Why do I NEED a snubby?


New member
The smallest revolver I have in my collection is a 3" 686 Plus. I think I have enough handguns to qualify my as either a gun nut or a firearms entheusiast depending on your POV. Am I being remiss in not having a J-frame in my safe? I have plenty of "carry" guns. What other reasons are there for having a snubby?

"If you can shoot well with a snubby you can shoot well with anything."

"Good to have for newbies to try when you take them to the range."

When did "need" ever come into a decision to purchase another firearm?:)
I prefer to carry a snubby, Colt Cobra, because it is light, reliable, and easy to conceal. They are a lot of fun to shoot and with .38 Special loads recoil is very managable. Learning to shoot the snubby well took a lot of practice so I had to spend more time at the range.

If the previos paragraph didn't work tell yourself no collection is complete without one of the classic snubbies such as the Chief's Special or Detective Special. Look around and you may stumble across a Colt Agent or Magnum Carry both collectible and sure to appreciate.
Hope these suggestions help to "justify the need".
Take Care.
I have to agree. J-frames have been around for a long time serving people of all walks of life. When I got to gunshows/gunstores it is the J-Frames I always check out first. There is just something really cool about them. Maybe it is seeing so many of them on the Police/Detective shows? I don't know.
Currently I have two Taurus Model 85 38 snubbies which have performed perfectly. One is Total Titanium, and the other is Stainless Steel.

Because when you start to get old and decrepit and your back can't handle you carrying the big 'un all day, you'll still have something you can carry.
There is another use for a snubby. I normally carry a Kimber Ultra Carry, but last week I broke my left hand (I'm right handed). Since I can't easily rack the slide on my Kimber my carry gun will be a Charter Arms 38 snub. Hopefully in the event of any more bad luck five rounds of 110 grain hydra shoks will be enough since there will be no quick reloads.
Because you can carry 2 J-frames with better concealment in summer clothing than 1 full size pistol. "10 shots for sure!"
Snubs round out a collection

No gun collection is complete without at least one snubnose revolver. I have several, but my favorite is a Colt detective Special with a bobbed hammer and a pair of rosewood Eagle Secret Service grips. The gun is very small and slips into my front pocket easily..........Mike
A good article in Handguns magazine this month tells of the advantages of snubbies/small revolvers for home protection:
Cheap - With trade ins of servicer revolvers very plentiful you can get one for every room in the house.
Training - Easy to teach others in your family how to use.
No levers or safetys. Snubbies usually have a shorter trigger reach.
Take away - A snubby is the hardest handgun to take away.
Not much purchase on a short barell and if the bad guy does have the barell not much leverage.

I still sleep with a Glock 20 10mm close by.
Snubbies are cute! ;)Besides, many are very accurate and a pleasure to shoot such as my Ruger SP 101 2.25" barrel. I can hit to 25 yards now with it very easily. It absorbs .38 spl +P recoil very well. I honestly prefer the SP 101 over any other snubby out there including Colt, S&W, and taurus.
Cause I've never found anything lighter and/or with as much power as a titanium J-frame... Try a titanium--they kick like a mule with the high powered rounds, but they sure are light.
Everyone needs a snubbie. Cause after you've fired five shots and missed the BG, it is much easier to throw a snubbie at the threat source than it is to loft a full size 1911.

I love my snubbie. It is my warm weather carry gun. I just wish I could shoot it better.

Because when it's all said and done, even Glocks will jam. The chances of my Ruger SP101 jamming is near none. Acts of God would be what it takes for it to jam. I pull the trigger, if it's a bad round, and all I hear is a "click" instead of a boom, then I pull the trigger again!!

And I have to agree, if you ain't getting it done with 5-6 .357Mag Hollowpoints, you should have reached for the semi-auto rifle because if 5 shots of .357 didn't get you out of the jam, you are in way too deep...

A snubbie is the gun that you never mind carrying, especially the airweights. My 642 or 640 is easy to slip five rounds into the cyl. and another in a loader and go. It sometimes takes too much time and trouble to get the 1911 or Glock and load a magazine and then another. The snubbie is the "always have" gun. Can't get by without one. Jerry