Why cant every state be the same with laws?


Why cant every state have the same gun laws nationwide?
All states allow high capacity magazines and "scary rifles" of all kinds to be bought and sold
All states allow pistols of all kinds and lower age of ownership to 18
All states allow shotguns and rifles in any caliber and make
All states have no waiting period
All states have no registration of any kind
All states allow open carry without a permit and ccw without a permit
All states allow car carry like florida loaded and in a holster or not
All states have no safety course requirement or one gun a month law
All states allow class 3,AOW's,and destructive devices of all kinds with little restriction
All states repeal Lautenburg 86 ban
All states repeal Brady bill
All states repeal GCA 68
All states repeal NFA 34
All states repeal Patriot act
All states allow citizens to buy guns online and have it shipped directly to them without a FFL.
All states will hold criminals who are committing violent crimes to be accountable and be sent to prison
All states will no longer bar felons from guns and voting if they served their time and payed off all their debts prior to being released if they are safe to be back in public.
All states will no longer bar mentally handicapped people from owning guns or voting if they are deemed safe and competent to take care of themselves.
All states will no longer bar people under 18 from owning guns but need parent permission like a slip or have them come with them to buy guns themselves.
All states will no longer require any permits or licenses to own or buy a gun
All states will no longer be allowed to make ordinances or laws that restrict the 2nd amendment any further especially ammo sales.
All states need to follow constitution and no longer invade privacy or violate any amendment.
All states ban confiscation of firearms of any kind during a national or state emergency or any event.

What do you think would that make this a better country or what?
No longer worrying or reading all the confusing and numerous state laws and contradictions.And being able to move to any state with all your guns and self defense/carry rights too.And being able to buy guns of any kind there too without bogus waiting periods and paying for a permit to own it.
Because We Do Not Live In A Dictatorship, Yet !!!!

Ye gads........
Thanks for your response Wil. There wouldn't be any point to having individual states if all the laws were the same throughout the country.
The Constitution is a beautiful thing.
There wouldn't be any point to having individual states if all the laws were the same throughout the country.

Good point! Imagine if all states were the same, and California was the model!

The best of reasons, is that States MUST be allowed to do their own thing...without Federal interference.

Conservatives call it Sate's Rights.

Besides, competition is healthy and it promotes improvement.

The States will fall inline (with each other) as they have with Right to Carry laws... :)

They don't need a government mandate to... conform? :D
sorry discussion just reminded me of this.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

one mans utopia is another mans totalitarian hell.
be nice to have liberty but people dont want that apparently.
I think the question is bigger than gun laws, and that the idea is that we should have common law throughout the US. Jefferson said that if we had common law that it would result in the most despotic government ever. I think this is why the South seceded, because once the Northern region had enough immigrants to achieve numerical superiority, they seemed to want to turn the US into one big State with common law, which yankees would define, and thus expand yankeedom, because yankees are imperialists. Here is how Jefferson said it:

"should the whole body of New England continue in opposition to these principles of government, either knowingly or through delusion, our government will be a very uneasy one. It can never be harmonious & solid, while so respectable a portion of it's citizens support principles which go directly to a change of the federal constitution, to sink the state governments, consolidate them into one, and to monarchize that. Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government ... I do verily believe, that if the principle were to prevail, of a common law being in force in the U S, (which principle possesses the general government at once of all the powers of the state governments, and reduces us to a single consolidated government,) it would become the most corrupt government on the earth." -Thomas Jefferson, 1800)

Think of it this way ... if Virginia is a free State, then we have the gun laws that WE want, not the gun laws that YOU want us to have.
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All interesting responses. However, the tenth amendment is at odds with the second amendment in this situation, no?

For all things not covered by the constitution, the States can do as they please, though.
A state legislature repealing a law passed by Congress-interesting concept.
I think South Carolina tried that in 1832. Didn't work then.
Why cant every state be the same with laws?

The US Constitution.

10th Amendment - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Thus, the 50 states each have the ability to write their own restrictions on gun law... which some think is not-constitutional at all.
All interesting responses. However, the tenth amendment is at odds with the second amendment in this situation, no?

I don't know if it is at odds with the 2nd amendment exactly, however, I do see your point that the 2nd amendment is clear in its meaning and the states somehow try to impose their own 2nd amendment restrictions which is against the spirit of the 2nd amendment.
I would like more uniformity in gun laws across the states as long as californicate isn't the example but no federal interference. With that we run the danger of Maryland being the example so better not push too hard. But it is confusing while traveling.
I don't know if it is at odds with the 2nd amendment exactly, however, I do see your point that the 2nd amendment is clear in its meaning and the states somehow try to impose their own 2nd amendment restrictions which is against the spirit of the 2nd amendment.

A state certainly can't enact legislation that violates the 13th (abolition of slavery) or 19th (women's suffrage) amendments, right?

Why can they enact laws that violate the 2nd?
exactly what I was thinking.

He's not saying that he WANTS all state gun laws to be the same, I think he's saying he wants all states to have the same ABSENCE of gun laws, aka, no more than what is said in the constitution...I feel the same way.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED isn't hard to understand...it's straightforward.

Where these people got that "sporting purposes" or "magazine capacity" or "machineguns" out of the 2nd amendment I will never know.
A state certainly can't enact legislation that violates the 13th (abolition of slavery) or 19th (women's suffrage) amendments, right? Why can they enact laws that violate the 2nd?
The 13th and 19th Amendments were intended to bind the States, the 2nd was not.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED isn't hard to understand...it's straightforward.
It means "shall not be infringed by CONGRESS".
I don't think so. Where the framers intended that to be so, they said so. As in "Congress shall make no law..."
I think it is a fundamental fact that the USBOR wasn't intended to bind the States. When the Framers intended to bind the States, they said so, as in "no State shall". Actually, the very idea of a USBOR which binds the States is antithetical to the Framers' Constitution.
that was exactly what I meant by the question
I want all the gun laws repealed nationwide and everything to be like Vermont or completely free of restrictions.
Imagine being turning 18 and being able to go to the gun shop and be able to buy a Sig 226 and walk out with it the same day.And the next day being able to open carry or ccw it without any permit or any type of fee.
And he is able to buy a full auto Mac 10 smg for $300 instead of $4,000 and all the restrictions and waiting gone.
No more having to be scared of going to prison for stupid crap like too short barrel or wrong compliance part which should not be considered a criminal offense at all in fact most people in prison for gun offenses should be released today and have their rights restored if they did nothing to hurt other people or cause mayhem.