Who Carries a 1911 and how old you be pt.2

Jamie Young

New member
I thought I was the only young guy that carried this gun and I'm amazed at the fact that for the last 8 months I've been talking to my peers on this site. Who else carries a 1911 and how old is you?

"Bring 'Em on.... I prefer a Straight Fight to all this sneaking around"
Han Solo
29. Para P-13 wasn't my first pistol, but it will be the last I give up.

Currently experimenting with a Glock 36 for concealed carry, but nothing beats the feel of a 1911-pattern pistol for "shootability"--is that a word? :D

SA Scott
I'm 33, live in MD, and am not one of the privileged elite with a CCW permit.

But... were I to carry anyway... I have a SA 1911 Compact in a Galco paddle (only recently subplanted by a SiG P245, but the Occifer gets the nod under certain cirumstances).

I haven't yet gotten a holster for my P-14 Limited.

The value of my life, my Rights, and those of my family are incalculable;
your life and your Rights, should you choose to threaten mine, are worth exactly $1.79 --
delivered 230gr at a time.
S-Pop --

I'm 37 (does that still qualify as "young?") and I carry a Kimber Ultra Carry (like a Colt Officer's ACP) or a Colt Delta Elite, depending on how much weight I want to carry, and how big a critter I think I might meet. I use ClipDraws for both. No more holsters for me.
