to the mags. I have factory hi-caps for my Mini-14. But when the Mini-30 was introduced and I looked at the first one my dealer offered, my first question to him was whether Ruger would make 20- or 30-round mags for it. The dealer thought not, and AFAIK he was right. So, I was interested in the Mini-30 but turned it down because of the lack of hi-caps. I'd still buy a Mini-30 if Ruger hi-caps were available for it. I know other rifles are more accurate, but for some reason Ruger's Minis always kind of appeal to me. ;)
Didn't the A-Team primarily use Mini-30's? It looks like a Ruger type rifle they always pull BA's van. And the hole in the muzzle looks larger than the hole in my muzzle of my AR.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?