Who is pro-gun candidate for 2008


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Sam Brownback (A-) GOA: not compiled / NRA-ILA: strong pro-gun. Gave him an A- as GOA info not compiled

Jim Gilmore (C) GOA: as Attorney General and then Governor of Virginia, he compiled an up-and-down record on the Second Amendment / NRA-ILA: Gilmore was RNC Chairman Gave Gilmore a C due to mixed GOA review and being RNC Chair (probably pick party over principle).

Newt Gingrich (D+) GOA: often acted as a blocking force standing in the way of pro-gun reform. He has been rated as low as “D” by GOA. / NRA-ILA: no real information found. Gave Gingrich a D+ based on GOA but + due to his hob knobbing with NRA.

Rudy Giuliani (F) GOA: supported many anti-gun initiatives in NYC, wanted national gun permit, now says he’s for states rights re: guns. / NRA-ILA: nothing of substance. Gave Giuliani an F because of his past positions on firearms (irrespective of what he says today), he’s a liar, and he is inconsistent.

Mike Huckabee (A) GOA: been in the heat of battle over gun rights and has proven himself to be a steadfast friend to gun owners and the Second Amendment. / NRA-ILA: signed Arkansas concealed carry legislation, against gun manufacturer lawsuits, signed SB 1080 no net loss of public hunting lands. Gave Huckabee A- (rather than initial A+) because he has been tried under fire and has been consistently pro-gun but apparently as per Skip’s comment, he has been known to be pro-gun because it is politically expedient, not because of moral beliefs, thus the minus. Then I received the following comment from Jeremy, “Huckabee was the first Governor in the nation to have a conceal carry license. He is a strong believer in and has a strong grasp of the 2nd Amendment.” I have responded to the comment and have given Mike an A rather than A- based on GOA, NRA-ILA, and Jeremy’s comment. Any other constructive input?

Duncan Hunter (A) GOA: H.L. Richardson (founded GOA and Gun Owners of CA) recommended, is a hunter, but little of legislative substance. / NRA-ILA: opposed bullet serialization and co-sponsor of HR 2037. Gave Hunter an A based on Richardson’s recommendation and the few substantive articles re: his record. He could be an A+.

John McCain (F) GOA: Joined McKelvey in gun control, tried running for president in 2000 as an anti-gunner. This year it appears he is seeking to “come home” to the pro-gun community. / NRA-ILA: Supported McCain/Feingold legislation and promoted attacks on gun shows, Gave McCain a F as he is inconsistent at best and has supported far too many anti-gun schemes.

George Pataki (D-) GOA: at best a left-leaning moderate. He is fully capable of supporting any gun control proposal if it is politically expedient to do so. / NRA-ILA: vetoed S 2735A but is inconsistent. Gave Pataki a D- as he has done a few pro-gun/hunting things but he is inconsistent.

Ron Paul (A+) GOA: a constitutionalist in every sense of the word. Strong Second Amendment support based on principle. Recommended by Larry Pratt, Exec. Dir. GOA / NRA-ILA: couldn’t find much of substance which is one reason, knowing Ron Paul’s record, that I trust the GOA more than the NRA-ILA. The NRA-ILA is much too much in bed with the establishment. Gave Paul an A+ because I know his record which is based on unwavering constitutionality.

Mitt Romney (D-) GOA: ran for Senate in 1994, told the Boston Herald that he supported the Brady gun-control law and a ban on scores of semi-automatic firearms, did not back off his support for gun control during his run for governor in 2002, as governor he supported legislation to ease restrictions on gun licensing in the state, but he only did so at the expense of gun rights, as he signed a draconian ban on common, household firearms. Tried to pose as pro-gun and hunter for 2008 but when caught on the particulars he stumbled his way through it. Romney is the politician architype. / NRA-ILA: signed H 4552 which is pro-gun, signed S 2367 which is pro-gun, signed S 2255 which is pro-gun. Do you see a pattern with the NRA-ILA. Way too much support of the establishment. Reading NRA-ILA articles you would think Romney pro-gun! Gave Romney an D- because of his inconsistency, this ability to blithely go from one side of an issue to another. Only reason I didn’t give him an F is because of his great hair.

