Why Aimpoint over Primary Arms?


New member
From my research, Primary Arms microdot scopes have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be rugged and reliable...as illustrated by various torture tests that can be found online. Now, even the battery run-time of Primary Arms optics are on par with Aimpoints.

However, one thing I have noticed is that very few who review them will go so far as to say that they would go into battle with a Primary Arms microdot mounted on their rifle. It seems that Primary Arms is "99% GTG"...while Aimpoints are 100% GTG.

What is it exactly that Aimpoint builds into their optics to make them battle-ready that Primary Arms doesn't? Could it be that it is simply because Primary Arms are Chinese-made, and thus, inherently sub-par? Or is it simply because they are just not documented battle-proven?
If I had to hazard a guess, it would be the country of origin. I don't know the Chinese have really gotten the message that quality better be there before price takes control. They must be getting better as some big name Japanese firms ( Nikon for example ) are turning out scopes that say "Made in China " on them.

Nikon has a lot to lose if they don't measure up.
So, Aimpoints are better because...they're manufactured in Sweden? That doesn't cut it for me.

If my understanding is correct, Primary Arms optics are cherry picked from among the best optics made in China, and the quality seems to be there.

So, again I ask...what features makes Aimpoint "SHTF ready" that Primary Arms does not?
is it simply because they are just not documented battle-proven?

Often times people buy a product simply because a lot of other folks have used it with good results. The Aimpoint may not be a better product, but as I said in the mind of a lot of folks it is “proven”.
I did not say Aimpoints are better. At this point they have a pretty good track record. You did ask for opinions and that is what I gave you. Try one of each and sell the one you don't like. Who knows. . .maybe they are better than Aimpoint.

My rifles are already fitted out. If I were to add another optic to another rifle and the lGS had one of these Chinese units in stock, I would sure look at it.

I do know that I stll have a first issue Aimpoint that I bought back in 1980 or so that still works. Just have to special order the batteries.
Surviving repeated torture testings isn't proof enough?
Aimpoint has demonstrated great performance for decades
My original Aimpoint 1000 from the 80's still works great

But you can choose whichever brand you think is better
30 years from now you'll know if it's as good