Why is my 45 not feeding right?


New member
I'm new to handguns so bear with me please.I have a brand new Daly 45.It came with 2 new clips.I have shot 100 rounds so far with about four jams.One type of jam is the spent brass gets caught between the slide as it is closing and the other type is the extracter doesnt take the spent brass out but halfway.That was all with UMC Jacketed ammo.When I load a clip of Hydroshock sometimes when I release the slide to chamber a shell it acts like it gets hung on the ramp,but the ramp is polshed very good.Should I expect a couple of problems while Im breaking it in?I am really disapointed but would like to keep the pistol if this can be fixed.It shoots really well otherwise.Thanks in advance!

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper" Isaiah 54:17
Sounds like limp wristing on the eject jams. Get a firm grip on that puppy and try to hold it straight against the recoil instead of letting it throw your wrist back. It should help. On the hollow points not feeding, breaking it in may help but some guns just never like some kinds of ammo. Try to find some HP with a different profile and see if they feed better.
Good Luck
I don't shoot .45's, but I would try changing ammo. It might be a little bit expensive, but I would buy one box of a lot of different brands of ammo, and try them out. Throw out the ones that the pistol does not like, and keep the best one. Feed your pistol what it likes, and it will be a faithful friend for life. :)

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!
You need to run 200, if not 500 hundred rounds of Winchester 230 FMJ through it before even thinking about a hollowpoint offering.

I always run 200 to 500 rounds of FMJ through all my handguns before I expect full relaibility.

In my experience, Glocks, Sigs and Beretta's will work out of the box but the 1911 variants need a break-in period.

Don't rule out carrying FMJ in that Daly for persoanl defense. Ignore the "experts" .45ACP ball ammo is deadly-----ask any WWII, Korea or Vietnam Vet. Remember, the 1911 was designed around the .45ACP Ball

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Try a quality mag. like Wilson before you do anything. Most feed problems with 1911s are mag related. The failure to eject could be limp wrist syndrome.
First of all DON'T get rid of it.Good advise from all so far.I too would first try a tight grip.I don't have personal experience with Charles Daly,but being a 1911 it can't be that different from the rest.As for not feeding Hydra-Shok,I would offer the following:In all 1911's I have shot thus far,Hydra-Shok 230gr.due to the bullet shape and heavy case cannelure which basically keeps the bullet in place as it impacts the feed ramp is the most reliable feeding hollowpoint I have found thus far; 2nd.choice would be anything with a Hornady XTP bullet.Possibly,PROBABLY,this feeding problem lies with the magazine.Get a Wilson-Rogers 8rd. from Wilson Combat and try those Hydra-Shoks again.Heres what you have to lose-NOTHING,as Bill Wilson will give you your money back if this does not work. Yeah,I know your magazines are brand new, but trust me on this as I have seen it many times.Worst case scenario,if all the advise in this thread does'nt cure you ejection problem would be a minor gunsmithing job: extended ejector if it does'nt have one;polish and tune the extractor;polish the breechface;possibly install a reduced power mainspring;and finally,17lbs.of recoil spring in a full size is plenty.I am a HUGE fan of the 1911,but will admit that some need a minor amount of tinkering to run right and should have a 300 to 500 rd. break in;fact is I would'nt depend on anything made without a break in period.Many of the manufacturers are catching on to the tricks that the custom smiths have known all along and are delivering out of the box 1911's that run right from the start,but you pay $$$$ for this.Hope this helps.
Thanks for all the advice.It is good to have a place to turn to to get advice.Thanks again!

"No weapon formed against me shall prosper" Isaiah 54:17