Tom Tancredo (A-) GOA: repeatedly supported congressional measures to exercise Congress’ constitutional authority to overturn the D.C. gun ban, his votes also included helping to defeat measures to ban .50 caliber rifles, and to enact legislation allowing the suing of any federal official who confiscates a gun during a time of emergency. He only wavered during the Columbine High tragedy. / NRA-ILA: these jokers returned nothing on a Trancredo search. I’ll redouble what I said about them in the Romney evaluation. Gave Tancredo an A- only because of his wavering during the Columbine High tragedy, otherwise an A or A+.

Tommy Thompson (D) GOA: no information / NRA-ILA: Headed Health and Human Services which put out and supported anti-gun ‘reports’. Gave Thompson a D due to his heading HHS, his establishment views, and the lack of information on him via GOA and NRA-ILA. He may actually be an F.

Fred Thompson (C-) GOA: GOA tracked 33 votes in the U.S. Senate while Thompson was there. He voted pro-gun 19 times. / NRA-ILA: Very interesting…here’s what the NRA-ILA has to say re: Fred: “U.S. Senator Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, announced he will not seek re-election this year. His support of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms will certainly be missed.” This after voting pro-gun in only 19 of 33 votes. Who is the NRA kidding? Us? Gave Thompson a C- based on his Senate votes and inconsistency.

After the NRA-ILA report on Fred Thompson, their only publicizing Romney’s pro-gun votes, and their lack of any meaningful information regarding Ron Paul, I have decided not to seek their input into the Democrat candidates unless the GOA has no information on them. NRA-ILA reports are misleading!

Joe Biden (F) GOA: has built up an impressive anti-gun record in direct support of an overall socialist agenda. Gave Biden an F for obvious reasons.

Hillary Clinton (F) GOA: has truly earned her F- rating. Her record of cosponsoring anti-gun initiatives reads like a Sarah Brady wish list. Gave Clinton an F for obvious reasons.

Chris Dodd (F) GOA: Anti-gun, and dependably so. GOA rating: F. Gave Dodd an F for obvious reasons.

John Edwards (F) GOA: Information being compiled. / NRA-ILA: John Edwards…has cast the same anti-gun, anti-hunting votes as Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and Ted Kennedy. Gave Edwards an F for obvious reasons.

Al Gore (F) GOA: While the liberal wing of the Democrat Party has not departed from its anti-gun agenda, it has toned down its rhetoric. That’s why if you look at Al Gore’s website today, you won’t see any mention of his views on gun control. In fact, you’ll even read posts that acknowledge the point above — that gun control was one of the key issues that cost Gore the presidency in 2000. But lest we forget where Gore really stands on the issue, remember that this man is quite proud of his gun control record. Talking about his vote to shut down gun shows, he boasted, “I cast the tie-breaking vote to close the gun show loophole.” Indeed, Gore may be repackaging himself this year, but his anti-gun record is forever ingrained in indelible ink. Consider his publicly stated views and votes on gun control over the last decade and a half. Gave Gore an F for obvious reasons.

John Kerry (F) GOA: Kerry’s anti-gun record has certainly not gone unnoticed by his friends. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (formerly known as the Coalition to Ban Handguns) stated on its website that Kerry “has voted with the National Coalition to Stop Gun Violence 100% of the time… [and] received an ‘F’ from the National Rifle Association and had a 0% rating with Gun Owners of America.” Over and over again, Senator John Kerry has voted against the Second Amendment. A friend of gun owners, Kerry is not. Gave Kerry an F for obvious reasons.

Dennis Kucinch (F) GOA: Congressman from Ohio, has earned his GOA rating of F-. Gave Kucinch an F for obvious reasons.

Barack Obama (F) GOA: no information. / NRA-ILA: With a combination of RICO in firearm law and Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in the White House, you can bet the farm the “bad old days” would quickly return. Every peaceable individual who owns a firearm will be in jeopardy. Neither had much else on Obama. From ontheissues.org I found the following statements made by Obama: Keep guns out of inner cities–but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006) Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998) Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005) Gave Obama an F for obvious reasons.

