who's got a G18 regular motion video file?


New member
I have two slow motion Glock 18 vid files, but I'd like to see one without any enhancements...regular motion.

With sound would be a bonus!

Post a link or file for the rest of us, will ya?
If I can get onto my father's computer (a rare event) I may be able to find out where I got mine from. Sound, full motion, etc. It's relatively short, but it's rather entertaining. I'll see what I can do.

Nick R.

Here's where I down-loaded mine from. I tried to download both on the computer I'm using now, but I could only get the modified G17 file to work. My computer may be the problem, but I'm not sure. See if you can download it (the G18 video). If not, I'll see if I can get on my father's computer. Go about 2/3 the way down the screen, and look for a section titled in black type called "full auto fun." Let me know if the G18 video works. It's the better of the two.

Nick R.
Glock 18 file doesn't work

It's not your computer. I downloaded it twice and it didn't work either time. Thanks for the website though.

I'll see if I can get on my dad's comp. and attatch the file later on. Perhaps it's not there anymore? Oh well, I'll see what I can do.

Nick R.