Who's a Member of the Arthritis Club

I've had it in the left wrist since my late teens. Fortunately, it's remained manageable, but extended sessions with hard-kicking handguns can set it off.

I don't notice it immediately, but I feel it the following day. Aleve, taken before I shoot, seems to help quite a bit.
I developed arthritis in both wrists this year, aleve arthritis has become my friend. I can still shoot my .40 & .45's without too much trouble but yesterday I shot rollover prone with my 1911, each shot was painful. Since the wrist was the only body part to flex, it took all the recoil.
Hands and knees and like Tom Servo, 2 Alieve before shooting and get some of my horse's liniment after shooting if my hands start to swell up
Ha! I am a member, but didn't really think about it unit l I started shooting long guns again. I had been away from it for a while. Long story...

I was going moving firearms from a locker to a real safe. I saw a shotgun I forget I still had. I checked for empty and instinctively threw it up to my shoulder and pointed...yikes! I had a shooting pain in my neck. I knew I had arthritis for a while, but I guess I hadn't moved my neck in that direction for a long time and it showed. Pain relievers and chiropractor keep it under control along with lots of stretching and range of motion exercizes. I's still pretty mild compared to some I know.
both hands, lower back, neck, right shoulder, knees... and all over degenerative joint disease.

i take a hand full of stuff for it, most notably Nepraxin - which is basically Alieve

im young (26) so for now i can ignore it as much as possible

why do you ask anyway?

g.willikers said:
A concoction of concentrated cherry juice , apple cider vinegar and honey seems to help.

sounds horrible, but i've heard that the apple cider is good to fight against kidney stones too...
In my knees since I was in my early teens. So far it hasn't limited me at all in terms of what I can do, it's just a matter of how badly I'm going to hurt when I do various things. I hate stairs.

My wife, on the other hand, has an arthritis-like condition which causes her problems with recoil tolerance and hand strength. We've done a lot of research trying to find handguns she can operate well and can shoot enough to get in a reasonable amount of practice with them.
Along with mild arthritis in my hands and wrists (I have Marfan Syndrome.), I also have it in my upper back & neck as the result of a bad wreck 20 years ago.

The real problem though, is the result of 3 torn rotator cuffs over the years that didn't heal right. They prevent me from assuming a proper high point/aim stance. NSAID's help some, but nothing helps with the torn rotators. Carrying a handgun at 4 o'clock or IWB is out of the question. I can't draw.

Recently, a master class long range (1000 yards) shooter was razzing me about my misses at 100 yds (Remy 700 in .270 Win.). It was intended to be good natured, but it still hurt, none the less.

I told him, "You have no idea; but you will in 20 or so years." :(
Both knees and back. Back is generally tolerable with once a day naproxen sodium. Knees can get bad at times and have had 5 direct injections between them. So far, no need for anything for shooting, even though my left wrist was shattered in 6 places 40 years ago. The doctor told me then I'd have severe arthritis problems in it when I was older. Guess he did a better job of setting it than even he thought. My wife is a 30 year RA patient and she has gone through 8 replacement surgeries. I need only think about her when I get to feeling bad about my aches and pains.
Oh Yeah!
Alopurinal - Twice a day. (Gout arthritus.) Got it in my ankle and had surgery to clean it out. Noticing it in my hands a little in the cold.
Aleve works pretty good.

Cherry and Apple Juices seem to work good too. - Cherry is an old remedy. Make a smoothy with Strawberries, Blueberrys, Cherries and Juice / or Milk can take care of the ice-cream fix.

I work out as much as possible and try to keep the weight off a little too.
"My wife is a 30 year RA patient and she has gone through 8 replacement surgeries."

Sorry about your wife, RA is a B*tch, my mom has it.

I hunt mostly on horseback, and having arthritis its a bitch at time's

But it's fun teaching others to hunt on horse's
spinal stenois

believe it or not .. VITAMIN D .. 50k units a week and i can do most everything in moderation .. shooting past and hour bothers me .. walking on uneven ground sucks .. move the wrong way and feels like someone hit me with a baseball bat .. weather changes play hell too .. but if i don't stand, sit or lay down too long its tolerable .. :D
gout, osteoarthritis, L5-S1 Fusion. Two cervical laminectomies, S1 nerve root decompression, 4 knee surgeries, torn rotator cuff, heel spurs, Schnorl's Nodes on the spine, total of 5 fractured discs, both shoulders have been dislocated, broken collar bone, 8 broken fingers (all at once).

Yeah, I got me some arthritis. Indocin works best for me for inflammation, but I fancy a Tramadol an hour before cocktails to take the edge off as I slide into the hot tube. Gave up golf, basketball and bowling