Why are suppressors a class 3 device???


New member
Being from NY, i guess the answer wouldnt effect me because they arent allowed here anyway, but I am curious as to why suppressors are classified as a class 3 device? I can understand full auto weapons, but why suppressors??

When a sound suppressor is put on a car, it makes the car quieter and therefore safer. When one is put on a gun, it makes the gun quieter and therefore more dangerous.

Ok, just to fix your terminology here - there is no such thing as "Class 3". The term is an industry specific definition of taxpayer for those that are importers, manufacturers or dealers.

Anyways - since supressors are regulated as Title II or NFA - say Title II or NFA.

Since I wasn't around in 1934, I checked the wikipedia and apparently they wanted something to stop the gangland violence that was happening across the country and passed the law wanting the very expensive tax on SBR'SBS guns, on machineguns and anything to muffle the sound of a firearm.

I suspect it is because they percieved a silencer to be one of those things that fall in the "If you own one of these, you must be up to no good" category. Like fast cars, faster women, machineguns and a few cases of Jack Daniels.
Keep in mind in 1934 when NFA was first regulated there was a depression on and many homeless travelers were poaching game that the government thought belonged to them, so silencers were added so game off the king's property could not be taken.
Being from NY, i guess the answer wouldnt effect me because they arent allowed here anyway, but I am curious as to why suppressors are classified as a class 3 device? I can understand full auto weapons, but why suppressors??

Neither should be "class III weapons". Machineguns, suppressors, pen guns, cell-phone guns, etc. should be no different than any other firearm. Our Constitution guarantys us the right to own firearms, which implies accessories for firearms as well. The NFA and the GCA of 1968 are bad laws....just like the '96 AW ban was a bad law. If we the people let government get away with inflicting bad laws un us, then WE GET WHAT WE DESERVE!
GCA '68 was passed after the shootings of RFK and MLK Jr.

Some parts of GCA 68 are not unreasonable but lets face it - AWB '94 was just plain ridiculous.
Suppressors-Hearing Protection or Assassin's Tool?

No doubt, the tax men of the day ran short of funds after the prohibition of alcohol was lifted. As all good government folk will eventually do, they went looking for a new source of revenue and a justification for their further existence. Suppressors were lumped in with machine guns as evil and without a legitimate need by civilians.

Several places in Europe and New Zealand allow suppressors and actually require them for hunting. Strange, as the ridiculous gun bans there would make you think there wasn't a chance of getting one. The government's line of reasoning is they serve as a means of hearing protection, and in closer communities, it is more polite to "silence" the obnoxious noise from a rifle.

I am owner of only one suppressor so far, but I must admit, I love shooting my rifle with no ear muffs on and not having my tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) kick in. I plan to buy more!
because hollyweird tells the brain dead sheeple that pay $12 every week that see the latest flick of degeneracy portraying silencers as a tool of assassins. Of course the original intent was more towards preventing poaching as the gubbermint would rather have us be dependant on them/the system than to be self reliant in times of need despite a poor economy. Interestingly enough the beloved socialists of many European countries encourage silencer use out of respect for quiet.