Who Has Gun Dreams?


New member
So, who has dreams about guns? Most of you, I suppose, but my dreams always seem to embody my real life insecurities.

Before I ever fired my shotgun, I frequently dreamed of hearing "click" at the moment of truth.
Then I shot a box at the trap range, and slept like a baby. For awhile.
My next dream phase was shooting the BG, and seeing the pellets come out of the barrel in slow motion and bounce off his chest!
Moved to a remote property, and blew some things up with buckshot. Slept like a baby.
Went out for target practice, and had a firing pin malfunction. Fixed it, but had "My Gun Is Falling Apart" dreams for awhile.
Took a job manufacturing engine components, with silicone fluid in them. Had the "My Wife And I Are Trapped In A Remote Cabin And The Werewolf Men Are Charging The Front Door And My Fingers Are Stuck Together With Silicone Fluid And I Can't Get Them Into The Trigger Guard!" dream. (finally used my thumb :D )
Stopped woking with silicone fluid. Slept like a baby.

I mean, this is normal, isn't it?

Yes, had a dream about carrying a 6-shot 2" .38. The gun was ENTIRELY UNRELATED to the rest of the dream, I just had it. I kept making sure that is is properly seated in my pocket and, eventually, took out round under the hammer...though I also "knew" that this gun was safe with six.

And yes, onwing a snubbie cured the dreams :)
I have gun dreams about twice a week. I used to have a recurring one where I was somewhere and bad guys came in and shot all of us. Since I started carrying on a daily basis, that dream has gone away. All of my current dreams, I shoot back. Occasionally, I will have a dream about going into a gun store and finding something that doesn't exist yet. That is kind of cool.
Having "gun dreams" is a very serious condition that should be seen to as soon as possible. It can deteriorate - that you have the candour to admit it shows that you are not too far gone - but you need professional help: get an appointment with your gunsmith immediately.

[This message has been edited by Elchimango (edited February 28, 1999).]
Dear Elchimango,
Thank you ever so much for your heartfelt concern. I have been spending some time in Dr. Stringer's forum, and am feeling much better.
Of course, not having gun dreams can also be a very serious condition. See your local FFL immediately! (or whatever it is you folks have down there :))

At one time I had gun dreams, me v BG, pull out pistol and the barrel would fall off. Or all I got was the clicks of the hammer falling on an empty chamber. Or the BG sucking up my ammo and nothing happening. Until my moment of truth. Now I can not remember my last gun dream.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I also used to have a recurring dream in which a BG would remain unphased after I emptied the pistol...

My solution? Traded in the nine for a .44 mag. Dream went away after the first day at the range.
This is great..I usually dream that a critical situation arises and my gun is unloaded. I fumble and spill the ammo and it is a pile of every different caliber known to man. While the situation grows out of hand, I manage to pick a few rounds out of the pile that are the correct caliber, and begin to load the rifle. (usually an SKS for some reason) just when I get the magazine full, and drop the bolt, the thing jams, and I notice I have put in most of the ammo backwards, and also mixed in some 9mm rounds!

Sometimes I get shot in the head in the end of the dream, and that is disturbing. Oh well, thats why I use an AR-15 instead of an SKS!

Panzer D6
Lately I've been dreaming about the JBTs coming for my guns...

Let's hope it's just a dream, and not a premonition!
Actually, boing, i was diagnosed as hopeless - beyond recovery. Am currently two Vaqueros into a 'Ruger' phase, getting my GP-100 tomorrow (duly licenced, thats what we've got down here: a five year licence for the gun owner, and another for each gun - quite a packet of cards for cases like us). Another as Instructor, and the dealer has to have a whole packet more... dream of the "Registro Nacional de Armas" - but it doesn't go away when one wakes up.

Member NRA (life), SASS (life 'El Chimango Pete' #20037), Muzzle Loaders, other clubs in Argentina. Firearms Instructor
On ICQ "Buzzard-Pete"