Why is Hillary so bad?


New member
My family is very liberal, and I can see Thanksgiving conversation turning to politics at some point. With Hillary in the lead now, I'm sure she will be a hot topic.

I don't support her because she has gone basically rubber-stamped everything Bush has done and asked for, and because I am afraid of her gun-grabbing intentions. Other than that, I don't really know anything about her position on things or what she has done in the past. Anyone have any other info on her?
Basically, she only cares about one thing. Power. And she'll do anything to get it. Anything.

That should be enough for anyone.

Basically, she only cares about one thing. Power. And she'll do anything to get it. Anything.

That should be enough for anyone.

Same goes to Giuliani and Romney, and to a higher degree I would argue. I'm looking for some substantive information.
Im not super political by any means since most of my life I have not cared much for something that will keep more stressed than I already am.
From what I gather she wants the government to have much more control over what we say or do and I believe she would love for everyone to rely totally on the gov for everything (think 1984)
She may not want to take it that far anywhere close to that is still too much IMO.
People would become pretty obedient if all their needs were being dangled over them by the gov...
So flame away if you must but it doesnt matter since this is just my opinion

I cant find anything that is so wrong with her, that is not reflected in other candidates. Rather I cannot find anything good about her.

As much as people whine about her, she is just another politician, nothing special except for the part where she has boobs.
She doesn't believe in empowering people to help themselves. She, along with all of her socialist comrades, believe that they have a perfect view of what the world should be, but that they lack the power to implement it. She thinks that only by seizing power can she guide everyone on her perfect vision...even if we don't want to.

Really that's the main difference between the two parties. Conservatives believe in letting people succeed or fail on their own merits. Liberals believe in making everyone "succeed" their way.
Hillary is bad because she campaigns based strictly on poll results. The reason she is poor at spontaneous responses is that she needs time to consult her poll takers. I think she will respond in a positive manner to any issue that she thinks will get her 50.1% of the vote. Yes, any politician or President should take into account the opinions of the American people, but they should also use their personal convictions to help them make decisions. Using Hillary's method all you really need is a computer to tell you how to respond to each question based on national polls.
Socialism; totalitarianism; anti-Americanism; counter-culture; "Leftism" as it is presently understood with its "usual suspects" coalition of every grasping, dysfunctional dweeb and loser; anti-Western, anti-white, anti-masculine, knee-jerk, death-wish political inclination...

I could go on, but surely that's enough for anyone. I'll take Rudy in a dress, plastic Mormons, actors, libertarians...I'm not that picky, but Hillary is a nightmare on stilts.
She believes government is the solution to everything. She doesn't believe individuals are capable of solving their problems without the nanny state getting involved. Basically, your tried and true socialist.
I could go on, but surely that's enough for anyone. I'll take Rudy in a dress, plastic Mormons, actors, libertarians...I'm not that picky, but Hillary is a nightmare on stilts.

You just described solely Republican candidates. Is there anything in particular about Hillary that makes her worse than other Democratic candidates, or do you just vehemently dislike all Democratic candidates and she's their posterchild?

I'm just curious, because while I don't like her either I can't figure out what makes her stand above all others as a target for the vitriol of pretty much all Republicans/"conservatives." Others are as bad, in fact others are worse. Is it just because she's a frontrunner? Just because of her husband?

Basically, I fail to see what makes Hillarymore reviled than other Democrats. Though Democrats are pretty well reviled here as well, obviously.
The policies she wants is only to enslave people. The Consistution is just an obstruction to what she wants, IMO she is the worst of the bad choices.
Well, simply put she has all of the aforementioned tendency AND the ability to con enough people into letting her do it. Others may merely try to screw everything up, she'd actually get it done.
You just described solely Republican candidates. Is there anything in particular about Hillary that makes her worse than other Democratic candidates, or do you just vehemently dislike all Democratic candidates and she's their posterchild?

I'm just curious, because while I don't like her either I can't figure out what makes her stand above all others as a target for the vitriol of pretty much all Republicans/"conservatives." Others are as bad, in fact others are worse. Is it just because she's a frontrunner? Just because of her husband?

Basically, I fail to see what makes Hillarymore reviled than other Democrats. Though Democrats are pretty well reviled here as well, obviously.

This is exactly the problem I am having too. As far as I'm concerned, I don't want either Democrats OR Republicans in the office, as both have MAJOR flaws (yes, I'm a libertarian). While we effectively just vote for a party, in theory we should be voting for candidates, and thats why I want more info on Hillary.
Unless one party or the other can get 60 members in the Senate there is only so much mischief a president can get in to. I am a Republican, but I won't lose any sleep if Hillary is elected. At least she can speak English.
Hillary is probably no worse than Obama. Or Kucinich. Or Barbra Streisand. Slightly better than a disembodied pancreas. About on the same level as a Jimmy Carter or a dose of gonorrhea.
Putting her politics aside, another huge problem is the clear links between the Clintons and the Intelligence Agencies of the People's Republic of China.

There have been many instances over the years, and very recently, of illegal campaign contributions (bribes) to the Clintons that appear to be coming from China.

From the Wall Street Journal:

A 1998 Senate Government Affairs Committee report on the scandal found "strong circumstantial evidence" that a great deal of foreign money had illegally entered the country in an attempt to influence the 1996 election. Johnny Chung, a bagman for the Asian billionaire Riady family, confessed that at least $35,000 of his donations to the Clinton campaign and the DNC had come from a Chinese aerospace executive--a lieutenant colonel in the Chinese military who he said helped Mr. Chung meet three times with General Ji Shengde, the head of Chinese military intelligence

Is there a link between these illegal contributions (bribes) and the Clinton Administration turning a blind eye towards the well documented Chinese theft of advanced American nuclear warhead designs from Los Alamos?