Who's Going Turkey Hunting This Spring?


New member
I'm heading to almost the Bristish Columbia, Wahsington/Idaho border to Stevens County WA to go turkey hunting this April 15th.

It's a 6-hour drive each way but I'll probably camp out there. yeah, it's a far drive but it's the best turkey hunting in the state.

I'm trying to find an experienced turkey hunter to lead me. Any tips?

But just wanted to know who else is going gobbler blastin.
I got a WI tag this week in the mail.

May 2-6

Heading for Eau Claire, WI area.

First Turkey hunt on my friends farm. He claims there are 2 flocks, one has about 20 birds and one has "at least 50".
Pete is known to understate the obvious.

I didn't see any turkeys last fall when deer hunting there, but the weather wasn't what I would call cooperative. (but I did see trespassers).

Don't think I can travel out of state to hunt them yet, maybe when I can take kids with...

The Mommy said I wasn't going to hunt this year like I did last year, I said great, two kids by fall means I'll have to hunt twice as much! (I don't think she meant I'll hunt less, nah she couldn't have!)

I've got to pattern my Mossberg still, but I have some 3" nickle plated #5's waiting in the bullpen for the first gobbler I see. I'll be hunting this spring, that's for sure.
JTDuncan, I'll be hunting Spring turkey, but in the s.w. part of Idaho, near Garden Valley. Can't help you on the area you listed. But, best of luck to you. Get a nice one!

Oh yeah...I'll be there. I prefer chasing gobblers to any other kind of hunting. I've got a good place here in Georgia with plenty of birds. While deer hunting this past fall I saw one bird that I would really like to meet again; he had at least a 10inch beard (maybe he has even put on a few inches since November).

One tip always comes to mind...be patient!!! Actually there are so many "tips" that I wouldn't know where to begin.

Just because you don't hear gobbling doesn't mean that they aren't there. If you have done a thorough job of scouting (I think that is the key to successful turkey hunting) and know that birds are there, don't start thinking that the turkeys have left the area just because you aren't getting responses to your calling. It might be a matter of sitting down and waiting for them to return to that area. The first bird I killed gobbled just once and that was mere seconds before I pulled the trigger. After hearing nothing all morning, I sat down at about 10:30 and started calling. About 40 minutes later I heard footsteps in the leaves to my right. He walked on into view right in front of me about 17 yards away and let out his last gobble. It seemed like a long time as it was happening but from the time I heard those first steps until the time I shot was really no more than 30 seconds. Things can turn around quickly when turkey hunting.

That is a technique I use frequently. During the day, if I can't locate a gobbling tom, I will sit down in a good area and start calling softly and sporadically. I will gradually build up the intensity and volume of the calling until I reach a peak about 30-40 minutes later in which I will be using every call I have as loud as I can and just making absolutely as much turkey noise (you name it: yelps, cutting, cackles, aggressive purring, and maybe a gobble if I think it is safe) as I can for just a few minutes and then tapering the calling off over the next 30 minutes or so. Then I sit and wait for as long as I can. I don't know how many birds I have called in like that. However, consider yourself warned -- they will probably come in quietly so be still.

If you do get on a gobbling tom, adjust your calling to meet his mood. Don't start off too aggressively, but if he seems to like that then let him hear it. I call quietly to a bird that doesn't sound very fired up, but I won't give a red-hot tom any slack either; if he keeps responding, I'll keep calling (usually).

I promise I'm not a salesman, but last spring I ordered a Summit Trophy Chair from Cabela's. Last season was the most comfortable I have ever been while hunting. I can't sit on the ground for very long (even with the various cushions I have tried over the years) without getting sore and squirmy after a very short while. I could literally sit in the Summit chair for hours without even shifting around at all; comfort goes a long way in making me more patient.

Okay I'll shut up now, but I could go on and on when it comes to turkey hunting. In fact, just typing this has me fired-up!!!! How quickly can March 24 get here?

Count me in too. I recently purchased a Super Full Choke for my Rem.870, it gives a real nice tight pattern. I will be hunting in E.TN.
Thanks for all of the great tips.

I was talking to one of WA state's best turkey hunters, Dan Blatt and you guys were saying the same things.

Patience gets the bird. Honker done and call them to you.

I just turned in my tax return cause I'm not letting unlce sam get in the way of my April 15th hunt.
I hunt deer in the general area where you are going. Curlew. Vulcan Mountain. Not quite as far East; same country, though.

I go to Klickitat County for turkeys. I would go where you go, but the guy I hunt with doesn't like the long drive. Haven't bagged a bird yet, but I've seen a few down there.

Let us know how you do.
Klickitat County on the Oregon border was my first pick too.

It's only a 4 hour drive but Blatt wants new turkey hunters to be successful so he's telling me what's the extra 2 hour drive worth? 6 hours more birds, 4 hours less birds.

I'll make the drive.
the late hunt in the Verdigre Unit in northeast NE. A couple of units here are split into early and late seasons to break up the pressure. I prefer the late hunt, for a couple of reasons, first the weather is a little more dependable, second more people are hunting the early season trying to be the first at the toms, and third and most important, the main part of the mating season is over. The toms will come to calls a lot easier when they are actively looking for the last few hens they haven't bred than when they are surrounded by them. The guys that rush out for the opening weekend are not only competing against all the other early hunters, but trying to convince a tom that a bird in the bush is worth two in the hand :) It just aint that easy.
I use a technique similar to Jack Straw, but I limit the variety of calling a little more, just trying to sound like a lonely hen or maybe a couple of hens rather than a whole flock. If and when you get an answer you do have to try and figure out what he will respond to to get him in and that is when the fun really starts.
I'm still waiting on the final say from the State DNR, but I requested the traditional opening day of Turkey season off. It seems I'll be upsetting one of my aunts by "shootin' her turkeys" again this year. She doesn't mind me killing deer from her doorstep, shootin' squirrels, crows, or even an occasional quail, but she gets a wee mite angered at the sight of me draggin' a big gobbler up from the bottoms.

I even put off getting my newest bird dog puppy until May just so I could have extra time to spend in the woods.

Wish you all a great season!