Who is the pro-gun candidate?


New member
With the Republicans apparently dead convinced that Junior Bush can deliver the Holy Grail in the form of the White House (they'll need to fumigate...), and willing to sacrifice anything and everything in pursuit of this goal... And with Junior's dubious stance on gun issues, who do we support?
And for you Republican apologists with your "throw away your vote" line, I recall the RNC chairman, the late Lee Atwater, telling the NRA: We no longer need you. You can do nothing to help us or hurt us.
I've been registered non-affiliate for years, and generally voted Republican. No more. I'm fed up with electing Republicans and getting imitation Democrats, rolling over so slick can tickle their tummies and tell 'em they're OK.
I digress. I want to see open discussion of the candidates (for President) position on firearms - and all BOR - issues. I don't see anyone out there I'd trust to lead me into a good restaurant, much less into the next century...

Shoot carefully... swifter...
From a news article that appeared yesterday, comparing Gore and Bush Jr.:

"It is on the issue of guns, long a staple of Southern and Western politics, that seems to divide Gore and Bush the most.

"The vice president, during a two-day stay in Texas last month, challenged all political leaders to allow local governments to sue gun manufacturers and to oppose expanding laws allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons.

"He did so as Bush, who had signed a concealed weapons law during his first term, was preparing to sign into law a bill that would prevent local governments in Texas from joining other cities in suing gun manufacturers.

"'We live in a dangerous society. People feel like they need to defend themselves,' Bush said recently in explaining his position on gun control."

So far, Bush Jr. seems to have done his own thinking, regardless of the RNC. If he holds out against the pressures of political correctness and the media, he'll be a good candidate. I realize that's a big "if."
Dennis--you're sure right about his daddy, and I only hope for our sake that the son doesn't follow in his father's footsteps on this one. I think Jr.'s principles are mostly in the right place, but, to me, the big question is: will he hold to them? He's done a good job as governor, but Texas isn't the political snake pit that Washington, D.C. is. We'll see how immune he is from the bite of the serpents that infest that place!
George W. Bush has all but sewn up the office of Presidency. The reason is clear. If you've studied the "establishment" criteria for their man in that office you will find several common denominators. Their ideal candidate will have one or more of the following credentials; 1)A member of "The Order of Skull and Bones" (a Yale University secret society who's members include many government spooks), 2) A member of the "Council of Foreign Relations" (CFR), and 3) A member of the "Trilateral Commission".

George W. Bush happens to be all three. The betting money is on him for the presidency. And don't believe him to be a faithful republican, once he's in office, he belongs to the establishment.
It is altogether fitting and proper that Paul Revere cries out, "The establishment is coming!"

You wouldn't be reading "The Vampire Killer" by any chance, hmmm?

Buffy Grump