Why i won't buy a Pietta: Open Letter


New member
Simple. Piettas markings that go across the barrel, why do they think it's a good idea? Why not make it hidden like other brands, Only reason they're used is to identify the gun, and also to know to use "black powder only" 'more on that later'. Well those are both things that need to be done only ONCE, after that its just a huge cosmetic flaw.

About the black powder only, why can't this just be in the manual? It's common sense, anybody new to the hobby has to do their research anyways, you cant just go buy cartridges. You need powder, a measuring tool, flask, primers, and projectiles at the minimum! If you haven't learnt or consulted your manual by then, it's entirely your fault not the companies. Of course if this is a legal issue then fine but make it hidden like Ubertis!

Again the markings are something that is used once per owner, after that its completely irrelevant and just makes these guns ugly. The manufacturer mark is something that should be on the gun but is there a reason its right on the side of the barrel in the largest lettering possible? Pietta do you think you get free marketing this way? I think this gives you less sales personally. Why not again... hide it!? Even putting it somewhere completely hidden like covered by the trigger guard would put you steps above the competition. If someone is curious what brand it is they'll ask the owner.

The reason this is a big deal is some people want to use their guns in films, reenactions, pictures, etc. Even people who like to age and weather their guns have no chance on making their guns look classic.

So to sum it up, please change your markings Pietta. You make good quality guns that no other brands make, but i refuse to buy for the reasons stated and many others agree. Thanks

This is essentially the letter i'm sending Pietta.
If you feel the same way please contact them to tell them how you feel, this is the only way there will be a change! An example of what you can say is just "I support the deduction of your markings" or "I would buy more products if you started to hide your markings". Here is their email, info@pietta.it

Here's an example of just how bad it is.
Let us know if they respond.

Ubertis have much better markings, most are hidden, and the ones that are there are in the same places as real C&B.

Just buy a Yewbirdy (Uberti).
I don't think they'll respond, i sent the message a few days ago. I will always buy Uberti over Pietta just for the markings alone but unfortunately Pietta makes some stuff Uberti doesn't like the Griswold and pocket Remingtons.

So did you take the name badges off your car too?

As for the black powder stampings there are plenty of idiots out there so a company has to cover their backside.
So did you take the name badges off your car too?

As for the black powder stampings there are plenty of idiots out there so a company has to cover their backside.
These are historical relpicas that should be accurate in look and feel, not cars. I'm not bothered about markings on modern guns but these aren't meant to look modern, i think the markings deface the gun.
These are historical relpicas that should be accurate in look and feel, not cars. I'm not bothered about markings on modern guns but these aren't meant to look modern, i think the markings deface the gun.


I guess you never heard of the idiots who sued Ruger because they didn't pay attention to the rule of never leaving a live round under the hammer of a single action revolver. That's the whole reason Ruger developed the whole New Model line in the 1970s. Ruger got tired of being taken to the cleaners so they completely redesigned their line of single action revolvers to include a transfer bar.

I guess you never heard of some of the idiots who put Smokeless powder in a C&B revolver and blew it up. Their comment was, 'well the powder was black, except it had some little red dots in it.

Like it or not, we live in a litigious society. If people can win lawsuits because their coffee was too hot, they sure as heck will sue firearms manufacturers when they do something stupid. Doesn't matter if it is a modern firearm or a replica of an antique. People will still sue and manufacturers have to protect themselves if they want to stay in business.
I don't care for the markings but Pietta's are cheaper than Uberti and will always be popular for that reason alone.

I guess you never heard of the idiots who sued Ruger because they didn't pay attention to the rule of never leaving a live round under the hammer of a single action revolver. That's the whole reason Ruger developed the whole New Model line in the 1970s. Ruger got tired of being taken to the cleaners so they completely redesigned their line of single action revolvers to include a transfer bar.

I guess you never heard of some of the idiots who put Smokeless powder in a C&B revolver and blew it up. Their comment was, 'well the powder was black, except it had some little red dots in it.

Like it or not, we live in a litigious society. If people can win lawsuits because their coffee was too hot, they sure as heck will sue firearms manufacturers when they do something stupid. Doesn't matter if it is a modern firearm or a replica of an antique. People will still sue and manufacturers have to protect themselves if they want to stay in business.

I never said they should remove them completely, just put the warning under the barrel like Ubertis, that area is seen during the loading process yet concealed the rest of the time. Perfect compromise.
I've had a Pietta Remington for probably ten years and couldn't even begin to give testimony on the markings.
Have no idea, I just shoot the danged thing.
And it does that very well.
Ooops didn't realize we were boycotting Pietta. Just bought another Pietta from Dixie Gun Works Saturday. The price was right.
We aren't, Drobs.

The OP just has a bone to pick. OP, leave the Piettas to us. We'll appreciate them how they are.

Not at all what gives you that idea? I say in my letter that they make good quality guns. I just wont buy them, never said anybody else shouldn't. Don't read to much into things.
There's a reason those brass frames Piettas are so cheap, first of all they aren't even close to being historically accurate, and secondly they can get loose and bend over time. Fruitless to compare to steel framed Ubertis that are overall a better deal as they are almost 100% historically accurate including hidden markings, and without the infamous Pietta jacked up handles.

That being said Pietta does have some stuff i'd buy if the markings are resolved like the Griswold. But now i get why you don't care about the markings if you buy a .44 brass frame navy that never existed until 1970 or so. But some people like historically accuracy and don't want to go through the strenuous process of getting there guns defarbed. I guess people don't care about he greater picture.
Stock photo but here's the one I bought - Pietta 1860 Army:

Dixie Gunworks - $245

Thinking about sending it off to Goonsgunworks to have 45 Dragoon work his magic on it. The only problem there is I'd like to see it in person to better appreciate the before and after.