Why 9mm? 9 isnt 45 no matter what.

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New member
9 vs 45 yeah its been done. I know all the the opinions and data that isnt what Im about here.
I am confused on the conclusions people are coming too about the rounds and their ranking under certain usages.

some background. A friend has everything in 9mm. Thats fine, a perfectly serviceable round I agree. When I mentioned buying his new gun in 45 instead the question of why came up, apparently because 9mm is every bit as capable as .45.
here is my issue.
I understand if you want to stock one caliber. Not an issue here
I understand if you require higher capacity in a particular size platform. Also not an issue
I ...you get the idea. if you can't handle .45. No issue
He by the numbers has no reason to choose 9 over 45 aside from the belief 9 performs as good of better than 45. His own words.
the impression I got was he believed all other variables being equal 9mm performed the same as .45. My response was bullet technology what it is 9mm ammo performs well but no matter what a .45 of the same level is always making a larger hole. He made the point of penetration being more (18in) with 9mm. His entire thought process seems to center on 9mm is as good as .45 because it goes as deep and expands great with modern bullet technology.
My issues. So the heck what. No matter how well it expands a .45 with the same bullet ends up larger.
Yes you can get +p whatever 9 but you can get faster 45 too and the guns he has can fire even 45 super.
penetration to 18 inches is not to offend here but BS. Who are you shooting that is 18 inches thick! Im not exactly skinny and that would pass right through me. A bigger hole 10 inches deep is going to be more use on any normal "bad dude" than a smaller one at 18. Any normal human and you are hitting ribs and organs at 5 inches anyway.
So, dollars to doughnuts outside factors (capacity etc) aside how can 9 stack up to .45?
While modern JHP loads render the point less important, I do agree that full metal jacket (FMJ/ball) .45 ACP is superior to 9mm. It was well known that the M1911A1 service pistol had greater stopping power than the M9 Beretta that replaced it.

But, for LEOs and civies, there isn't much difference with modern high performance tactical bonded hollow point service loads.

Ok, this is embarrassing. I not much for social media and all so I dont really understand the troll thing. What does that mean?
It means one is just trying to start an argument.

This topic has been done to death. Why would anyone care what round someone likes in their pistol? They all suck.

Lol. This is true.

Im not grying to start an argument just a discussion. The only difference is I how someone words their opinion. I have a solution. Someone (not me) develop a round with the best diameter, greatest penetration, best energy, lowest recoil and greatest capacity. Should be easy!
The biggest thing, IMO, that 9mm haters (or call them .45 lovers if you choose) tend to ignore is how quickly and accurately you can lay down fire with a 9mm compared to a .45.

Fast, and in the same place, with less muzzle flip. Not talking about who has the strongest hands, wrists or arms, just speaking to simple physics.

You can take the world's fastest, finest, most skilled .45 shooter and -HE- also will place more 9mm rounds in to very nearly the same place FASTER with a 9mm. And in most all cases, his handgun has the ammo on board to do exactly that also.

The guy up above seriously has the best answer: THEY ALL SUCK, if the task requires putting down a threat, get a damn rifle. If you cannot or will not get a rifle, quit acting like a fool arguing your handgun caliber choice and use whatever wimpy handgun you brought. And when you do, lay down multiple COM hits.

You don't put one round in the threat like Doc Holliday and wait for him to fall in to your arms so you can suggest that "he was just too high strung."
.357 magnum and .44 magnum suck? I never realized the cartridges I'm very fond of and rely on for protection actually suck. :rolleyes:
"I am confused on the conclusions people are coming too about the rounds and their ranking under certain usages."


"I know all the the opinions and data that isnt what Im about here."

So, you know the opinions and data and you're still wondering about the conclusions people are coming to?

After they've used, you know, conclusions and data?

Well, there's always that endless sense of wonder. It remains fresh and new forever.

You're right, this has been done multiple times in just the last few months.

No need for it to be X+100.

If you're REALLY interested in how people are arriving at their choices, read back through the old threads.

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