Who's PC?


Staff Alumnus
For what it's worth, I was just asked by the top manager in the SE Customer Care Dept to take down a picture of me in action at the shooting range. She basically said that some people have unfounded phobias, as well as mentioning the Colorado shooting.

I managed to choke back my offense at pictures of cars since the "drive-in" attack via Cadillac at the Florida preschool two weeks ago.

I may give the picture to Rob to scan, so everyone can see how frightening (not!) it is.
Know the feeling. For me it happened at home in my garage! I'm in there working last weekend with the door open (SoCal weather). Next door neighbor looks in to see what I'm doing. Looks at my cabinet doors, makes an ugly face, and tells me "that's really poor taste". I haven't got a clue, so I follow his eyes. Then it dawns on me. He's looking at a couple of targets that I taped there awhile back, depicting a particularly good range session with my wife and son. I was proud of their shootng, so put the targets up. Anyway, once I realize what's bothering him, I try to talk to him about target shooting. No luck - he shouts guns are dangerous and should all be banned. Then I mention the Cadillac/nursery school incident that recently happened (in my town, to boot), and calmly suggest that perhaps we should ban all those "dangerous" cars out there. At that point he yells at me for being such a "misguided idiot" for saying that, when it's very clear to him and most folks, that cars are used for transportation, while guns are used solely to kill people. At this point, he storms off back to his own place. An attempt to talk to him later failed - he refused to talk to me. Guess we won't be swappin' war stories over a beer anytime soon! :(

Regards - AZFred
Good grief! PC never ceases to amaze me. I wonder how so many people in this country got to be so hypersensitive and so reactive, so anxious to make something out of nothing, so eager to play the victim, and so shameless about suppressing the freedom of others to be non-PC. There must be an explanation for this phenomenon.
I was picking my a new handgun I had purchased over the net and while i was at the gun store the as processing the transaction, some guy on a bike rides by and yells "merchants of death" we though it was funny cuz none of us were killers.
Fred: If he called you a "mis-guided idiot" why didn't you offer to punch his lights out, especially since he was on your property?!!?
Yeah, I know...you've go to continue living next to the wuss...the families and kids all have to get along, but...Is he otherwise a decent guy and all around good neighbor? Is it worth it to put up with crap like that?

We have GOT to stop taking crap from these geldings!

To tell you the truth, this is the first time I had any inkling he is so anti-gun. He seems okay enough, we say hello when we see each other outside, and until now, minded his own business. I don't know his background, so can't explain why he reacted the way he did. I just know that with luck, I will only be in that neighborhood for a few more years, so I can live with it as long as he doesn't escalate the issue. My guess is he won't. And hey, instead of sharing a beer, I get to drink both! :)

Regards - AZFred

By your profile you live in Kalifonia, but by your posting signature it seems that you may live in Arizona (AZ).

If you live in Arizona carry openly! It'll drive him nuts!


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Living in SoCal and going to a liberal university, I have become very politically IN correct. I am immersed in it and sick of it. My protest is to do the opposite every chance I get.

Ps- The Cadillac-preschool murderer was in my backyard in Costa Mesa CA. Funny, he hurt and killed a lot of people, but I never heard a word about it on any big news station.
I find it a bit amazing that s/he can trample on your right of expression like that. But, I guess it is their property. What if you had picks of yourself at a gay wedding and they asked you to remove them because they were offensive?

We know the challenge of having PC neighbors, and also the rewards of educating them.

While last living in surburbia, our nearest neighbor family consisted of a civil servant, his blind executive wife, and a pre-teenage son.

Our two households were also adjacent to an apartment complex which had been experiencing some disturbances, which were spilling over the fence.

One day the sighted male peeked over the fence (as neighbors often do!) and saw us practicing dry fire in our back yard. Which led to a perfectly decent discussion about crime in the neighborhood and how to prevent it.

The next time our blind neighbor was alone at home and heard someone attempting to break in through the back door - she called us first; then called 911. Our response time was 30 seconds. Cops showed up 30 minutes later. Perp fled.

She now owns a shotgun and her son knows how to use it, too.

