Who will you vote for now?

Who will you vote for now?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 25 27.2%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 28 30.4%
  • Mike Huckabee

    Votes: 26 28.3%
  • Third Party

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
With Ron Paul SOOOOO far behind McCain I don't see another choice. The Lord knows JM would be my last choice, that is last after Hillery and Obama. I don't like his Liber antics, but I will vote for him before I will support the super Liberal as in Democrats.
The same person I supported from the begining.... Huckabee. If he doesn't get the nomination I'll vote 3rd party. If the GOP looses the election because of it, then the blood will be on their hands not mine.
I'll vote Paul in the primary and then see what the choices are in November. I'm kinda having a hard time with this lesser of two evils thing still.
The primary voting is fixed.
Most only let Rep. and Dem. vote so it's really had to tell Paul's total votes.You can't add in third party votes.
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ignorance of history

If we (that would be 'us') DON'T vote for a Republican in November we will have a problem keeping our guns away from the Democratic President and Congress.

The "blood" will be 'us'. No one will be able to claim innocence.

It never changes; just the players.
If we (that would be 'us') DON'T vote for a Republican in November we will have a problem keeping our guns away from the Democratic President and Congress.

Yep vote GOP and all the rpoblems will be solved. (/sarcasm) That how we ended up with George "I'll sign it" Bush
I guess I am a libertarian. I do not like government telling people what to do. I like Ron Paul, but I hate Hillary and Obama more, so, I will vote for McCain. If he wins, most likely I will pass on before any new changes. I think change is bad!
I voted for Obama. I lied. I always lie on these polls. I'm sorry. At least I didn't vote for Clinton, right? ;)

McCain on AWB - flip-flopper?

Source: issues2000.org.
Opposes restrictions on assault weapons and ammunition types

* McCain opposes restrictions on so-called "assault rifles" and voted consistently against such bans.
* McCain opposes bans on the importation of certain types of ammunition magazines and has voted against such limitations.
* McCain believes that banning ammunition is just another way to undermine Second Amendment rights. He voted against an amendment that would have banned many of the most commonly used hunting cartridges on the spurious grounds that they were "armor-piercing."
Source: Campaign website, www.johnmccain.com, "Issues" Sep 1, 2007


Supports ban on certain assault weapons
*McCain said he was open to voting for an assault weapon ban, depending on the details.
Source: Los Angeles Times, “McCain Calls for Hearings” Aug 17, 1999

1999 = pro-AWB
2007 = anti-ban, anti-ammo regulation, anti-hicap restriction.

What happened there? Political expediency or an awakening to the issue?
Glad GWB was not moved by politics - he was always in favor of the AWB. Also, did he do anything about 'executive' orders?

So Hillary is better than McCain because after her wave of bills - there will be a revolution and y'all can be heroes as you follow Ann Coulter, Hannity and Rushbo into battle.
At the end of the day, McLame is going to be the Republican nominee. The next president is going to nominate one or possibly two to SCOTUS. McLame will do less damage than Hitlery or Bama-Lama-Ding-Dong.
McCain isn't an enthusiastically supported nominee to say the least. The Democrat candidates are even less appealing.

So what to do right........

Well it's fact time, pros and cons. It's best when making judgments on things with alot of variables to look at it from the worse case scenario. Let's say that the candidate elected performs the acts you most wish they wouldn't but were aware they either intended to or it matched their track records.

McCain allows the Bush tax cuts to expire and maintains the open border polocies of today and even passes a 'cabon tax' . The result would be a failed re-election bid and a new crop of Republicans to choose from in 4 years that can cut taxes again and close the border. Essentially un-doing whatever McCain may do that his successor disapproves of and has mandate to accomplish.

Hillary or Obama (same platform with minor variances) you STLL get the taxes and illeagal imigrations PLUS more gun control AND socialized medicine. Probably in a seemingly benign form initially but the fix gets in. This single action will become an the entitlement program that makes Social Security look like small potatoes and will be impossible to undo. Social Security benefits are received by a few but health care is to be received by ALL. That's the promise of both Democrats. Imagine getting retirees to vote to have Social Security halted and their benefits ended. How much more difficult to have that happen when the entitlement is received by everyone.

It's time to look to our Congressional races. The reality is only your House Representative represent you and is expected to act based upon the will of the majority of individuals withing their district. Senators are to Represent their State's interest and the President the Nations interests. We are a Republic remember, NOT a Democracy as is so often misunderstood. We have a Democratically Elected Representative Republic which is a form of Democracy.

Remember, a straight DEMOCRACY cannot work because the citizens will discover the ability to vote themselves the wealth of the treasury (we call them entitlements) and destroy the democracy. Historically a dictator or invader follows soon after.

Reagan and Goldwater are still dead and their reincarnations didn't run this cycle. The conservative ideal still endures and will take a lot more then John McCain's election to stifle. It's not an 'idea' that can lose favor but rather an affirmation of the greater part of men that believes people can do far more then they think they can and possess a worth realized only be their OWN desire to excel rather then to languish.

When given a choice that is fraught with variables, make your decisions so as to maintain an exit strategy.

Here it is; either McCain or a Democrat.

For those who will follow the lead of James Dobson and feel they will rise above the 'evil' and either stay out or vote third party, what you are doing is allowing the greater evil to prevail so you can pretend you will not deal with evil. Grow up! This isn't about prancing about feeling self-rightous, this is doing all you can to save the Republic.

You are not going to keep your hands clean by essentially supporting the Socialist Democrat apparat.

Honestly, Senator is not my first choice, I think there are those more qualified to be President and protect the Constitution and the nation.

I've invented a new drink for the occasion, I call it the Senator McCain. It's two jiggers of tequila - in token of Senator McCain's proximity to the Mexican border - and two jiggers of Maalox - in honor of my stomach.
For those who will follow the lead of James Dobson and feel they will rise above the 'evil' and either stay out or vote third party, what you are doing is allowing the greater evil to prevail so you can pretend you will not deal with evil. Grow up! This isn't about prancing about feeling self-rightous, this is doing all you can to save the Republic.

Well a liberal running with a R behind his name surely ain't going to save the "Republic".. and BTW James Dobson is an idiot. Seems to me that he was under investigation for violating his 501C3 tax status. This the same guy who uses to Bible to say the govt is always right and we should under no circumstances rebel against it. I wonder if he flys a British flag at his house, or if 1776 means anything to him. But that's a story for another time.