Who has bought a Colt 1991A1 in the last 6 months and is happy with it so far?


New member
First of all this isn't a zing on Colt although they have been beaten up here a bit as well as Kimber as of late.

I've never owned a 1911 style pistol and am a self proclaimed Glock-alohic. (What can I say? I LIKE Glocks :))
Well saying that, I do not like the way the current Glocks in .45 fit my hand. I want my .45 for a range gun and the soon(?) to be 36 doesn't fit that bill.

The other night I was in Four Seasons and the 1911 style .45's have started to catch my eye. I don't want to go bonkos in price so I looked at 2 "entry" level guns, the Kimber Custom Target and the 1991A1. The Colt looks very plain but functional. The Kimber looks much better for sure.

Price difference is about $180 or so dollars. I've heard about how sloppy the slides on newer Colts are but this piece felt pretty solid although not as tight as the Kimber. The only negatives I found on the Colt were the sights, I hated them. Other than that, I prefered everything about it including trigger pull, feel and basically everthing I guess over the Kimber.

My question is if you have purchased a Series 80 Colt 1991A within the last six months or so, how is it doing?
When it comes to 1911's, I'm a newbee.

PS One thing I noticed was that the Kimber trigger had more takeup in it than the Colt which sort of suprised me especially with the plastic Colt trigger.

[This message has been edited by grapeshad (edited December 17, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by grapeshad (edited December 17, 1999).]
I bought a full size M1991 last year and it shot great. I got rid of it because the slide sort of sat a little off center in the slide rails -- the gun ran great but the goofy fit bothered me. I bought a Colt CCO back in June and am happy as a clam with it. As soon as I can FIND an M1991 I am going to buy it (provided it passes a thorough QC check by yours truly). I can't even find one in a gun shop in Northern Virginia. Colt M1991s may not shoot as tight as some other guns but who cares? I am buying it for a carry piece.
Another alternative in the low price but functional category is the Norinco. I bought a used one and have had no problems at all in over a thousand rounds of mostly ball but some other stuff. No evident wear and never a bobble of any kind with original mag or GI mags.

I recently bought a Colt 1991A1 commander for many of the reasons you described. Despite its plain-Jane appearance (which I rather like- very business-like), it was the "tightest" 1911 in the store. Slide to frame fit is excellent, and the even more important barrel to slide fit is exquisite. So far it has proven to be completely reliable, accurate and easy to shoot well. I have a Wilson trigger on the way, and some nice wooden grips to replace the factory plastic and rubber. I'm not sure right now about replacing the plastic mainspring housing or installing an extended safety. About the only thing I don't like is the garish and unattractive "COLT 1991A1" in block lettering on the slide. Overall, though, my opinion of this pistol is extremely high. It's everything I want in a 1911 right now.

semper ubi sub ubi
The Colt will be a good choice. K!M3ER is based mostly on cosmetic appeal. The Colt should work 100%.

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
Naw, KIMBER's appeal is based mostly on the fact that it is MUCH more accurate than any Colt, has a better trigger than any Colt and is still 100% reliable, unlike many Colts.
Thanks for the comments guys. The Colt did seem to have the tightest fit but I can see how the guns can vary from piece to piece. A stainless Colt Commander looked nicer but was looser than the 1991A1. At one time I was a Kimber fan but between the comments I've hear here and other places and some visual sightings(watching Kimbers jam at my range) I've gotten a bit sour on them. Hell maybe I'll just plunk down the cash for a Les baer :)

[This message has been edited by grapeshad (edited December 20, 1999).]