Who shot RFK?

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Answer: ! Don't Know!

Both Brothers had Piss off so many people you will never know.

Both over stepped on there turf you have no idea who would want to snuff them.

I think it was our own second Goverment you don't know about! Tin Foil Hat Doned!:D
Let's see now, the shooting was recorded on film; Rosie Grier, NFL great, immediately grabbed the shooter, who was, guess who?? SIRHAN SIRHAN
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It was the guy with the yellow umbrella, monocle, and sword cane, standing on the grassy knoll.

How is this topic legal and political? It's conspiracy theory.
40 years ago a jury decided

And a man has been in jail ever since. Isn't it time to say enough? I guess if there is any money to be made, it isn't.

I admit, like most assassinations, there are unanswered questions, and pieces of evidence that don't fit with the official story. And it would be nice to have these little nagging things explained away in a rational manner. Little things like "more bullet holes that shells in the gun", and more shots recorded than the single shooters gun held, and apparently conflicting autopsy reports, etc. If the victim was named Kennedy the official reports must be a cover up for something, right? Maybe, maybe not, but I don't think that after all this time that enough of the physical evidence remains to be able to dispute the official version with the accuracy needed for conclusive proof. You might just as well ask a medium (or maybe a large;)) for the truth from the spirit world.
It does not matter. If by some magic we could go back in time and get a detailed high-speed video of every shot fired tracing it from the gun to the poing of impact there would still be those who would find some conspiracy behind it and claim the cameras lied. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story or marketing scheme.

I'm interested to hear what you think about this, just cause of one of your past threads on the Kenndy assisnation. You had alot of counter arguments (substainted with facts no less!) that made re-think alot of stuff. What's everybody else think?

Tried and convicted, caught on tape.....praise the lord and pass the tinfoil if you think otherwise.

WildmustbeaquietnewsdayAlaska ™
Tried and convicted, caught on tape.....praise the lord and pass the tinfoil if you think otherwise.

That's right, Wild, because we all know when mob bosses want someone killed they do it themselves, in broad daylight, in front of TV cameras.

Now that there have even been TV documentaries that say the Kennedys were offed by organized crime, all I can ask is,

How did you get to be such an expert on tinfoil? Maybe you'd like to share some more of your fairy tales.
I don't know if it was as the authorities say or not. It could be, but I keep an open mind about these matter. I don't blindly accept what the government feeds us because I understand the people in power lie to us all of the time. I also don't blindly accept a theory that is not clearly supported by evidence.

JFK, RFK and MLK all in the course of one decade. I don't know..... The one that seems most unlike the official version was the JFK assasination. Oswald that good of a shot? Dunno.
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