Whole Hog or More Rounded Shooter?

Ned Roundtree

New member
What I mean by "more rounded" is that I try to keep up on all the shooting sports I enjoy. I shoot on average three cowboy shoots a month, one IDPA shoot a month, a little sporting clays from time to time and stay in practice on my Glock for GSSF. But as of late that has been hard to do. When I started cowboy ,eighteen months ago, there were only three places in all of Kentucky to shoot cowboy. Now, there are seven places in the state. I thus far have resisted dumping IDPA, sporting clays and GSSF for cowboy. They are great. My cowboy friends say "How can you go and shoot anything but cowboy?" I say because " I love my Colt 1911, Glock 34 and Beretta AL390 also." And so it goes, the IPSC guys keep asking why I haven't joined them (because one more shooting sport and the wife kills me);cowboys can't believe the great matches I miss;the sporting clays guys can't believe a normal person would pick up a handgun. Do you go whole hog or stay a more rounded overall shooter?
Howdy Ned,

I shoot three cowboy matches a month,a BPCR long range match,and just started shooting some sporting clays and skeet. That keeps me busy most every weekend,and I go to the range a practice CAS when I have an off weekend.

Bellicose Bill
I hear ya Bill. The wife says if I take up one more shooting sport I'm in big trouble. The IPSC attendance has been on the way down. The guys are switching more to a USPSA format and shooting three guns. Last weekend, the new format-three gun shoot, it doubled their current attendance. Tactical shotgun, tactical carbine and pistol. Time to dust off the Remington 870 and CAR 15. Problem is I'll have to give up a Cowboy Sunday to do it. But really, Colt 1911 in 45acp, 12 gauge shotgun and 9MM Carbine, isn't this a cowboy match? So I'm just changing to more modern guns. Yeee-Haaw!
I understand your problem. I don't know what to tell you except that put your effort and $ into what gives you the most satisfaction.
I never thought that I would say 'lucky to be living in SoCa', but it does give me a SASS shoot within 50 miles almost every Saturday as well as Sundays. We also have an IDPA club that shoots indoors every Thursday night and the last Sunday of the month (7:00 am so we don't spend all day). This means that I have time for my normal trap club activities on usually Sunday shoots. The only reason that I do all of them is because they are all FUN. Besides IDPA gives me some practice with my carry gun. The reason why I do these and 'did' IPSC and a few others is because I haven't found one that I dislike or that I am really good at. What's that 'specialize'? Maybe when I find one that will get me to give up the others. BullMoose