I guess my point is that when PC neighbors object to the defensive skills and weapons which you have acquired, it's time to tell them that of course *they* will never have occasion to call on those skills and weapons. You wouldn't dare do anything so mean as to protect their lives with force of arms. After all, those PCers have the Government to protect them!

The rest of us are protected by Darwin, if we can only be patient enough....
Fred, being an Aussie I'm about as unPC as you can get !...grin ;)

Why not put forward this question to your neighbour -

If I see that someone has broken into your house & is in the process of raping/murdering your wife should I :

a- Call 911 & mind my business b- Grab my Licenced Handgun & Risk my LIFE in order to protect someone elses wife/children?

After he stammers : "Well of course B !"

You get to say :"Hmm...I'll hafta think about it, when THAT time ever happens - wont I"....

Ok, I was only jokin' about the "think about it" bit, but that's what you'd LIKE to say ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
The gunshop I frequent is next to a defensive driving school. Drivers with traffic tickets must attend this school if they want the tickets kept off their driving record. During breaks the ticketed drivers clump in the parking lot to smoke and talk.

So, I'd just left the gunshop with a boxed Ruger 10/22 under my arm and was walking to my car, past a group of these ticketed drivers, when out of the corner of my eye I see a woman looking at me with her arms raised high. I just keep walking, so she jumps in front of me and dances around like a monkey with her arms still raised. Her point, of course, was that as a person with a gun I was a criminal about to victimize somebody. I smiled and walked on--one big thing I learned in my concealed handgun course was not to escalate public encounters with jerks.

Later I described the incident to an LEO friend of mine. He chuckled because he caught the irony of the situation: the woman was attending the driving class because she had broken the law. I, of course, had not.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited May 19, 1999).]
I'm pretty lucky in regards to the whole PC-neighbor thing.

My landlord owns a shotgun and a rifle. My neighbors know about my gun collection (since they see me loading up the truck every weekend), and they've all said the same thing:

"We're calling you before we call the cops."

Fine with me. It's good to know that my neighbors don't consider me a criminal simply because I believe in self-defense.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
Thanks to all for your comments, ideas, etc. John/az2---yes, I do live in Kalifornia. The AZFred tagline is from a nickname I got awhile back while working in Arizona for a period of time. By the way, am seriously considering retiring there, in large part because of their CCW laws. In the meantime, I don't plan to confront my neighbor anymore, but if the opportunity arises, will try to make him realize the value of having me live next door to him! :)

Regards - AZFred
HS, that's an excellent retort to someone with that mindset. It just might get them thinking instead of giving the knee-jerk brainwashed reaction Fred got.

Like, Coinneach, I have good neighbors in this respect. My next door neighbor and I have been friends for over 23 years. About 2 years ago, we were chatting over the fence, literally, and I mentioned that I had some guns. He says, "Oh really?" And I immediately thought I had blown it when he says, "Me too." Soon after that we took a trip to the range to do some plinking. I invited him down to my shop to do some reloading, which he had never gotten into. I guess my point is that neither of us had ever advertised that we were in the "gun culture" because neither of us knew how the other would react. Go figure.
Years ago, I lived in the the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, San Francisco to be exact. When I was a young man, I would load some firearms into my car to go to the range, no big deal, no fuss.
Then I went into the military and did my 4 years. When I came home, looking foreward to going to the range, I loaded a few rifles and handguns into the trunk of my car. I got tied up with a 5 minute phone call. When I went back out to my car, there were 7 cop cars, cops with drawn guns, all pointed at me. It took two hours to get that straightened out because some nosy neighbor that had moved in while I was away, saw my guns and called the cops. Yes I was handcuffed the whole time they questioned me. Then, I got to the range, which no longer existed, because developers had built right up to it and the residents were disturbed by all that nasty gunfire. I found out you could use the city range (SF) on weekends. That didn't last long after Feinstein became mayor. She closed it to the public. A range our tax dollars pay for.
Well, I moved to Nevada, was there for about 12 years, moved (job transfer) to Arizona and retired here.
The last time I went to the Peoples Republik was for my fathers funeral. Now I have no reason to go there again.
Am I politically incorrect? Yes, to a fault.Will I change? Only when I'm dead.
Paul B.
Fellow TFLers,

Sometimes I feel abit bashed for being a California native and living here by my fellow brothers and sisters in arms at TFL. Please keep in mind that not everyone in California is an emotive, falacious, left winged, democratic socialist, media and clinton supporting arsehole. Not all of California is paved and urban either.

