Who sells fire blue grips screws?


New member
Who makes/sells fire blue (high-polish bright blue) grip screws for 1911's, Hi-Powers, etc. Someone has to make these - I've seen them on custom guns. I've searched the internet and I'm coming up with nothing.
You can do it yourself, pretty cheaply.

Polish the screw heads.
Evenly heat to straw yellow or dull cherry red (in dim light, not bright sun), depending on the color you want.
And, drop into motor oil.
I don't have a torch. I suppose I could buy one, but I hate to invest in a torch and a bunch of grip screws just to try this out. I know, I'm lazy - I was hoping there was somewhere that specialized in getting that shiny, bright fiery blue on small parts.
Exactly. I did all fire-blue screws for a flintlock a few years ago using the gas burner on my kitchen stove. I basically polished the screws until I got the surface I wanted, held them with pliers in the flame (head farthest away) and let the color creep up the shaft of the screw. That way, I could see the progress and then remove the screw and drop it in oil as soon as it hit the color I wanted. Took 10 minutes to do a handful.
You can even do it on an electric stove (not one of the radiant heat ones though). With a standard burner, just hold the screw on the ring of a burner and wait until it is the color desired. Then quench in oil or water.

I'm with the DIY guys! But if that doesn't get you what you're looking for you might try Turnbull Restoration.
Oh heck....PM me.
If you send them to me I'll do them for you free.
You pay postage both ways and we'll call it good.
Yes it is, but the 620 degree temp that turns the screw blue is the same temp you draw good spring steel at. So if the screw is mild steel (which most are) there is no heat treatment in the first place, so nothing is affected.
If the screw is made of a better grade of steel it will do nothing to affect them badly, and can possible make them better.