Why are even modern shotguns not drop-safe?

Oleg ...Please do not legislate....... I am sure I do not want a firing pin block on my shotguns !

Most sporting firearms "safeties" rely on sear or trigger "LOCKING", but pistols do have blocks and other fail-safe grip and lever arrangements so their quick and usually different function/purpose can be fulfilled.

When you see what most shotgun safeties consist of and the bare knife-edge of a margin they have to stop a accidental shot even when in good condition and not worn or out of adjustment and dirty, you would do as I do and use the pump or action as a REAL safety and keep the lock/bolt and ammo back out of engagement with the chamber until actually hunting/shooting.

OK...I do use the safety sometimes as quick extra insurance, but I never trust the horrid little things !

It matters little if you miss that hare or pheasant, but a little extra time to close the action makes sense to me to avoid an accident. I assure you that one accident is enough to put you off shooting for some time....if not before the court.

Perhaps you could research the market and design the first home defence "cocked and locked" shottie, who knows!

***Big Bunny***
I am not into legislating anything. However, I'd like to keep one in the chamber of my shotgun (with external safety off)...just not sure if hitting the barrel or the butt on something while manuevering it wouldn't result in an AD.
Oleg, I've wondered about the same thing. IMHO A firearm should NEVER fire unless the trigger is pulled! end of story! & A firearm should fire EVERY time the trigger is pulled. It's shameful that longarms haven't made the same advances as modern pistols.

"Know the stillness of freedom,
Where there is no more striving"
- The Dhamapadah
- Buddha 563-483 B.C.

When I took shotgun instruction many years ago, the instructor told us about how his brother died. Apparently he winged a duck, the duck fell, and he went to retrieve it. The duck was still alive, so he went to hit it in the head with the butt of the shotgun. 1 headless duck and 1 headless hunter. Don't know if it was true or a fear+education=saftey thing.
Oleg - An interesting question and one I don't have an answer for... only speculation.

It may not have occurred to the manufacturers (or they don't care) that the shotgun would be stored in this manner. I usually store mine "cruiser ready" and feel relative peace of mind knowing that I can rack the slide quickly.

Personally, I don't consider any firearm to be "drop-safe." Or a knife for that matter. :)

An on-topic digression - my son was in the USMC and served in Panama. He told me that while on patrol they would carry their M-16's with safety OFF and the bolt carrier locked BACK. The advantage of merely pressing the bolt release and having the rifle ready to fire is obvious.

However, a good rap on the buttstock is also sufficient to release the bolt carrier.

I'd prefer that the manufacturers keep their designs as simple as possible and trust in the purchaser to follow safe handling practice.

Strictly my $.02, IMHO, etc...

Back when i was a kid, i was out shooting clay birds with my Dad. I had an italian singleshot 20 gauge that had the unique quality of folding in half. I pulled the trigger with the action open and then snaped the action shut on a chambered shell. BOOM! Good thing the basic rules were well respected in my family.

look out mossberg is coming out with a retro fit kit for the 590 series and complete guns.they will be double action only triggers like in your s@w revolvers and beretta dbl action only semi autos.heaven save us from these anti gun lawyers.remember rule 1 all guns are always loaded.rule two should be refer to rule 1 .ed
A Australian design on the new inventions list here is the "safe firearm".

It will stop crime and massacres by itself.

Don't you owe it to the community to be a "safe" gun owner/operator ? Of course you do...

It will not fire a shot unless the owner inputs an electronic "key" before pulling the trigger, this being possible also to be permanently embedded in his person in the form of a micro-chip. This system also identifies the piece [and of course the owner] to the police..also it can be counter-manded(IE disarmed) from ranges under 300m by a transmitter from external sources(EG police)....neat eh?

I won't be in the market though....

***Big Bunny***