Who are you in bed with when you spend your dollar???

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New member
With election around the corner do you plan on supporting your beliefs or the enemy?

Original Sources:

Anti-Gun Coalition of America at: http://www.bitsnet.com/agca/corps.htm

CONCEAL CARRY, INC. at: http://www.concealcarry.org

Michigan Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence - http://www.mppgv.org

NRA-ILA at: http://www.nraila.org (then, look in the research &information section.)

PAX at: http://www.paxusa.org/?m=p&g=about/i_about_sponsors.html&e_e=3a614d6f1472df15_5234

S.A.R.N. at: http://www.ohio.voyager.net/~bmueller/Antigun.html

S.T.O.P. Gun Violence at: http://www.stopgunviolence.org/index.htm


Do you have stock in, or use the products or services of, any of these names? If you do! Youre helping the Anti-Gun movement!

National Companies & Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies

The following organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to Anti-Gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass Anti-Gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI ?Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.? Many of these organizations were listed as ?Campaign Partners,? for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton ?assault weapons? ban. All have officially endorsed Anti-Gun positions.
Name & Link ????? ?

7-Eleven Inc. - www.7-eleven.com ?

20/20 Vision - http://www.2020vision.org ????????????????????

A&M Records - www.amrecords.com

The Advertising Council - http://www.adcouncil.org

Advocacy Institute -

AOL / Time Warner - www.aol.com (85,000 Employees & est. 22-million subscribers/users)

AT&T Corporation / Worldcom - http://www.att.com ???????????????????????????????

AMC Theatres / American Multi Cinemas Entertainment, Inc. - www.amctheaters.com ???????????????????????????

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - http://www.aacap.org/legislation/schip3b.htm ???????????????????????

American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress - http://www.aaets.org ???????????????????????????????

American Academy of Pediatrics - http://www.aap.org ?

American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing - http://aaacn.inurse.com ?????????????????????????

American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities - ???????????????????????????????

American Association of Retired Persons - http://www.aarp.org/intl ????????????????????????

American Association of School Administrators - http://www.aasa.org

American Association for the Surgery of Trauma - http://www.aast.org

American Association for World Health - http://www.aawhworldhealth.org ????????????

American Association of Neurological Surgeons - http://www.neurosurgery.org/aans/index.html ??????????????????????

American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences - http://www.aafcs.org ??????????????????????????????? ?

American Bar Association - http://www.abanet.org ????????????????????????????

American Civil Liberties Union - http://www.aclu.org

American Counseling Association - http://www.counseling.org ??????????????????????

American Ethical Union - http://www.aeu.org ?

American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations - http://www.aflcio.org/home.htm

American Federation of Teachers - http://www.aft.org ??

American Firearms Association - http://www.nvcdl.org/afa.htm ?????????????????

(Even the media can?t get it right on this listing. They believe this is an alternative to the NRA, like the GOA, SAF, etc.)

American Jewish Committee - http://ajc.org

American Jewish Congress - http://www.ajcongress.org

American Medical Association - http://www.ama-assn.org/ ????????????????

American Medical Women?s Association - http://www.amwa-doc.org/ ?????????????????

American Medical Student Association - http://www.amsa.org/ ?????????????????????????????

American Nurses Association - http://www.ana.org/

American Psychological Association - http://www.apa.org/psychnet/ ?????????????????

American Public Health Association - http://www.apha.org/ ??????????????????????????????? ?

American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation/Worldcom - http://www.att.com/ ???????????????????????????????

American Trauma Society - http://www.amtrauma.org/ ?????????????????????

Americans for Democratic Action - http://www.adaction.org/

Americans for Gun Safety - http://ww2.americansforgunsafety.com/

Anti-Defamation League - http://www.adl.org/ ?

Anti-Gun Coalition of America - http://www.bitsnet.com/agca/corps.htm ?

Association of American Medical Colleges - http://www.aamc.org/ ?????????????????????????????

Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America - http://www.bpfna.org/ ???????????????????????????

B?nai B?rith - http://bnaibrith.org/

B'nai B'rith Women -

Be A Voter - http://www.beavoter.org/

Ben & Jerry?s Homemade, Inc. - www.benjerry.com

Benton Foundation - http://www.benton.org/

The Bible Holiness Movement, International -

Black Mental Health Alliance -

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms - www.atf.treas.gov ??

Cable News Network - CNN -

California Mentor Initiative - http://calmentor.ca.gov/? (Not On-Line, as of this Posting).

Capital Cities/ABC Television Network - http://abc.go.com/ ??

Carter Center of Emery University -

CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System - http://www.cbs.com/ ???????????????????????????????

Cease Fire - www.ceasefire.org

Central Conference of American Rabbis - http://ccarnet.org/

Center for Injury Prevention & Control - www.cdc.gov/ncipc

Center for Media Education - http://www.cme.org/ ???????????????????????????????

Center for Media Literacy - http://www.medialit.org/ ????????????????????????

Center for the Advanced Study of Public Safety (Firearm Injury Prevention Library) www.albany.edu/sph/injr_13i.html

Center to Prevent Handgun Violence -

Children?s Defense Fund - http://www.childrensdefense.org/ ???????????

Children's Safety Network -

Church of the Brethren - http://www.cob-net.org/ ??????????????????

