Why dont they...

Nearly every year for the past several their is the usual fluff investigative drivle about how teens can get alcohol and tobacco, at will. Teens seem to have a miraculous ability to get any drug, any drink, any smoking product and any weapon on the planet.

Well, the 'media' always seems to be able to setup stings to catch the alcohol and tobacco sales, yet I haven't seen any that get's some pimple faced nerd to try buying an UZI.

Where are these people getting their FACTS. Becuase a teenager says they can do something. Time to start calling these one-sided mouth pieces out on the table. They say any teen can get their hands on a gun, well then the nation as a whole must be doing something right since every school in America hasn't had a massacre.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Well, here's the odd thing about regulation...

When I was in high school, the drinking age was 19 (regulation)

Marijuana, of course was illegal (prohibition)

Both were quite available, but guess which one was the easiest to get....

Honestly, I believe that any teen that really wants to can get their hands on a drink, drug, or firearm. I had easy access to alcohol while I was in high school, drugs were available in high school, and I already owned a rifle and two shotguns (and a pistol before I graduated). BTW, I graduated in '86.

Making something "against the rules" and stopping it are two entirely different things.