Frankly, I would love to live in a more politically "friendly" state (contradiction in terms). However, I live in a beautiful place, have great neighbors and love the physiograhy.

So I do what I can to change the politics of the place...you have to do something...as futile as it may be.

Okay, I've stopped ranting and stepped off the soap box.
Fred, I think the experience with your neighbor is an absolutely PERFECT example of real, live PC. Often we tend to confuse such with simple misinformation or lack of experience coupled with a deceptive media. But those can be addressed by simple, calm discussion, friendly explanations, and/or (my favorite) an invitation to come along next time you go to the range.

But what I consider REAL PC is as you describe, totally incapable of even understanding a word you say, any small sign that you're not going to immediately agree with the currently PC point of view and they begin to lash out, calling you names, tossing around meaningless one-liners ("You don't need an AK-47 to hunt DEER!") and totally refusing to discuss the matter further.

Where do they get that way? Excellent question, my own supposition is essentially brainwashing at an early age, by parents or schools, churches, etc. When you have not yet gained the power of reason, like the 4-6 year old area, susceptability to brainwashing is awful high. And I personally reject the concept that all these folks are actually mental midgets, having known some who could hold their own with anyone as far as intelligence went, but trespass into certain subjects like firearms, race relations, smoking, homosexuality, etc, and you can almost SEE their minds shut down.

I had two brothers who were both very, very, VERY anti-gun, one from each of the camps I describe. Both spent great deals of time explaining to me all about why all guns should be outlawed, etc. I submitted reasoned responses to both, often at the same time, but only one ever heard me, the other visibly shut down, called me names, tossed one-liners like how I was gonna feel different when my kids killed themselves, etc.

Upshot is I now take guns along whenever I visit the one, and although he doesn't much enjoy shooting it doesn't bother him at all to wander out in the front yard and blast away with my AR or a hi-cap pistol or two, he occasionally joins in with his own (!) shotgun (He has 70 acres of woods). He is also a very staunch defender of 2nd Amendment rights, possibly due to the fact that in the process of changing his mind about guns I also (very early on) pointed out that once he had listened to both sides of the story it would become painfully obvious that SOMEONE was flat-out lying to him, deliberately, knowingly lying. And that when he got to that point he would have to do his own further research before he could figure out whether it was me or his other (overwhelmingly anti-gun) sources. I've used that tactic before with people capable of listening at all, and it invariably works, as it did this time. When honest people discover they've been lied to repeatedly, about guns or any of several other subjects, their views tend to flip-flop VERY quickly.

The other brother now considers us BOTH looney, will absolutely not even listen to a thing on the subject or several others on which he is similarly dug in. An idiot? Stupid? Sorry, he's an M.D. He is carrying some kind of baggage picked up in his childhood which he is incapable of putting down, and on those entrenched subjects he has not changed since he was in junior high!

You can mention that no one should be judged by his skin color, religion, etc. and he is right there with you, yes, yes, absolutely. State that discrimination in all forms should be stamped out and oh! he gets all excited. Suggest that we should start in that direction by abolishing Affirmative Action SNAP!! You can literally watch his eyes glaze over and the steel trap mind which is so wonderfully trained and educated snap shut in a split-second, and you'll never even get to finish the sentence before he's calling you a racist and a bigot and on and on.

What would be nice would be to figure exactly where and how that happens. People (some of them) end up with what I'd best describe as a conditioned response to certain words or subjects, and ever after cannot get past that conditioned response. And while not one of the "black helicopter" bent, I'd also like to know whether that conditioning is accidental.

At any rate, that is what *I* consider real PC as opposed to simple cowardice (won't go against the crowd) or lack of information.