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Who Pays for TFL??


New member
I have been a member since Aug.2000 I have enjoyed the exchange of Ideas and information. During that time there have been several upgrades and new servers,All of which cost quite a bit,yet I see no Adds,nobody has asked for any dues,and I was wondering How TFL is supported? I'm thankful that there is a place to visit that is fun(see mall ninja) and informative. Thanks A Lot.
My understanding is that Rich Lucibella pays for it, God bless him. Thank you Rich!
Yep, the Padrone apparently has deep pockets and, judging by the events of the last week, both the patience AND the luck of Job. :)
The events of this past week, with TFL down for days on end, made me realize just how much I appreciate this place.

Thank you, Rich. Your hard work and generosity surely are appreciated. If we ever have a chance to meet in person, I'll bring the Shiner for you.

Rich does in deed pay for it and even though, I'm sure, the cost can be quite high at times, the contribution to the RKBA is priceless.
Not to mention...

...that this is the best firearms-related board on the net.

A million thanks, Rich. And I'll second pax's offer: if we ever meet, the beer's on me, though I personally prefer Guiness, Pete's Wicked Ale, and Anchor Steam to Shiner Bock.

Thanks Rich (* 1000).

Me too on buying a beer for Rich.

And as a survivor of bad implementations, I KNOW how, even after Testing, acceptance testing, and a fully thought out backout plan, things still get FUBAR'd.

We will get it right next time!

Rich... do you accept Paypal?

Seriously, TFL is the best thing since metalic-cased ammo. If I can donate some cash to pay for some bandwidth, I will (after I'm back in a paying job!) Any way we can do so?

Thanks for the offer, Jorah, but.....

Nah; then we'd feel obligated to be nice to you! ;) Besides, if we wanted to turn this into a commercial enterprise, banner advertisers abound....(we don't want the obligation of being nice to them either!) :D
Though I've been here since near the beginning, mostly as a lurker as you can see from the number of posts, I am in a good place to comment on the history of TFL. And, you have made the best firearms forum I've have had the opportunity to visit. I keep coming back bacause this is one of the best places around. Keep up the good work Rich and many thanks for your generosity in taking so much of this on yourself.
Rich gets the strokes; The Staff gets the work!!!!

Will somebody please mention the Staff?!!! (Not too loudly or they'll ask for ridiculous perks ...like pay and stuff! Then we'd have to resort, again, to the horse whippings until morale improves.) :D

Seriously....I do my share. But the vast majority of the work is done by those with their names on the marquis. The thanks is due them.
"Their names on the Marquis..."

Have you been spray painting the royalty again, Rich?

Shame on you. Lord Fuzzlebottom whined piteously for days because he couldn't get the Krylon off his monacle... :)