Who For President?

Who For President

  • John McCain

    Votes: 50 66.7%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 24.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I voted OTHER - since neither of these candidates deserve the honor of being elected President of the United States.

McSame is too damn old to be effective. OhMyGodBama is just too damn inexperienced to do the job necessary.

After the past 20 years of Bush / Clinton / Bush, Jr. - it will be very difficult for anyone to achieve success in the Oval Office.

Ron Paul is getting my write-in vote. He is the only one I know who has the b*lls to say what is right and I feel to do what is right.
Will vote for someone else because Obama is a lock in NY, so voting McCain is essentially a throw away vote. I will find someone who matches my values. Probably the conservative party candidate.
Obama votes against guns and for socialist goverment control over private institutions and business. Not who I will vote for you can be sure.

Also, this is the wrong forum...there is a politics forum.
Why is this in the Semiauto Forum?

Honestly, this may be the first election that I'll sit out. Been voting since I was of age, and I can honestly say I can't choose between a giant douche and a **** sandwich (reference South Park.)

I mean, I know some will jump me, and it's not that I feel my vote doesn't count. It's that there's simply nobody who I could vote for in good conscience. I'd feel guilty over either choice, and Ron Paul doesn't have a prayer, though he'd probably be the best out of the choices. It just won't happen.

Josh <><
I predict McCain and Other will post strong turn outs.

Oddly enough, their are more liberals nation wide pulling for the others than conservatives.
For the first time in 40 years, I won't vote. My only choice in this election is which liberal I trust more and my answer is neither.

Some will argue that by not voting for McCain, I'm voting for Obama. Well, I won't compromise my values. I won't vote for a liberal, period.

I agree with your principles, but sometimes you have to compromise. I'm sure none of us are happy with McCain, but he would be definitely a better choice than Obama. You have to consider The SCOTUS, where 3 members are over 70. McCain has said he will nominate jurists in the mold of Scalia/Thomas/Roberts/Alito. You don't want to think of the damage that Obama could do to us in just 4 years that would last for a generation. You can't take this lightly. An Obama presidency with a Democrat Congress would be a disaster.
If you don't vote you may as well move to a communist nation.

Seriously though, people who don't vote will be the first to complain about everyone voting in whomever happens to win. At least show up...

As a semi auto handgunner, I will be voting for McCain. I believe him to be a man of integrity, regardless of whether I agree with his position. Above all else, we need integrity. He has proven himself time and again to be his own man and unafraid of special interests, and unafraid of death at the hands of the enemy to boot. Anyone questioning his conservative credentials needs to reevaluate his standards. Exactly when did fiscal responsibility leave the conservative platform?
If you don't vote you may as well move to a communist nation.

Seriously though, people who don't vote will be the first to complain about everyone voting in whomever happens to win. At least show up...


So what you're saying is that we should turn out just to write in "Big Bird?"

I have a problem with that.

It's the responsibility of our country's leaders to see that we have strong candidates for both sides, and that's been happening less. It's our duty to get the idiots out of the government - not elect more idiots.

I feel sorta like I just walked into a high class restaurant expecting fillet mignon, and upon picking up the menu, I see sandwiches made from sandwich spread, onion rings, and Chinese food.

We pay these fools for a reason, and I fully expect to get my money's worth.

Josh <><
One thing I don't like about Obama...he talks too much. He says all this stuff he will do, but he can't as president...Some of what he says he won't support goes through congress and is in essence...out of his hands. Such as defense spending. Sure he may veto a bill but it can still be turned over by congress if they wanted to.

Also, he thinks he can go shake hands with Hesbola and immediately everything is A-OK between us. Yeah sure :barf:
The guy that is too smart to run for President.

Who is that?

Heck,I don't know,he did'nt run!

Sad when running for President is something that people actually run away from isnt it?
Well, while I can't really get excited about McCain (I would've preferred Huckaby) I will probably hold my nose and vote for him. I absolutely will not support Obama and McCain seems to be the only other candidate with anyll's chance of winning. If I thought Bob Barr had better than a snowball's chance in Hades I'd vote for him, but at this point I can only see him taking votes away from McCain and thereby inadvertently helping Obama. It's come down to the lesser of two evils, so I guess I'll take the old moderate over the young ultra-liberal.
I refuse to vote for any man who won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance. There's something that's just fundamentally wrong abotu that. Not to mention his pinko, leftist wife that said the last 3 months were the first time she'd ever been proud of her country. McCain's the man for me this time.
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