Why don't I learn???- a rant


New member
[rant]I recorded a "Special Investigation on Gun Violence" that was done by the local ABC affiliate here in town and watched it after putting the kids to bed. I wish I'd never even seen the advertisement for the blasted thing! Why don't I learn?? It was, typically, slanted and biased.

At one point in the broadcast, they had a doe-eyed teenaged girl from a local high-school saying "It's real easy to get a gun, just go to your friend's house, or a gun show and you won't be investigated." ARGHHH! Who is she that we should listen to her? She is part of the most emotional, unstable, screwed up part of our society!

At another point, the reporter says, "many Dallas crime guns originally came from legitimate dealers within the city" making it sound as if 1) FFL dealers arbitrarily sell to people w/o background checks, or 2)that people who are legally able to purchase them, buy them and then go "postal." Of course, they give no data on how many of those "crime guns" were stolen from the legal owner, or how many were sold/traded by the original owner (which is perfectly legal here in TX w/o any paperwork). Another AARRGHHH!

Another "statistic": 3,000 guns this year were confiscated by DPD, 1/3 of which were in the possession of kids between the ages of 10-17. The whole broadcast, I believe, was to incite people against gunshows and the other private sale methods we have here. It was slanted to make it seem as though these kids are walking into gunshops and shows and buying these guns.

Emotional words like "powerful, hi-capacity, deadly, concealable, etc., were used."

What takes the cake is a scene where the reporter is interviewing an ATF agent about a 9mm identical to one that a 10yo was arrested with recently. The guy sat there, on TV, fumbling with the gun the whole time! He couldn't even get the slide racked! He looked like a complete idiot (no surprise).

What is really depressing is that the sheeple in this town will take this report at face valueand will get incensed about gunshows and gun owners in general. Then our relatively loose laws here will be done away with, and we will become the Sheeple's Republik of Texas. (or so the liberal toadies hope) NOMDB!!!!!!!!

One more note: My husband heard an advertisement for this "report" on the radio today, in which a woman said "The TX CHL laws were never about personal self-defense."

Excuse me??????? I just don't get it. :( :( :(

I feel my freedoms being stripped from me even as I sit here and type this.

Pardon the rambling and mumbling and thanks for letting me rant. [/rant]

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited November 10, 1999).]

You've a stronger stomach than I-- I just couldn't watch. I heard the previews, and knew where this was going. Consider: No scandal, no story. No lurid, un-backed-up statements by people of questionable authority, no scandal. (And no story.) You'll never be at a shortage of people willing to make wild-eyed declarations about guns. Thus, you can "make" a scandal anytime you're willing to interview enough of them to put together several minutes of footage to put together with film clips of gunshows, ranges, and rabid BAT-men.

Here's your scandal. Here's your story. Here's your yellow journalism.

Here's your ratings. And THAT, my friend, is what the show was about-- NOT expose'. Hey, how's Mykl's sig line go, again...? ;)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited November 10, 1999).]

I believe you DO get it!

The morons on the show are the ones don't!

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!