Who paid for Obama and his wife's fancy Harvard Law tuitions and room and board?

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Who paid Obama's and his wife's Harvard Law School tuitions and room and board? What does Harvard Law School cost per year, including room and board and tuition, $100,000 or more times 6 years? I thought he was from a poor working class family? I couldn't afford Harvard, I had to take out LOANS just to afford a state college, which I've paid back with interest. Who paid their way? The Chicago Democratic machine? Did the Brady Campaign pick up the tab, is this why he is so anti 2nd Amendment? Is he some sort of global gun ban operative planted by United Nations? Has ANYONE in the media asked this question? :confused:
Ever heard of a Scholarship? Smart people actually get money to attend good schools. I guess because he is black that makes you suspect that he had to cheat his way through school or something. Actually your whole post reeks of bigotry and ignorance. He actually was a honor roll student in college. That is how he got into Harvard Law School. He also attended Columbia University and Occidental College. Then worked for IBM. After that he taught at University of Chicago. He only got into politics later in his life. So no he is a not a UN plant. With your post really showing your colors, aren't you.
Who/How was Obama's schooling paid for?

Hum, not a legal issue. Can't see a relevant political issue here either. Closed.
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