Who's been polled?


New member
I am curious how many people here have actually been polled by one of the liberal networks with regard to gun issues. I am referring to ones by CNN, AP, etc...you know, the ones that invariably show that public sediment is against us. I simply am having trouble believing that these polls were conducted in a random, strictly scientific matter, as they claim. Then again, the media has the sheeple so brainwashed that perhaps the results are valid.

I, for one, have never been contacted about one of these polls, with regard to Klinton, guns, or anything. Could it be that they somehow avoid contacting people like us? Or if they do, do they really employ our pro-gun/pro-freedom/anti-Klinton response into the poll all the time? I wonder.....
BAB. The difference between a "scientific" poll and an unscientific poll, is the "scientific" poll sez what the liberals want.
I have picked up several polls on line that strongly suggest that the American people DO NOT WANT more gun control. I sent copies to both my representatives. So far no answer. I guess they're still too busy screwing the American people.
You might be interested to know that the Senate chickened out due to a Washington Post poll. We all know how unbiased that paper is, don't we?
Paul B.
No, I've never been polled on that topic. But a local University has called me twice on nuclear waste questions, and some politicians have polled me about three times.

What goes against us is that the Internet polls are very self-selective: Those who WANT to speak out, do so.

And is clear from TFL posts, many of us tell each other about the polls and we flock to be heard. We do this, eager for a voice, BECAUSE NO ONE EVER HEARS OF A PERSONAL ACQUAINTANCE BEING "SAMPLED" INTO THESE BIG MEDIA POLLS!

But that makes the sample "unscientific." But unscientifically sampled polls seem to get wide press when the results are either PC or salacious...

What makes the "scientifically" sampled polls bogus to me (trained in statistics in college, ya know!) is their results-biased question sets. When the question is preceded by alarmist background, guess what? The fact-void question tilts the results! I've seen both sides do this, but the gunowners almost never use this dishonest technique. The gun-banners almost always DO.

What's almost laughable is the number of such polls which essentially ask if "gun control" laws WHICH ALREADY EXIST are a good idea. You know, should felons be prevented from buying guns, should minors not be allowed to buy, etc. The questions in such polls almost always make it sound as if there are NOT already federal and state laws prohibiting such purchases, whether from dealers or private parties! Of course, these are the "gun control" laws that gunowners favor. Perhaps the now infamous NICS background checks were truly favored by more than 50% of gun owners.

But here's the rub on polls:
Should Congress pass a law requiring all Jews to wear a yellow Star of David whenever outdoors if "70 percent of Americans favor it?" Should Congress pass such a law if 59 percent of the Jews favor it?

Some things just cannot be done RIGHTLY, regardless of popular opinion. Sure, the "power" of democracy may give it enough votes to pass. But it will remain wrong.

Scientific methods have been sacrificed for Political Correctness.

Most of the polls are biased, they only contact people who answer their phones and then poll only people who do not hang up.

I use an answering machine ( Actually my last generation of computer prior to this one). I am besieged by calls trying to sell me something all night and refuse to answer the phone anymore. I suspect many of us do the same thing, most of my shooting buddies do.

The Republicans have become cowards, listening to biased polls and worrying how they appear to soccer moms. They have forgotten who their supporters have been over the years. Maybee if they loose everything in the next election they will get the message.
The other thing about polls is that they are tossed if they don't show the bias intended. Recall the ABC Internet poll of a few weeks ago that dealt with gun control and Columbine?

A bunch of us from TFL participated.....a few hours later the poll disappeared and final results were never shown, and there was no mention that the poll ever existed. Why?
Because parents and violent movies/vid games beat out guns as the cause.

Look guys, go back and read 1984 by Orwell.
Recall the technique of constantly barraging people with the current "good think". We experience that every day....no I'm not a Tri Lateral believer...this is plain old venal corruption and commerce. Hire an expert PR/Advert firm and present your agenda. These firms are not merely dweebs writing jingles and catchy phrases anymore...they hire expert PhDs in psychology and demographic analysis, field teams who gather data on current trends, fears, anxiety and feed it back to the PhDs, who use it to create and fuel urgency, fear and hysteria.

Brought to you by the DNC, HCI, the national media.....and we get to pay for it

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I have never been polled,neither has anyone I know. I live in Tulsa OK. Fron what I read the polsters like to poll liberal strongholds,big cities in the east and Left coasts

The only poll politicians should worry about is the "pole" many of us would like to use to beat some common sense back into them! :)