Who does or does not use stainless steel brushes to clean there rifle? hoppes tornado


New member
I picked up a tornado stainless steel brush from hoppes the package said it will not scratch the bore? What do you think of these? I picked it up because that is what the sport shop guy said I need with the copper solvent?
I can understand what the store guy said about the bore brushes because copper solvent will eventually eat them up.

Personally, I feel its a bad idea to use stainless brushes in any bore and I avoid the notion completely. Bronze is much safer and you need only to wash out the brush when you're through.

Of course, now someone is going to jump in and tell us how they regularly run rocks through their barrel and they aren't having any problems. It's personal opinion. You need to form your own.
Never use SS brushes in a bore you care about!

stainless steel brushes must have been invented by a barrel maker, who wanted customers to re-order more frequently. :mad:

They will scratch your bore. Tornado, whatever, don't use them.

Bronze or plastic brushes are much safer, although copper removing solvent will eat bronze brushes, esp. the stronger types like Sweets. Use something to neutralize the copper solvent if that's the case before storing the brushes.

I don't use brushes at all. I think that snug patches with JB or Iosso bore paste is a much better idea, and patches with good solvent do a fine job most of the time by themselves.

If you have a chrome-lined bore, like in some AR or military type rifles, the ss brushes probably won't do much harm, but I would still avoid them.
Never use stainless brushes.
Never use JB or any abrasive bore paste.

Do a search for "the wisdom of Gale McMillan"

Keep your bronze brushes clean between uses and replace them as necessary. When using copper-dissolving solvent, spray the brush off immediately after use with brake cleaner or twirl it in a small jar of mineral spirits. Remember to wipe the grit and dirt off your rod between brushings. My favorite cleaning rod is made of graphite (Brownells.com).

IIRC, weren't the Tornado brushes developed to clean shot guns? I don't understand how the loops would be able to get down it the corners of the lands and grooves of a rifled barrel.

Since , even the best, bronze brushes are inexpensive, why worry about the copper solvents eating them and avoid the use of stainless brushes all together. Bore brushes don't last forever as it is and Brownells and Midway will sell them to you in bulk if you want.
The looped wire of the Tornado brush will not get down in the grooves of the rifling. They are useless for any rifled barrel. Not theory, I tried them. (A .410 Tornado with an adapter to a short pistol rod makes a great .357 chamber brush. The looped wire is not likely to scratch. Hasn't in my guns, at least.)

For agressive high-ammonia copper solvents I use nylon brushes. Why worry about eating up a cheap bronze brush? Because it will deplete the little bit of ammonia in the barrel and reduce the amount there to cut the jacket fouling. I use bronze for scrubbing out powder and lead fouling.
I use only bronze brushes in my guns. It may only last 1/4 of the time a SS brush will last, but I know I'm not gonna damage my barrel, and for the extra $2-4, that's nothin'. I buy 'em in bulk from Orion, or Brownell's. I get them to last quite a bit longer by immediately dipping them in 99% alcohol after I've finished the last stroke through the bore. Alcohol dries very quickly, and it cleans off the Hoppes well, so the bristles don't deteriorate as quickly.
Coupla things

Blue Wonder gun cleaner claims to remove only copper oxide, and not to attack your bronze brushes. I have used it and think this is true; after use, the bronze brushes are shinylike new, as if they have been cleaned of residues themselves.

Used bronze brushes dipped in alcohol or cleaned with brake cleaner will oxidize during storage unless they are dipped in (100%) mineral spirits or sprayed with sheath/RemOil/[your choice here].
So you are saying that cleaning the bronze brush with only brake cleaner will allow the brush to still be eaten away?
Brushes cost about $1 each.

A match-grade barrel, fitted and chambered, will set you back $450.

I screw on a new brush every time I go shooting. Heck, I spend more on gas to get there, and at $0.16/round just for the bullets, I'm spending a LOT more on ammo.
I see one limited use for stainless bore brushes: old milsurps with severely pitted and fouled bores. I used a stainless brush on a Yugo 98k that I bought which needed some serious bore cleaning and cleaned out a lot of junk in a shorter time than had I used a bronze brush.

Other than that, I wouldn't recommend them.