Who is killing ducks???


New member
Been out 3 mornings here in SE WI. It has been kinda slow, but there are quite a few birds. Sunday after the opener would have been a limit of birds if not for jerks down the shore shooting 100+ yards at ducks, but oh well. There is not a lot you can do other than moan and groan. 7 birds down so far, 4 mine with 9 shells, but birds down are a very small part of the equation for me. The shell per bird part is a bit embarassing though. I LOVE the hunt, even if I set decoys just for the practice;)

How is your season going?
You know, I’ve never been duck hunting. Try to go bird hunting as often as possible even though I pretty much suck with a shotgun. Hell last time I went quail hunting I was sorely tempted to pull out a pistol and show those “foul” little creatures I wasn’t to be laughed at. Safety being more important than the feelings of my quarry, I refrained. However, the quail are still telling tales of the impotent hunter, I am sure. Perhaps at some point I will try my hand at some ducks, but given my bird record so far I am not in any hurry. :rolleyes:

Not what you were asking I know, I just thought I would butt in with my own comments. :p
Nasty things, ducks and geese!

Only ones worth eating are the specklebellys and canadians - all others taste like lake bottoms or liver!

Ah - just kidding, guys! I actually don't care to eat the things, but they ARE a lot of fun to hunt. Being in the dry Sonoran Desert, the opportunity isn't great for waterfowl hunting. Haven't popped a cap on them for over 15 years now.

Remember the days of hunting down in the coastal areas of southeast Texas - Man, that was duck and geese heaven back in the late 70's, early 80's!

I sympathize with ya', ahenry - ! The Gambel's quail here in Ariz would rather leg it than fly - they are fast little varmits, too! Don't have a dog, so gotta tromp them up by foot. The pucker brush is thick and everything green has thorns, else something would've eaten it long ago. Those little rascals thrive in it.

Maybe I should just unlimber my Benjamin pump BB gun on those coveys my wife feeds in the back yard!
I can only fit one goose in the freezer at a time! Also, all of our local rivers are nearly dried up due to the drought. Since I don't know any landowners, I have to hunt the inland waterways. Since navigation is almost impossible, I am not hunting as much this year. :( Tis a shame, as hunting pressure seems way down, and the duck populations I observed were outstanding even when I went out during the September Canada season.