Whodathunkit ?


New member
The British Army peacekeepers are finding evidence of mass graves & toture chambers in Kosovo !

Whilst the refugees were all giving accounts of the above, none of them could substanciate the claims until now....

So leading up to the year 2000, whodathunkit that human beings could still be that low ? Talk about being the Superior animals on this planet - sheesh !

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited June 18, 1999).]
All the more reason to never give up your guns. Can you now see why Americans fight so strongly to preserve the second amendment?
I heard that your government just increased your taxes by 22%. Is that true? What is your overall tax rate now? I hear its over 50% of your money that is going to the government. They are out to help you, right?
I guess Aussies aren't as smart as I thought.
Could any rational person believe that two generations is enough to separate humanity from the atrocities of Nazi Germany, Mao, and Stalin?
If the rational person does believe that two generations is enough they're not being very rational. How many times has history shown registration-confiscation-tyranny. As I have said before, the gun is not worth fighting for. The freedom that it represents is. Rational people need to start thinking about that.
And now NATO is disarming the KLA. Doing exactly what the Serbs couldn't do! I wonder how long till the Serbs return...
I have this little theory,

Since every human being must learn the same philosphical/moral lessons, the only way to avert the above tragedies is to increase lifespan. Science is different, it can be easily passed on from generation to generation.

The moral compass is not so easily inherited and must be cultivated in each individual by trial and error. It is formed by experience and gentle teaching(insert own philosophy/religion here). Every human must essentially reinvent the wheel.

So until we live to be 200 and the majority of humans have learned thier "lessons" I think we will continue to have these atrocities.

My inflated .02,

Atticus: KLA interviews indicate they are not going to turn in small arms. Apparently the only stuff they'll willingly turn in are those items to large to readily hide.

So far, KLA turn-ins have been at gunpoint, where a larger number of NATO troops confront a very few KLAs...

So? It is still not a justification for the illegal aggression against a sovereign country by NATO. An aggression that probably exacerbated violence on all sides. A violence started by the KLA.

Both sides are made up of violent killers. It is the Balkans after all. Some are more powerful sides, therefore they commit more acts of violence.

There are no Boy Scouts in this conflict. There are never Boy Scouts in war, especially civil war.

I would really like to hear about a civil war where folks are nice to each other.

In war you kill and break things. I see nothing done by either the KLA or Serbia or NATO in this conflict that deviated from that basic principal. Though the Serbs might have excelled at killing and NATO at breaking things.

There is a definite media bias against the Serbs. There has been one throughout these conflicts. I think that the accusations made by the media and Serbia's enemies are not out of this world. I also do not think that extreme exaggeration of Serbian acts and not reporting/downplaying or looking for 'atrocities' committed by KLA/Serbian ememies is out of this world either.
No our taxes haven't gone up by 22% they are introducing a 10% GST(goods and services tax) with the abolition of wholesale sales tax and reduction in income tax things will be roughly the same.
The greens senator wants is angry because it means guns and ammo will be cheaper because the wholesale sale tax is removed from them and a lower gst placed on them. They want guns and ammo to be taxed at a higher rate so those evil guns don't get cheaper.
As for the overall amount of tax yes we are higher than you but not as bad as a lot of other countries. Remember too we have universal health care so if you get sick you actually get to go to a decent hospital and pay nothing for it, although many still(not me at the moment) have private health insurance which makes things a bit better but only 30% have that but it's a hell of a lot better than what the US or the UK has.

"Can you now see why Americans fight so strongly to preserve the second amendment?"

Of course we do ? I'm getting sick and bloody tired of hearing that from Americans, it's just not true, believe your media if you like about what happened here but it's wrong.
I would say we have just as strong a tradition of gun ownership as America has, we have a gun culture, we aren't the UK the situation is totally different here.
Sorry If i've annoyed any Americans because a lot of you read and know we never gave up the fight.

intelligent survival discussion at http://www.gun-center.com/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?conf=survival
Rabbit Assassin;

I was there for two years, in Alice Springs, during the time that certain guns were banned in Australia. As I remember it, Aussie gun owners were railroaded into it by the priminister and didn't have a thing to say about it. Your system of government is different than ours and my perception at the time was that it was just signed into law by the priminister and it didn't matter to him what the people were saying. I remember $20,000 Browning, gold inlaid shotguns going under the hydraulic press.........made me sick to see it. Even autoloading .22 were banned. You no doubt are aware of all the hoops you have to jump through just to get a pistol let along keeping posesstion of it. When I said Aussies weren't too smart I was refering to those who supported banning guns and NOT the good gun owning Aussies who fought it. I know a few Aussies who buried their guns rather than turn them in. There are a few "good ol' boys" in Australia and that is what impressed me most when I was there. I even married an Aussie! Best damed woman I ever dated so I married her! I wouldn't mind going back there some day to retire but not with your present set of gun laws.

OH, is it true that if you are over 40 and need kidney dialisis the government run health care system can deny you treatment because the cost benefit ratio isn't good enough? If so, it illustrates one reason Americans are apposed to nationalized health care. It puts government in the position of playing God and that's never a good thing.
Nice group of fellas, huh:


1751 GMT, 990618 - According to one of the French soldiers that put the Serbian Orthodox Devic monastery in Srbica under guard, KLA forces that had occupied, vandalized, and robbed the monastery for four days also raped one of the nuns

2200 GMT, 990618 - NATO troops took 25 Kosovo Liberation Army rebels into custody after discovering mistreated prisoners at a police station. German KFOR troops found 15 gypsies and ethnic Albanians chained up and beaten when they took over the police station in Prizren from the KLA.

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited June 18, 1999).]
On the matter of human beings being low enough to kill and torture, try looking at us purely from a "naturalist" view point.
The human is a carniverous mammal. Highly teritorial and predatory by nature. Some are herd animals while others are soiltary. They are cunning and resourseful. They tend to attack any threat real or imagined. These attacks are often violent and occur without warning. The human is the most dangerous animal on this planet.
To deny what we are is to deny reality.

BTW: there are only two species on this planet that wage organized wars on their own kind. Humans and ants. I'm sure if the ants ever figured this out, they wouldn't like being associated with such vile creatures.
No its not true about kidney dialisis. If you are sick you get treated.
NT has always had pretty tough gun laws. It's more than a few who didn't turn their guns in go to www.ssaa.org.au the info on the buyback is there somewhere. Pistol ownership has always been tough here since the 1930's in fact. Not many people ever owned them before that either. Don't know why we just never did.
Our bushrangers make your outlaws of the wild west look like wimps if you compare the number of armed robberies they carried out. There were plenty of bushrangers around the place robbing the average person but people still preffered longarms here.

intelligent survival discussion at http://www.gun-center.com/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?conf=survival
Grayfox - I was under the impression that other primates such as chimpanzees and baboons also "waged war" against their own kind. Any body know?
Prichard. You are correct. There was a program on PBS a few year back that filmed a "war" between to rival groups of chimps. They fought to the death, using tree branches and rocks as weapons.
Rabbit Assassin. Have you seen the movie MAD DOG MORGAN? It was supposedly a true story about a bush ranger in 1860's Australia. The video I saw must have been a poor copy, the acting was not of the best, but they seem to have gotten the guns right.
Too bad the quality of the copy I saw was so bad, as I really liked the movie.
From what I gathered, this guy Morgan was the equvilent of say our Jesse James. Perhaps one of our Australian correspondants can enlighten me on this.
Paul B