Who is going to be at SHOT show?

Rob Pincus

New member
I will be going out to Vegas on the 16th and staying until the 21st.

Maybe we can have a little TFL get together.

There is a one day Submachine gun class being put on by Front Sight on the 21st, $500, guns & ammo included, if anyone is seriously interested post it here.

(my email is out of whack right now..... I'll edit this post when my email is back up...)

I am going to be there.
Rich will be there.
I think Harry Humphries will be there too.
and a few others.

I would like to ask the guys at the HK booth about this Colt thing.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Right now, it looks like I am tied up Mon, Tues, Fri nights, and Mon, Thurs, Fri lunches.

Maybe we could plan on Tuesday at Lunch for an initial rendevous ?

We can do that...
My schedual is wide open.
Check your email.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited December 31, 1999).]
trying to resolve some issues with my "old" ISP.... I am having trouble accessing my email server through my new account.

Try this new email:

Rob, we've got a tentative lunch set up for Wednesday, January 19 - hope to meet you there. And, I'll be there on the 21st - wouldn't miss it.

Happy New Year. Regards from AZ.
excellent Jeff, you are already signed up for the 21st?

Where is the lunch set for on Wednesday?
(although, wednesday is kinda late in the week to "meet up", IMHO..)
I think I will be at the Rio for a couple days, then over at Harrah's right near SHOT for most of the week.

Rich, If you set the lunch up at the Buccaneer Bay Club, you're buying! ;)