Why does a similarly equipped Bm cost $200 more than an Armalite?


New member
Hi all

I'm in my local shop today. And they have a whole slew of new arrivals, (Colts, Bushmasters, & Armalites.
I'm not interested in Colt's. Overrated oddballs. IMO
I'm comparing two 20" 'A2 types.
The differances?
The B/M was standard black gun with no flash supressor. Nice gun. Nothing fancy.
The Armalite had green furniture and a muzzle break. Generally better overall finish.
So why is the BM priced $200.00 higher?

Regards, Sharps.
Well... maybe this question will answer yours...

Why does a similarly equiped Shiloh or C. Sharps cost so much more then a Davide Pedersoli?

Well, that is really not a good example is it? We both know why on Sharps Pattern Rifle. But you get my drift. Same reason Titanium S&Ws cost more then Taurus'... because they (the manufacture) does ask for more and are getting enough takers to keep it up would be my guess.
GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited March 25, 2000).]
I'm thinking the same thing, Gunny.
Maybe I'll see if the owner will allow me to do a detailed strip of the 2 side by side. Maybe there are some internal differances, that would matter.

BTW, I have a Pedersoli Sharps and it shoots circles around my friends C Sharps Arms. His does have MUCH prettier wood though. ;)

Regards, Sharps.

Where is "here", for you?
Maybe it's regional. :confused:

Regards, Sharps.

[This message has been edited by sharpsrifle (edited March 25, 2000).]
I'm with orsogato on this. The prices are about the opposite of what your dealer is asking, with the Armalites being higher around here. Maybe it is because BM's have a good rep, and have had very high demand for the last year or two, so he thinks he can get it on the name recognition.

here for me is northeast Nebraska, but I've been in darn near every gunshop from Omaha to Grand Island to Sioux City, pretty much the eastern 1/2 of the state. Very few Armalites to be seen, and all priced well over a standard post-ban 20" A2 style Bushmaster.

[This message has been edited by bergie (edited March 25, 2000).]
I am also surprised. Here in California, back when you could still buy them, Armalites tended to cost a little more. I have Bushmasters and am very happy with them.

Are you sure the Bushmaster wasn't one of the V-match(?) models with a free-floated barrel? They use regular looking handguards, but these are attached to a small free-float tube that doesn't actually contact the barrel. They look almost identical to the standard A2, but cost more (and are probably worth it).


Not a V match. Standard A2 configuration.


What are you talking about?
Complete rifles?
Last I heard, Colt got the contract again. After FN couldn't meet quality/production requirements.

Regards, Sharps.
Here in Florida, I find the Armalites to be $50 or so more on average than a BM. You really need to shop around though because some of the dealers around here will still try to gouge you. Quality is comparable depending on when the BMs came out of the chute.
the cheaper Armalite is prolly an
"eagle arms by Armalite"

one year warranty
no chrome lining

the BM should be $750-790

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sharpsrifle:
BTW, I have a Pedersoli Sharps and it shoots circles around my friends C Sharps Arms. His does have MUCH prettier wood though. ;)[/quote]

Alot can be said for the controller behind the rifle also. I'm guessing that his fit & finish is a Tad nicer also, no? ;)

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
I didn't say BM currently has the contract, I said they recently had it. Like, within the last decade. The company currently known as "Armalite" has never had a government contract (afaik).

I'm certainly not knocking Armalite. I have an Eagle Arms CAR that was made just prior to them using the Armalite name (came with Armalite documentation). I love it, it has absolutely no slop between the upper and lower receivers like you see in almost every Colt.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited March 25, 2000).]
Easy there Destructo6.
Just trying to clarify what you were saying.

I've learned to take ANY claims of being a military supplier, with a grain of salt.

BM may very well have had a contract to supply parts or even weapons.
But, often times a single unit purchase becomes a, "supplier for the U.S. military", claim in advertising copy.

It works like this:
Some troops find a particular piece of equipment that they really like. Say a flashlight, or holster, a mop bucket, or, especially, knives. I've seen firearms purchased this way as well.
They approach their Commander and ask to procure them. He says, "Go for it."

That commander, then tells me or someone else authorized to make these purchases to get the item(s). One of my duties is to make these kinds of purchases fairly regularly.

I make a couple of phone calls and purchase the item via a Government credit card.
Now, we're not talking "U.S. Govt. Contract" here. Just a one time purchase of a small amount of equipment.

Note: This does not replace the normal supply system. Large, "standard issue," purchases are still done that way. What it does do, is cut away layers of bureaucratic crap and allow me to get equipment to the troops in the field before they are old enough to retire. And, avoid buying $700.00 claw hammers and step ladders with 400 page specification packages. :)

That is how the ACME Toilet Deodorant Company becomes a, "supplier to the U.S. Seals, Rangers, Badgers, Gophers," ... well, you get the idea. ;)

BTW I don't hold any particualr affinity for Armalite. I just wondered why the disparity in price between the two guns.

The good Gunny pointed it out very well. A few differences like chrome lined bores, etc, could easily make up the price difference.

Regards, Sharps.

[This message has been edited by sharpsrifle (edited March 26, 2000).]
Bushmaster has crome lined barrels and Armalite dose not. The BM might also have a DMC legal A2 type hand guard or NM sights. Ask the guys over AR15.com they will give you a better answer. 22sniper
The BM was cheaper here in San Jose, CA, but now they are not quite legal to purchase, trade, sell, loan, sleep with, think about, or want.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I also found the opposite to be true in my area. Armalites were approxiamtely $100 higher than comparable Bushmasters. I suspect it's a case of charging "what the market will bear". Bushmaster is the more recognizable name.

For what it's worth I understand that the current Armalites do indeed have chrome-lined barrels and chambers. (No offense meant to 223sniper.)
According to the last catalog I looked at, Armalites barrels were chrome lined.

FWIW, one of the dealers here in San Diego who used to sell a lot of Armalite told me that BM didn't give dealer discounts until you got into the $10K+ range. So what you see in the BM catalog is actually dealer price.

He said he got better incentives from Armalite and better mark-ups.
Same here - Armalite seems to draw a higher price than the BM, but only by about $50 tops. Of course that was prior to the first of the year when they passed these stupid new laws.

As for the BM contract, it was several years ago (early 90's if I remember right), and they won the contract over Colt. The contract itself was for the m-16A2-M4 and was for complete weapons, not just parts. Also, if I'm not mistaken, this contract has been passed around a few times since then.