Why are there so few, if any, MG shoots in Texas?


New member
Ever since I got into NFA collecting, I've been looking for Subgun matches or MG shoots. I don't want to go out of state, except for maybe one day going to Knob Creek.

Texas is very NFA and MG friendly, so why do we not have more of such events in Texas, especially central Texas?
Needs a big parcel of rolling land, for safety, roaded access from a highway, and a decent town nearby, as well as a willing landowner and commercial permits. Might not be easy to find all of that in one place.
I understand the difficulty of the situation. I guess that's why Know Creek MG shoot doesn't happen every month. But if they can have a famous MG shoot in Kentucky, why can't we have one in Texas? We're a much bigger state, and I hear that we have a more NFA registrations than most states.
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1. Join a gun club.
2. Tell them you would like the club to host a silencer shoot.

A club I belong to did this from 2011-2014, great fun. This spring the county shut down the club over a use permit, so I'm hoping they re-open soon so we can have another silencer shoot.

Or you can find a remote place and invite NFA firearm owners to assemble for a few hours of fun. Clean the place up when you are done. :)
It's even worse in Arkansas. I rarely see another FA firearm and have yet to go to an organized shoot of any kind, besides idpa stuff..
Our range {AGC at Marriottsville} has a machinegun club {MDTCA- Maryland Thompson Collectors Association,} who's members campaigned successfully to have machinegun shoots opened up at our range a few years ago.

Go to the Maryland Shooters Forum, then scroll down to the Industry Partners section to the AGC forum, then to the MDTCA forum --- and ask IMBLITZVIT --- as to how he campaigned to have machinegun shoots at our range opened up.

If I had more time, I'd offer to help organize it, but... if you do move forward with this I will volunteer to help at the event in any way I can be of use.

Good luck.