Who owns a Western Rig?


New member
If so what do you have and how do you like it? Have a nice blued Ruger Vaquero in 45 Colt that screaming for a leather home. Though I'm either seeing rigs that are junk or that cost $400 plus. Has to be a middle somewhere for a beginner.
My good rig is a 400.00+ rig. Your best bet is getting one of the guys here that make rigs to make you one.
You might give Hunter Holsters from Denver Co, a try. I have several Hunter, Old West Rigs. And IMHO they work really well for me. I have one Hunter rig I bought in the 1970`s and it still works just fine. You just might find a used Hunter Rig at a Gun Show, LGS, or a Pawn Shop.
I had Mark at Whyte Leather Works make me a 1 piece belt and holster for my cap and ball sixgun. Fit is perfect for both the belt on me and the sixgun (1858) in the holster. Nice tooling and was very reasonably priced at around $150 shipped.

Granted, it's not a walk and draw rig or uses metal to hold the holster open or two pieces of belt leather for holding coins but those you can expect to pay at least $300 on up to $600.

Mark gave me the option of tooling, buckle material, finish and style, and we discussed the features I wanted on the holster. He did everything exactly as we discussed and am very happy with it.

Send him an email.
"...a Western Rig..." A real historically accurate one or Hollywood's nonsense?
"...a walk and draw..." Invented in the mid 50's. Only West involved with 'em is West Hollywood. snicker.
"...that cost $400 plus..." Costs like that because they're made and tooled by hand. You can make one for less than half that. Tandy's has 'How-to' books. In any case, you need to decide on a budget first.
"...a Western Rig..." A real historically accurate one or Hollywood's nonsense?
"...a walk and draw..." Invented in the mid 50's. Only West involved with 'em is West Hollywood. snicker.
"...that cost $400 plus..."

To show you how much of a beginner I am in this I had no idea what you were talking about until I did a quick google search. For me to start I'm fine with traditional accurate rig. Though for IDPA and USPSA I have rigs set up for that, so if I do get into this more I can easily see having to spend that. For this though, I'm looking in the $200 and traditional range.

Thanks everyone for the information. Definitely helpful.

This is the Duke style rig I have been using in Cowboy Action Shooting for over ten years now. This rig was custom made for me about ten years ago, and I have no idea what it cost me back then. It was made by a guy who was doing business as S. D. Myers, an old traditional leather maker from Texas.




There are lots of different types of rigs. Traditionally, most were high riding, like my Duke rig. Hollywood invented the 'drop' style rigs, Buscadero style holsters are typical of that style. Not very good for walking or riding, pretty much only good for fast draw.

Although I do not ride, the shorter holster of my Duke rig would be fine for riding, or sitting in a car.

I have had several holsters made by El Passo Saddlery. They are not cheap, but they are first rate. I can't imagine why anybody would want to put a $500 gun in a $20 holster. I suggest you visit their website just to see the different styles that are available. I also suggest you spend the extra money for a lined holster. Regarding the belt, think long and hard about whether you want a belt with lots of cartridge loops. Twenty five rounds of 45s get really heavy. You will notice most of the loops on my rig are empty. Also, think about how you want the gun retained in the holster. My holsters have the traditional strap that goes over the hammer, you may want something a little bit more secure.

Here are a couple of holsters made for me by El Paso for a couple of antique revolvers, a Merwin Hulbert Pocket Army and a Smith and Wesson New Model Number Three.


Those Mernickles are cut mighty low to be authentic designs. Oh wait the designs themselves are authentic, just not the way they're cut.
Here's a cheap rig I picked up at the Tulsa Gun Show a few years back.
It does the job just not the prettiest one around. I'd have to dig out the contact info of the company. What annoys me about it is the holster creeks & squeaks like crazy.

I was going to make my own belt but figured I'd buy one first and then see if I wanted to pick up the extra tools. I do make my own holsters but since Mark was making the belt, why not get a matching holster?

A walk and draw holster is beyond my skill level at present. Well, if I had a pattern it would be no problem, but don't.
historic holster

Don't let Hollyweird fantasy guide you
While there were elaborate tooled and decorated rigs, they were not the norm.
Some "cowboys", ranch hands, etc, did their own tooling or had a buddy do it.
More people were trained in tooling in those days than today because leather goods were much more common
Here's a link to some western rigs lots of pictures


Remember back in the 1870's - 1880's and such the rigs were working rigs, thus mostly plain utilitarian.

Here's a link to some lower priced options but you get what you pay for. A friend of mine does extensive tooling a good rig from him will run about$400 to $800 but it is all custom tooled

From what I have been able to gather from research and such,the common drop holster gun belt (the Buscadero) was pretty much a Hollyweird invention
I go to a lot of western museum, the Buscadero doesn't appear to be displayed until the late 1930's or so.
The cowboys of 1870's and so were range working men their guns were the tools of the trade. Put down a cow or a horse, because of sickness or injury. the once in while Indian skirmish or rattlesnake

Here's my friends website
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I put together my own rig , which looks similar to the one in post #12, a Bianchi Lawman #1L (#0915 large S.A.) $65.00 brown leather along with a 2 inch wide cartridge belt with 20 bullet loops. $40.00 . Guide Gear (I think)
The holster belt slot is 2 inches wide so when slipped onto the 2 inch belt doesn't flop around. I ordered both from amazon .
Nice serviceable rig for $105.00. If I had more disposable income I would have went with El Paso Saddlery rig but this will do for now.
Barrel length

I have a holster for a 7.5 revolver that I have no use for if it will fit your's. it's a nice holster let you have it for a reasonable cost I can send photo if interested.