Why does the world hate America?

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I'll give this one a shot (even though it WILL be shut down).

I'll respond to your question with a short story.

I work with a few military vets, all of which served in the first gulf war and one served in the current war in Afghanistan. The other day the group of vets were standing around talking about world events and how the world hates us.

One of the more vocal of the group said that they hate us, and want us off the face of the earth. I interject (jumped in uninvited) and asked; "Why do you think they hate us?", he responded with "They hate our freedom, and our way of life, we should just level the place and GTFO of there", at which his Army buddies gave him a solid HOOOAH.

He then said that they kill innocent Americans, and want to change our ways and religion.

I responded with, "Wait we're the ones over there in their backyards, not vice versa, and when we drop bombs and kills scores of innocent bystanders, what does that make us?"

His response - "Those are casualties of war...."


Now, the entire world does not hate us, we just arent very well received in most parts. It's a shame.
I was going to say that I hope nobody replies with "they hate our freedom!" but I see thats already been done. Its probably the worst answer there is.

They dont hate our freedom. They hate us because we've been involved in middleastern politics for the last 50+ years, throwing our weight around and manipulating their goverments for our own benifit. Added to that, we show no signs of lessening that involvement in the next 50 years. I dont condone their actions, but I can certainly understand why they hate us.
I was going to say that I hope nobody replies with "they hate our freedom!" but I see thats already been done. Its probably the worst answer there is.

You're right, it is the worst answer, something not all understand.

I posted it as a reference to what someone else said.
I'd also like to speak before this thread gets locked.

Trace Adkins. "I don't give a damn what other people think."

I can't say as I really care what a person who has an intimate knowledge of (ahem) a camel, but propbably can't spell camel, actually thinks of me.
I hear you Dresden!

In my line of work, I've been 3/4 of the way around the globe and in a lot of nice and not-so-nice locales. Some places, I was received with the fanfare of a rock star. In others, I was watching my back everywhere I went.

The best I can gather from non-muslim countries is they don't like our overbearing attitudes and our got to have it now mentality.

For the muslim ones, I'm convinced its just part of their religion.

This country gives a lot to this world. Our graciousness can be seen in every enormous natural disaster you can mention. Hauling supplies to Indonesia post-Tsunami? Been there. Major quake in Pakistan? Yep, got that T-Shirt. Famine relief in Africa? Uh-huh. Haul stuff supporting international science teams on the icepacks? Got the pics.

Then the disconnected whack jobs in Hollywood scream about Darfur. Uh, we're a little busy taking care of everyone else. Can someone else take that call?

Sometimes I just wonder if the US should just sit a couple out. Why not just cut off some enormous grants we give to 3rd world countries and put that toward our deficit? After all, what are they doing to show their appreciation? What about not being the first responders to the next famine or world crisis? If Russia wants to reassert itself as a national player, maybe it should take the lead on the next one.

But in the end, I don't think that's the way the Big Guy would want it. And I've seen the appreciation on the faces of those when my big tail with the flag on it just dumped 80K lbs of food on the ramp. Or the tales my guys deployed on ground duty give about delivering the school supplies or candy or jackets the squadron collected. Maybe we don't see the appreciation at the governmental level, but I've seen it/heard it at the individual level.

If only the rest of the world saw the same. Oh yeah, that's the media, and another story indeed...
Sorry, but... Wait a minute... I'm not sorry at all. :mad:

Any thread that starts out with "rag-heads" in the first post is doomed. I don't care if you're kidding or not. That falls clearly under Rule #2: "Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here."
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