Why are groups low and to the right?


I'm new to handgunning and I seem to consistently group my shots somewhat low and to the right of center (I'm left-handed). My father-in-law, a retired LEO and avid shooter, is extremely accurate with my gun. What aspect of my shooting technique would cause this?

Thanks in advance
Right handed shooters that use Weaver stance will often pull rounds down and the right, because they're "pulling" too hard with their left (supporting) hand. If you're using Weaver, switch to the "combat isosceles" stance, demonstrated below.

thats isosoclese. modified weaver is weak foot points to the target, or point of aim, and the strong foot points 90 degrees out from the weak foot. so your feet are perpendicular. regular weaver is weak foot forward, strong foot back.
thats isosoclese. modified weaver is weak foot points to the target, or point of aim, and the strong foot points 90 degrees out from the weak foot. so your feet are perpendicular. regular weaver is weak foot forward, strong foot back.

If it's hard to remember it ain't a Weaver. There is no particular foot positioning in a Weaver other than that the weak leg tends to lead some as in a boxing stance. But the feet, etc. point wherever they need to based on what a shooters doing and the terrain. Note Jim Wilson's weak arm is supporting the gun and is bent and the strong arm is a tad straighter, both legs bent a bit with the weak leg leading, balance is forward. Weaver.
