Who is the criminal ????

Dark Avenger

New member
Here is a story typical of Massachusetts thinking. Someone steals a gun from a locked car, adn the owner is a criminal. Now I know why they call some people M*******s. (I can say that as I am a lifelong resident).

Patriot Ledger

2 teens steal gun from car
By SARAH COFFEY The Patriot Ledger

PEMBROKE -- Two Pembroke juveniles will be
charged with breaking into a car in the nighttime and possession of a
stolen handgun, Police Chief Gregory Wright said.

The gun was stolen Dec. 30 from an unlocked vehicle parked on Furnace
Lane, Wright said. The semi-automatic .38 caliber gun was in the center
console, loaded without its safety on, he said.

The owner of the car and the gun will be charged with leaving a firearm
unattended, Wright said. His license to carry firearms has been revoked,
he said.

The two juveniles are 14- and 15-year-old boys, Wright said. Their names
were not released.

They are also charged with breaking into 16 other cars.

Wright said Pembroke police did not find out about the break-in involving
the gun until Friday.

Police recovered the gun in a drainage ditch off Queen Brook Road that
day, he said. The gun had apparently been in the ditch since the night it
was stolen, Wright said.

Police knew there was a gun missing for a week before the discovery, but
didn't know who it belonged to or where to find it since the theft had not
been reported.

``It could have been a problem. It's unnerving to find out it was out there,''
he said.

Wright refused to identify the owner until he is charged with a crime.
Pembroke police have filed an application for a criminal complaint against
the owner, he said.

He was afraid to tell police about the missing gun because he didn't want
to be charged with a crime, Wright said.

Copyright 2000 The Patriot Ledger

Transmitted 12-JAN-00

Article received on Wednesday, January 12 2000 at 11:46 EST
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The gun was stolen Dec. 30 from an unlocked vehicle parked on Furnace
Lane, Wright said. The semi-automatic .38 caliber gun was in the center
console, loaded without its safety on, he said.

First of all, if true, it was irresponsible for the owner to leave it as described. Secondly, WHAT THE HECK does the the safety being off have ANYTHING to do with it?! [sarcasm]Oh yeah, having the safety on would prevent the gun from shooting anyone...[/sarcasm]

Sheesh... :rolleyes:


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Safety on a 38 revolver!? Did not know anyone made one like that. Maybe the LEO in question shoud go to a handgun course before opening his mouth.

I guess people in MA need to be really carefull, cause if you leave your gun in your home and someone steals it your going to jail. What a bunch of moronic #$$&*^%$ 8(
Though the article references a semi-auto in .38 calibre (.38Super perhaps?), rare but _not_ fiction is a manual safety for a revolver. Historically, there were one or two revolvers produced that way but not by a major manufacturer, not in the US I believe, and not widely known.

More contemporarily in the mid-70s a CA gunsmith developed one for S&W revolvers, again not a widely known product. I know it because I had one installed in my service weapon at the time, a 6" M19 which I carried in a 'clamshell' holster.

It was installed in the cylinder release and operated like the thumb safety for a Colt auto pistol. I still have the revolver and it makes for interesting conversation when I take it to the range.

[This message has been edited by SKN (edited January 13, 2000).]
Look in the White (Trash) House! :D

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
Assume that it was a .380 semi.
I want to know how the police knew the safety was off. Furthermore how do they know it was loaded? Was it cocked? How do they know the gun was in the ditch since the night it was stolen?

Point being, the kids stole it out of the car and it was found a week later. The kids no doubt messed with it, so it seems to me that the police can only say the gun and ammo had been in the car....nothing else about the state of the weapon.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited January 13, 2000).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Police knew there was a gun missing for a week before the discovery, but
didn't know who it belonged to or where to find it since the theft had not
been reported. [/quote]

??? How did they do this? ESP? Channeling?
The sloppy thinking and inverted logic described in the article seem to be getting more common all the time and really burn me up.

The gunowner is the victim of a theft--he's not the criminal. The thieves had no business getting into his car and stealing his property, even if the car was unlocked. The article stigmatizes the owner as if he'd left the gun out in the road or on his front sidewalk. The final injustice is the revocation of the owner's carry license.

Ugh! :mad:

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited January 14, 2000).]
A lot of unknowns in the story. Typical media crap, tell enough to get attention, then slant to point blame.

If it was found in a ditch, where's the connection to the teens?

It was loaded and unsafed, who told them that.

Could the teens have lied to stave off criticism for their activities? Knowing the taboo associated with the G-word nowadays.

The LE were right to de-CCW the guy. You have to know where the gun is AT ALL TIMES, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Might want to be careful as to how you justify de-CCW'ing the guy. He may have known that the gun was in the car. If he'd have left the gun out on the hood of his car or something similarly stupid I'd agree with you. In this case he left it inside his car. We all have to leave the gun in the car sometimes, especially if we live in an area that allows businesses to ban CCW or if we end up needing some stamps. If we go along with the logic of these ever wise member of political elite, then it is the guys fault that kids broke into his car and stole his gun. What would have happened to him had the kids stolen his car and mowed down somebody. Is he now also responsible for the delinquency of minors and maybe even manslaughter. How about if the kids would have stolen his gun from his house? Is he still guilty of "allowing" someone to steal his gun. I'm not sure if I can think of anything more moronic. The good news is that , based on the ever increasing stupidity of the laws our servants pass/interpret, it is clear thet the wierd and wiley species knows and homosapiens-governmentalis is rapidly deselcting itself :D One can only hope.

If stupidity hurt, most government officials would be in agony.
First of all, the news very rarely gets it right.

Local article had a piece about a "$100 Glock" that a kid bought at a gun show. & said kid was observed to be continually "cocking" said Glock. Neither of which were true - couldn't even get that right. (BTW, The Illustrious Coin dug 'em pretty good in an article to local rag)

Who knows what the pistol was - "semi-auto .38 caliber" - could be anything at all & is really beside the point. ".38 caliber" really isn't at all anyway (being .355-.358), buy try explain the vagarities in firearms nomenclature to an idiot.
Now, now people. The cops aren't complete morons. They called the psychic friends hotline and Dione Warwick told them that a .38 SPL semi-auto assault sniper pistol was stolen by two harmless yutes (youths) who were spurred on the aural spectral calling of the insiduosly evil weapon. Oh did they forget to mention that the serial number was 666.

Suprisingly the manaical weapon had no influence on the gunowner. It could be that because the individual was a gunowner, he was also born evil and therefore automatically in tune with the siren call of the manifestation of dark callings inherent to the weapon.

Lawsuits against gun manufacturers are underway for not having the proper business permits for using evil spirit invokers who chant malicious life into the heretofore lifeless firearm.

BATF exorcists have been notified.