Bill Richardson (D+) GOA: His love for guns aside, his greater love for his party allies might prove to greatly disappoint those pro-gun voters who want to see him in the Oval Office. Gave Richardson a D+ since he has supported some pro-gun initiatives and sad to say, is the most pro-gun candidate among the Democrats.

In summary, none of the Democrat candidates can be thought of as pro-gun. Additionally, the ‘first-tier’ Republican candidates are all lacking in consistency and Second Amendment support. Is it not interesting that only the second-tier Republican candidates are really pro-gun? Based on my litmus test of supporting the Second Amendment, being pro-gun, and consistency, I rank the ‘A’ candidates, Paul, Huckabee, Hunter, Brownback, and Tancredo. Now let’s see what their positions are on other issues…
I think Bill Richardson should have gotten a better grade than a "D". He signed New Mexico's concealed carry law I believe, and you gave Huckabee a lot of credit for doing that in Arkansas.
To much opinion and not enough facts. I would like links to the voting records and other info and not just your opinion.

You list Tommy Thompson as a "D", yet his record as Governor of Wisconsin show him to be pro-gun. You state that the NRA/ILA says as head of HHS, his agency put out anti-gun reports (which reports, provide some links) then go on to say part of the reason for the "D" is "the lack of information on him via GOA and NRA-ILA". :confused:

You need to back these ratings up with some facts.
I'd like to see the voting records too.

The other part that I see way too much of is the pro-gun crowd being a one trick pony. There are many issues that the American people should be using to judge the current crop of hopefuls.

Guns are not always the most important issue.
Ron Paul voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms act. Unless you think mandatory gun locks (~4 USD) is hugely bad compared to the cost of or Pittman-Robertson (~11% of handguns and ammunition) or of dealing with lawsuit (I dun't want to know), it's hard to put that as progun.

As for the GOA list for Thompson, not only was it originally incorrect, with him voting 20/33 and not 19/33, and includes such things as the PATRIOT act and many votes which had very little to do with gun laws. You may not like PATRIOT or McCain-Feingold (I personally don't mind the former, but hate the latter), but those aren't themselves antigun. It included voting against an act designed to counter Lautenberg which itself was antigun.

There's some minor contradiction between these two metrics, Mr. michigun.
Oh, as to Tommy Thompson, he worked to stall the Wisconsin CCW movement and signed as "zero tolerance" law regarding schools. He's recently stated opposition to gun control, but if we're holding Fred at his voting record only I see little to no reason to count that. I thought he quit, though.

Can we get Hillizard and Obama something lower than an F-? I mean, Assault Weapon ban is bad enough, but trying to limit handgun ownership even more heavily and ban all semiautomatics respectively is just irritatingly stupid.
"Guns are not always the most important issue."

This is true but who here would vote for someone anti-gun?
I know I wouldnt.
The last thing I want is another Clinton era.:barf:
The GOA's ratings on candidates? Their ratings are irrelevant. Those idiots at GOA can't even interpret simple legislation. All they do is scream that the sky is falling and complain about the NRA.

Seriously, look at thread after thread in the last 6 months on this Board about the GOA's "alerts", which amount to screeching and wailing about legislation; they consistently misrepresent legislation to the point of absurdity (If absurdity is even a word).

I wouldn't have made such a statement about the GOA 6 months ago; I even recall advising a member to join the NRA or the GOA (or both) several months ago. But the GOA's slide into fantasy-land has reached a point that they've become mildly irritating, amusing, and completely irrelevant -- all at once. Which is too bad.
Ron Paul voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms act. Unless you think mandatory gun locks (~4 USD) is hugely bad compared to the cost of or Pittman-Robertson (~11% of handguns and ammunition) or of dealing with lawsuit (I dun't want to know), it's hard to put that as progun.

Tell the rest of the story. That's one vote in ten terms in Congress. I disagreed with it as well, but can accept that Ron Paul was being consistent to his view that tort law is a state matter, and did not vote the way he did out of some anti-gun animus like that of Rudy Giuliani, who filed one of the lawsuits that act was designed to prevent, and who has not backed off on the central premise of that lawsuit to this day.