Why doesn't Taurus want their 8-shot wheelguns to sell?!

Jim March

New member
It doesn't make any sense. Taurus now makes three different 8-shot wheelguns, in .22Mag, .357 and now the .22Hornet.

I've been interested in both the .22Mag and .357 for a long time...but I won't buy 'em because a revolver with no speedloaders available is more or less useless. A case can be made that the Hornet doesn't need it for hunting but even then it'd be handy.

Are they stupid? What would it take to either make their own, or get into a business arrangement with Safariland or HKS to make them available?

Instead, year after year they make these guns but orphan them. What the hell is the matter with 'em?

With 8 shots of any of the mentioned calibers, do you really need a speedloader? I admit, a speedloader is nice sometimes but I'd be comfortable with 8 in the gun and 8 or 16 loose in my pocket. It will still reload faster than a single action wheelgun and many people carry one of those regularly.
Apparently not enought people are purchasing 8 shot Tauruses for companies such as HKS to make speed loaders.
HKS does make speed loaders for 7 shot S & W's, so it appears people do need (want) them even at higher capacity ranges.

Taurus won't get into the business of making speed loaders for their 7 & 8 shot revolvers, it's to logical.
I went back to an older thread on the subject...

It turns out http://www.speedloader.com does support the .357 8-shot. Cool. There's one other outfit making all-steel speedloader for the Raging Bull and the 8-shot .357:

So why doesn't Taurus's speedloader cross-reference chart list this stuff? Are they incredibly stupid, or what?

(shakes head in disgust)

The 7-shots are in better shape because S&W ones fit. When Smith did 8-shot, they went with moon clips which is one solution I guess, fast but they can bend during daily carry.
