Who to write to

Gale McMillan

Member In Memoriam
It does no good to write to CNN or any of the other news producers who are pushing for the loss of liberty. It may have a better effect if we write their sponsors and tell them we will avoid their products as long as they are represented by the offending networks. The sponsors have a concern for profits that go beyond their anti gun feelings so if they feel that there is a chance that their advertising will cost them they may put the pressure on the networks. I don't think there is anything else that would keep the Networks from their unethical and one sided slant on issues other than pressure from their sponsors
Gale, I agree with you - generally, I think the media are just lost regarding honest thought. Hopeless.

John/az2 recently told me about an interesting group: http://www.libertystudy.org/

I was glad to see my Congressman is involved as well.

Writing the sponsors may help, but to be frank, I think they receive so few of those letters that the energy is probably better spent elsewhere. Have I told you about Mothers Arms? Not quite ready for prime time, but it's coming - a group made up of moms, devoted to self defense issues, shooting and safety. Hope to have something up on the web in the next 30 days, and they'll be looking for charter members that can give it a good start. Being a guy, I can't join - but I can help. It's time the mom's in America started waking up to what gun control really means when they're home alone and need to take care of their children.

I look forward to meeting you someday. Thanks for joining us on TFL. Take care.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 16, 1999).]
I concur.
The bottom line is called that for reasons other than a place to stick the end of a spreadsheet column.
One problem is that not enough of us sit down and send off a snail-mail letter to sponsors. They do pay attention if there is any decent sort of volume.

If one avoids the "Dear Sir: You Cur!" sort of letter, and keeps it to one polite, reasoned page, it's effective.

After that, it's the power of numbers. Think of it as a form of voting.

Have you ever voted?

Yes, I've voted. With about as much effect as my letters in the past, from what I've seen. I'm one of those fools that took 'land of the free, and the home of the brave' to heart. ;)