Who's gonna cast on Saturday?


New member
I got the 358429 back, with nifty new pins! This oughta be fun. :D

I had Erik cut both penta and cup pins for it.

Is it daylight yet? I'm ready to cast!
Ya know, I'm startin to think somethin just ain't right with you.....:D

Here I am getting home from work last night at 11:30 after punchin in at 5:45, then back up there this morning at 5:30 till around 10, and here you are showing off again.

Ya know what though, I might go shoot my 45 Colt tomorrow with some MP 45-270 SAA's, so there how ya like that...:eek:

That is a good looking mold however, and I figure if I had just got it in I would be pouring somethin in it as well. I just hope the showers aren't around tomorrow like they were today. Come to think of it I DO need to get ready for a fishin trip next week.
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Ya know what though, I might go shoot my 45 Colt tomorrow with some MP 45-270 SAA's, so there how ya like that...

Hey, no fair!!!!!

I gotta dig around and find me an ol' beater .45 sixgun somewhere to learn the art of .45 loading and shooting! The MP mold by itself isn't quite as much fun as I thought. I need a gun in that caliber.
Who knew?
Well, I'm pretty happy with the results! :) I think these are pretty good.

Yep, I like the new pins.

And of course, I always like to cast a hundred or so of my faves..... :)
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Quick Sally the shotgun: They're multiplying.

Now that's funny right there......^^^

Hey, no fair!!!!!
I gotta dig around and find me an ol' beater .45 sixgun somewhere to learn the art of .45 loading and shooting! The MP mold by itself isn't quite as much fun as I thought. I need a gun in that caliber.
Who knew?

You need to find you a Redhawk so you can do those things justice. Just because you have it don't mean you HAVE to load it to the gills, but it's sure nice to run them right around 1000-1150fps and not have to worry about things. You think those "Turtle Busters" make an impression on the water, you ain't seen nothin yet...just think back to those old war reels where they were dropping depth charges off the side of the Destroyer, now your gettin the idea....:D:D

Well as luck would have it it the heavy showers were socked in down around the range and light showers up around the house. So I didn't get to head out to the range.:(

I managed to drag everything out of my tackle bag though and get ready for fishing on Friday though. Hopefully sometime Saturday evening, I'll be enjoying some fried fresh speckled trout and/or grilled redfish on the half shell. Either one would suit me, hard to turn a nose up at either.
Beagle, what are those last ones? They look like about 145-150 grain wadcutters with a HP. (I bet that'll leave a mark!)

I haven't cast any bullets or loaded any ammo in a while. Been casting a lot of ingots tho', about 20 pounds almost every evening and 50# or so on Saturdays. I cleaned out a bullet trap a few months ago and got 10 half-buckets of lead with a lot of rubber and paper bits and copper jackets mixed in (mostly rubber)

I'm using a worn-out electric hotplate that does real good for about a half an hour, then has trouble maintaining a good temperature. But If I run this stuff too hot, it stinks to high heaven and my wife yells at me -- and I know I deserve it for a change. So I'm just not getting in a hurry with it.

This lead is mostly from .22LR, with a little bit of all kinds of centerfire pistol ammo mixed in. There's not supposed to be any jacketed ammo (range rules) but the jackets I'm finding beg to differ. Whatever the alloy, it makes great bullets. It kind of looks like pure lead, but it's a little harder and it doesn't tarnish. If I water-drop them, they get quite hard but not like typemetal. Probably has a fair amount of antimony, traces of arsenic and copper, and just a little tin. And I got about 1000 pounds of it for just a couple of hours of hard work :D
Beagle, what are those last ones? They look like about 145-150 grain wadcutters with a HP. (I bet that'll leave a mark!)

That is the infamous Turtle Buster. Here is the thread where that one was born... :)
If you look back through my picture threads, you'll see lots of em. It's my "go-to" bullet and I cast a few of em nearly every time I fire up the pot. It's a single cav mold, so it's very slow going, but I can usually drop a hundred before getting tired of pulling the pin.:cool: