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Who or what owns TFL & THR?

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My bad. I may have misconstrued who owns this site per a PM you sent a while back. Didn't mean to make you out as a truth bender.:o
To be clear, THR is entirely separate, though some moderators help out with both sites.

Oleg "owns" THR, as much as anyone owns it, but neither he nor any other single person bankrolls it.
Gee Bud,
Hope you got another new toaster for that coy and politically correct response! Yes, I got it that SWAt owns TFL. How insightful and informative of you to point that out! Still didn't answer the question! Admire your loyalty but not the submissiveness to the company line!
There is no company line - period
Never has been, and I can safely say, never will be.

Which question did Bud not answer? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you asked "Who or what owns TFL & THR?" By your snide comments above are we to construe that you only wanted to know the "who" that owns TFL? If it turned out to be a "what" that you were no longer curious? Bud answered your question perfectly, yes he added a bit of witty sarcasm, I would have also.
Ok, I stand corrected. Who owns Swat, TFL? Are there real people out there or just a mirage? Does SWAT have a staff? Is there a board of directors? Who are they? Is there a corporate structure? How is TFL funded?
So far, alot of questions but only vague answers! Bud's answers were sarcastic but not very witty!
bobhwry - Please click on the S.W.A.T. Magazine link at the bottom of any TFL page and then select "About Us" from the top menu. There you'll get a rundown of the S.W.A.T. staff. To be honest, I would have thought that would have been obvious.
bobhwry said:
Ok, I stand corrected. Who owns Swat, TFL? Are there real people out there or just a mirage? Does SWAT have a staff? Is there a board of directors? Who are they? Is there a corporate structure? How is TFL funded?
You're sure tetchy for someone who can't be bothered to do a few google searches and a little investigation on the relevant websites.

SWAT is owned by Tessier-Ashpool, which happens to own an orbital habitat and a pair of AIs... one of which undertakes to write and publish the magazine by itself. There's also the matter of the owners, who come out of cryo every once in a while... and have vat-grown assassins protecting the business.

Then there's the minor fact that SHOTShow is this week, so anyone who can answer your question is probably rather busy right now. After your stellar display of tact, I'm not sure how you can expect a straight answer.
I thought one of the purposes of subject specific online forums was to access information without time consuming research. Apparently, I've been misguided! I asked a simple question, but only received coy and vague responses. If they didn't know the answer, or choose not to share it, or it,s protected by privacy laws, so be it, and just say so!!
It was an innocent question and I was simply curious. Now I could care less what the answers are to my question!
Are there real people out there or just a mirage? Does SWAT have a staff?
That's a simple question? It seems like a silly and sarcastic question to me. You've already gotten most of your questions answered. I don't know what you're complaining about now.
Not complaining. The "What" was answered the "Who" has not been!! I'm no longer curious or interested in the info or sparring with you on the subject. So why don't you find something else to occupy your time!
The "who" was answered correctly by tuttle8 in post #2. We didn't feel a need to amplify it any further than that. You didn't believe him?

I would like you to re-read your question as originally posed (the title of this thread) and tell us how we have not answered that question - more than once. You, yourself, are the one reading a lot more into your own question than there was to begin with. You, yourself, are the one "sparring" with us for no apparent reason, calling our answers "coy", "politcally correct", "vague answers", etc. It was a simple question, received a simple and correct answer, and yet you are still not satisfied. Truly amazing.
THR is non-profit. But, I'm not sure there is any hard and fast criteria to being a .org vs a .com vs a .net. I think it's first come first served as far as reserving a name.type for any website. Could be wrong.


Are you lazy, stupid, or just a sanctimonious prick with too little imagination and too much time to while away?

And yes, just so we're not mistaken, that IS intended to be an ad hominem.

Hey Mal, to quote Bob...

"Yes, my suggestion is that you exercise your responsibility and control the nonsense on P&L! Just do your job please!"

Now be a good little moderator and answer his questions, even the ones he doesn't ask, before he asks them.

Do your job and control the nonsense...
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