Why Hillary Hates Guns

In my opinion far left wing people fear /dislike guns because it puts power in the hands of ordinary folks and the left prefer victims not someone who can and will defend themselves.
Not a surprise.

Notice that Feinstein has a CCW, and all of the leftwing politicians have armed bodyguards. In NYC, leftist elites can carry guns through political favor, the masses can't.

Leftist politicians in general, all of them, are fine with their bodyguards carrying fully automatic weapons that the masses can't have.
I think most people who go into politics do so for ego gratification and the desire for power. I suspect that's why most anti-gun politicians want guns banned: simply because they know that guns are power, and the less power that isn't in their hands, the better for their egos.

Most pro-gun politicians are power-hungry as well, but most likely they don't feel that citizen-owned guns are a threat. Either that, or they fear the gun lobby more than guns per se.

Maybe I'm wrong, but these are my suspicions.
Steel Core,
I agree with you mostly, but I have a nagging thought that some of the political class want to disarm the commoners because they fear the commoners might resist more effectively, when the political class comes to take things away from people for the "common good" or "the children".

Ooo, did I mention that narcisstic sociopath Clinton...Monica Lewinsky's Ex-boyfriend's wife...
In my opinion far left wing people fear /dislike guns because it puts power in the hands of ordinary folks and the left prefer victims not someone who can and will defend themselves.
I'm sure there's some of that sentiment, but most of the anti-gun people I encounter both fear and dislike guns because they don't trust other people. They also feel that most people, except themselves of course, aren't competent enough to run their lives and need someone else to control their lives, except themselves of course. And the people who should be in control should be the smartest people, regardless of what their morals are or whether their actions actually produce positive results.

Who are the smartest people? Why, it's the anti-gun people and their like-minded friends, of course.
WhyteP38 said:
I'm sure there's some of that sentiment, but most of the anti-gun people I encounter both fear and dislike guns because they don't trust other people. They also feel that most people, except themselves of course, aren't competent enough to run their lives and need someone else to control their lives, except themselves of course. And the people who should be in control should be the smartest people, regardless of what their morals are or whether their actions actually produce positive results.

Very good assessment. This is the very heart of liberalism. The base mindset that makes the rest seem reasonable. This is how it makes sense to a staunch gun control advocate like Feinstein to feel it to be acceptable for her to have a CCW while advocating denying that to the citizens.
You would only hope they occupy themselves with their internal purges before they focus on exterminating those who oppose their ideology.
fear and dislike guns because they don't trust other people

That pretty much sums up my experience with 'antis'. They fully trust police officers and feel no one else is mentally capable of owning them. In fact, when I had my old model 36 transferred from NJ to VA, the police captain I talked with insisted average citizens had no business owning firearms.
It not even a very liberal or conservative issue at that. It is amazing that Ronald Reagan and Hillary Clinton used the same reasons to want to disarm people. Usually in involves fear of armed gangs or some outside threat, particularly the communist in the past.

As for the rest of the rants, it grows quickly tiresome. It really sad that people nowadays have no idea what conservatism and liberalism means other than spreading hate and tales of treason about each idealogy, when the vast majority of people fall inbetween the two schools of thought, and people are either extreme are the problem.
I think people like Hillary believe they, and the government, have the responsibility of telling people what 'is good for them' and taking care of 'all their needs'. They don't believe in individual responsibility or an individuals right or capability of managing their own affairs - that's up to the government.

Of course, the smartest woman in the world knows more about managing the affairs of all U.S. citizens than we do........ and that includes gun ownership.
The worst "ism"

The term you are all skirting around, and it is the worst "ism" is


The belief that they are special. They are "elite". And that they know better than the rest of us, and we would all be better off if we just lived the way they say.

It matters not (to me) if they come by their elite attitude because of their heredity, their schooling, their money, their religious beliefs, or their political alignment. It is all the same brand of repugnance.

One of the key phrases in our Constitution is "the pursuit of happiness", which has been understood for centuries to mean that the individual has the right to make up their own mind about how they live. Not that there isn't social (and occasional physical) pressure when individuals choose not to live by the commonly accepted standards, there is, and likely always will be. But, just as we have grown socially beyond burning witches, we should grow beyond forcing everyone into anyone's specific mold.

March to the different drummer all you like, and I will do the same, to my own tune. But tell me I must march to your beat, and I name you elitist! You don't own me, no matter how much you would like it to be otherwise, and because you don't own me, you fear me, and the fact that I have a gun bothers you, because you know that in a worst case situation, I too, have the power of life and death, which you would jealously hold unto yourself alone, or your paid proxies both in and out of uniform.

The power of a gun puts us on an equal level with the elitists, giving us the ability to resist in gravest extreme, and they hate the very thought that the "great unwashed" could be in any way, their equals.

The elitists come in all flavors and colors, from the petty bureaucratic tyrant to the religious fanatic who's mission is to kill or convert the entire world. Many actually have genuine good intentions, not realizing how their attitudes and actions are actually elitist. Others are more cynical, although usually not in public.

Just remember, EVERYTHING society denies us through laws and regulation was enacted for the "public good".
In my opinion far left wing people fear /dislike guns because it puts power in the hands of ordinary folks and the left prefer victims not someone who can and will defend themselves.
So they dislike them for the exact same reason the right wing hates them? :p
They actually like guns (in the hands of criminals) for the same reason the media does, for the fear factor. If you can use the gun violence that does happen to scare people they will listen. Votes, ratings, it's all the same thing. You can get people to go along with anything if you scare them enough. But if everyone were to take responsibility for their own safety and start carrying, they won't be afraid and the media and politicians have one less attention getter at their disposal. This is why they continue to deny that ccw states see crime drops even though every study says so. I think the media would like to see crime escalate to the point where people are too scared to do anything but sit at home and watch the news. Anti gun politicians would like to see crime so rampant that the mere mention of more gun laws will bring the votes rolling in.