Why BATF didn't arrest David Koresh off of church property!

You know, I think a lot of people have forgotten what the Feds did to instigate the whole incident at Waco. An investigative reporter, Jerry Seper, writes in this morning's edition of the Times that the House Government Reform Committee also wants to know why BATF didn't arrest David Koresh
off the church property.

Well, the answer is simple. clinton wanted to make a statement about guns. The Branch Davidians were suspected of having automatic weapons (none were later proven to have existed). What better way to enrage the public and demonstrate his need for more gun control than to stage a big raid for the TV cameras?

So you get BATF to go on the raid with a television news crew in tow (which is exactly what BATF did) so that you can capture the whole thing for the American people and make a big news issue out of it against guns. Of course you also have to invent some charges like child molestation to make it look good.......just to show everybody that they were a bunch of kooks, right?

They could have taken Koresh during his regular visits to the guitar shop in town but then how would that look if you wanted a big gun bust for public consumption? It wouldn't have been a big gun bust to take him in town. The timing was just right for the latest round of gun control bills/proposals..........just like many of clinton's military actions have had great timing. clinton is a real scum bucket just like the democrats who stabbed the American people in the back by not voting to get rid of the bastard.

BATF really screwed up here. Instead of getting Koresh while he was in town they thought they would make a big show out of it. Agents got killed as a result of their own screw-ups and miscalculations. And for what? To demonstrate the need for more gun control by the clinton administration?

That, gentlemen, is the bottom line!!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited August 31, 1999).]
Bingo....correct ......yep........Clinton wanted a big show ....guess he got it huh ?....

I always cringe at the thought of WACO and RUBY RIDGE...

"We STOMPED some people... So what? What YOU going do about it? Your going to stop US? You and what Army?" - Justice Department

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
IIRC the sheriff of waco said that if he even knew they wanted Koresh, he could of arrested him anytime he road into town on his bicycle

but then the evil cultists would have eaten all the children, right?

A little something extra to cast some light on the Waco situation and the motivations behind it!!

"A BATF memo written two days before the February 28, 1993 raid explained "this operation will generate considerable media attention, both locally [Texas] and nationally." The BATF public relations director, Sharon Wheeler, called reporters to ask them for their weekend phone numbers. The reporters contend, and Wheeler denies, that she asked them if they would be interested in covering a weapons raid on a "cult." Wheeler, on the other hand, states that she merely told them, "We have something going down." After the raid, the BATF at first denied there had been any media contacts. Journalist Ronald Kessler reports that the BATF told eleven media outlets that the raid was coming. The Department of the Treasury has refused to release the pre-raid memos which deal with publicity, asserting that they are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. "


[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited August 31, 1999).]
I must admit to a BATF buddy. :). Yup.

Anyhow, I asked him not too long after the initial "Assault" by ATF if the rumor was true that it was set up as a media deal because budget hearings were coming up two weeks after the attempted raid.

Succinctly, "Yeah..."

As near as I can tell from following the deal fairly closely, I'm a bit dubious about any Clinton involvement...

One of the best series of articles has been written by James (?) Pate, of Soldier of Fortune magazine. He was the one who broke the info about special training of the ATF guys by the military, with involvement from Joint Task Force Six.

(JTF-6 is the bunch of incompetents who misused the USMC guys in Redford, Texas, resulting in the stupid killing of a local teenager.)

It wasn't Clinton. There is a Federal DA in Waco that would love to get an appointment as a Federal Judge before Clinton leaves office. He needed headlines. He is the one who put child abuse as one of the reasons for issueing a federal warrant to be executed by BATF. Figure THAT one out. He was throwing everything in there that he could. The judge that issued the warrant had second thoughts on it which is why the warrant was executed even though BATF new that the Davidians had been tipped off about the raid. This DA is the same one who led the prosecution of the survivors in the trial in San Antonio. Still trying to justify his actions and get that judgeship.
OPERATION SHOWTIME: The BATF (Boy, Another Terrorised Family) needed a splashy raid to show that they were doing their job and to keep up their funding or even increase it in the next FY.

They blew it, as we know, and the FBI (Families Being Incinterated) was brought in.

Some of the ATF boys in the area had gone shooting with Koresh not long before the botched raid. They did not want an easy arrest, they wanted an "incident."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Frank, the last 6 1/2 years has been a joke. And the joke is on us. The Klinktons and there cohorts just cannot tell the truth on any subject matter. They even have to bring there daughter into the "show" and use her in the photo ops. Most associates or friends of the Klinktons are six feet under or have the need for a lawyer.

My understanding (the Rangers and FBI ain't letting me see the evidence) is that full-auto weapons were in fact found at Waco, long after the confrontation was over, in a properly secured vault inaccessable to the people present since the resident who held a Class 3 FFL (guess who issues those and knows the addresses of each holder?) was absent the compound at a gun show. If true, any and all excuse for the raid just went out the window. And I'll tell you one thing, about a year before that I went to a gun show and talked for a while with a Class 3 dealer who lived with Koresh at the time. Unless he moved out between, the ATF already had to know that the presence of full-auto weapons in that compound was perfectly legal, they themselves had licensed it.