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why do my replies keep timing out


New member
It happens all the time. I click reply on a thread, I log in, I type my reply and click submit and POOF! I get the log in window again and my reply is gone?

I'm not saying anything inflamatory in my post...usually. What's the deal man? this is getting frustrating. The window say's it could just be a moderator jerking my chain and the only moderator that I know to do that Mal H. (the infinite center of all political correctness in the known universe).

What gives?

I have no idea what you or your system is doing wrong. And I also have no idea what the heck you're talking about with your snide remark about me. I do know that no moderator would be or even could be "jerking your chain".

I also know this has nothing to do with semiauto handguns, so I'll move it out of here to the Suggestions, Questions and Tech support forum.
Dear Burning Simian,

Please follow these instructions:

Delete all your TFL cookies. (See the FAQ for more on this.)
Close your browser.
Return to TFL and login again.

Try to reply to this thread with the following information.

Your platform (Mac/PC).
Your browser (Internet Explorer/Netscape)
Your browser's version number (5.0/6.0/4.7)

I suspect that it is a problem with your browser, not with TFL and certainly not with a moderator pulling your chain.

HTH! :)

Feel that gentle breeze just now? It's not fall come-callin'. It's your body parts hanging out in public. ;)

Fact is, the stress level around here (mine) is quite high just now. So please don't get ugly with my partners. 'Cause then I'm gonna get ugly too. And I can pretty much Guaran-God-Durn-Tee ya that I can be a sight uglier than you. Mal and I have sworn oaths of civility under fire....he didn't know that I had my fingers crossed at the time. :D

Check the top of every page for the link that says:
"Login/Posting Problems?"

Check the Announcements.

Check your end.

Or just follow Blues' instructs.

If that doesn't work, email me. House calls are five bucks.

Just don't be takin' off after Staff in ignorance. It's...well, it's "ignorant".

Thank you.
I've known Mal for a long time on this board. I've heard him called a few things over the years, but I think that Politically Correct has got to be a new one. :rolleyes:

I love how polite and intelligent discussion equals PC in the minds of some people.
zone alarm?

Have you installed or updated to the latest version of the free Zone Alarm firewall software? After I installed it on my Windows PC, I couldn't reply to or post any new messages here on TFL or a few other boards. The browser (both IE and Opera) would time out while sending the reply or blank out the reply window and I'd get logged out just as you're describing. After I switched to Tiny Personal Firewall (also free), everything is fine again.

That's my $0.02.

I know Mal personally. Polite, educated, fabulously wealthy beyond anyone's imagination (OK, that's not true, I just josh him about it), helpful, and an all around fun guy, yes.

Politically correct? By whose definition.

You may be referring to his closing the "Why is a handgun better than a woman?" thread.

Actually, I'm the one who complained about that thread, which gave Mal the final impetus to close it.

Why would I complain about a seemingly innocent thread?

Because gunowners aren't exclusively men. I've referred several women to this site, and unfortunatly, most have been either mildly or thorougly pissed off by the (as my one friend put it) "Chest thumping men's club locker room attitude of a number of posters." She also made some comments about it being the cyber equivilent of strutting around, trying to perch a beer on an enormous (but totally imaginary) erection.

Here's a hint for everyone.

Yeah, stuff like that is funny. It gives us a laugh.

But the last thing we, as gun owners, need to do is alienate people who are interested in joining the firearms community. That includes women, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, etc.

Would anyone scream political correctness if a thread entitled "Why are handguns better than Jews?" were locked?

I don't know why it is, but gunowners as a group seem to have a certain felecity for alienating those interested in joining the group.

I've seen this at ranges (Q: Hi, how do I go about becoming a member? A: You're not a member? GET OFF THE RANGE, YOU'RE TRESPASSING! [Yes, I actually witnessed that. Anyone think that guy joined? And then the members wonder why the club is dying?]), I've see it in spades in gunshops, and I see hints of it here occasionally.

Something needs to be understood.

Political correctness, and COMMON DECENCY and COURTESY are NOT the same thing, but neither are they mutually exclusive.
I run ZoneAlarm...
No problems here.

Web security...

Unlike the locker room
What is said here, goes everywhere.