Clorox Corporation - www.clorox.com ????

Coalition for America's Children -

Coalition for Peace Action - http://www.peacecoalition.org/ ??????????????

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence - http://www.gunfree.org/ ??????????????????????????

Kenneth Cole - www.kennethcole.com????????????????????????????

College Democrats of America - http://www.collegedems.com/ ?????????????????

(How could it be, that the Democrats as a Political Party profess to be the leaders in the defense of our citizen?s Civil Liberties. When they are the first as a major Political Party, against the 2nd Amendment and an ?Individual? Right to a Self-defense?).

Colorado GAP - (Gunviolence Accountability Project) - http://www.coloradogap.org???????????????????

Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace -

Common Cause - http://www.commoncause.org/

(Do you care to see, where all that money goes? Just click on your city and/or state at: http://www.commoncause.org/laundromat/location.htm ).

Common Sense About Kids and Guns - http://www.kidsandguns.org/

Compuserve - http://www.compuserve.com/ ????????????????

Congress of National Black Churches, Inc. - http://www.cnbc.org/ ???????????????????????????????

Congress of Neurological Surgeons - http://www.neurosurgery.org/cns/ ??????????

Connect For Kids - http://www.connectforkids.org/content1550/content.htm

Consumer Federation of America - http://www.stateandlocal.org/ ????????????????

Council of Chief State School Officers - http://www.ccsso.org/ ?????????????????????????????

Council of the Great City Schools - http://www.cgcs.org/ ???????????????????????????????

Creative Partnerships for Prevention - www.cpprev.org/contents.htm

Criminal Justice Reference Service - www.ncjrs.org

Dannon Company, Inc. - Dannon Yogurt - http://www.brandcenter.com/brands/A000532.html

(Also, note that many Dannon products are no longer certified Kosher: http://www.ou.org/kosher/alerts/dannon99.htm )

Dehere Foundation -

Disarm Educational Fund -

Disney Company - http://disney.go.com ???????????????????????????????

Drive-By-Agony www.drive-by-agony.org

Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence - http://www.tripod.lycos.com/work/goodworks/jobs/343.html

Environmental Action Foundation -

Episcopal Church, USA -
Episcopal Church - Washington Office -

Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - http://www.fair.org/

Florence and John Shumann Foundation -

Follow the Money - www.followthemoney.org

Friends Committee on National Legislation -

Gateway Computers -
General Federation of Women?s Clubs -

George Gund Fund Ambulatory Pediatric Association -

GEICO - Government Employee?s Insurance Company -

NRA Note: GEICO is on our list because, a few years back, an article in its policy holder magazine recommended that all firearms be removed from the home, and children should never be allowed to touch a firearm. We attempted to get GEICO to retract its statement, or at least offer another viewpoint, but to no avail. Thus, it was added to our list.

Gray Panthers -

Greenpeace -

Gun Free Kids - http://www.gunfreekids.org/

Guninfo - www.guninfo.org

H.M. Strong Foundation -

Hadassah -

Hallmark Cards - www.hallmark.com

Handgun Control, Inc.* - www.handguncontrol.org ???????????????????????? ?

HandsNet - http://www.handsnet.org/

Hard Rock Caf
Harris Foundation -

HBO - Home Box Office/Cable Network -
Hechinger Foundation -

Help Network - www.childmmc.edu/help/helphome.htm

International Action Network on Small Arms - http://www.iansa.org ???????????????????????????????

Int?l Association of Educators for World Peace -

Int?l Ladies? Garment Workers? Union -
Interfaith Neighbors -

Jewish Labor Committee -

John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research - www.guninfo.org/hopkins.html

Join Together Online - www.jointogether.org/gv/

Join Together's Handgun Glossary - www.jointogether.org/gv/resources/glossary/

Joyce Foundation - http://www.joycefdn.org

Justice Information Center - www.ncjrs.org

Keep Schools Safe - www.keepschoolssafe.org

Lauder Foundation -

Lawrence Foundation -

League of Women Voters of the United States*? - ?????????????

Levi Straus Foundation - www.levistraus.com

Liberty Media Group / Liberty Media Corporation - http://www.health-tv.com/liberty_glance/index.html ??????????

(Please take a moment to further investigate the holdings of this little known holding company, which is presently held by, and / or owned by, AT&T).

Lucent Technologies Inc.? - ????????????????????????????

Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -

John D. and Catherine T. Mac Arthur Foundation -

Manhattan Project II -

MediaOne Group -

Mennonite Central Committee, Washington Office - www.mbnet.mb.ca/mcc/programs/crime/gun-control.html

Michigan Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence - http://www.mppgv.org ??????????????????????????? ?

Million Mom March - www.millionmommarch.com ?????????????????

Morino Institute - http://www.morino.org/

Mother Jones Gun Control Page - www.motherjones.com/mother_jones/JA96/gunlist.html

Move On - www.MoveOn.org

MTV - Music Television/Cable Network -

Mulligan's Golf Center -

National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare Organizations -

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - ????????????????????????????

National Association of Chain Drug Stores -

National Association of Children?s Hospitals and Related Institutions -

National Association of Community Health Centers -

National Association of Counties* -
National Association of Elementary School Principals* -

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners -

National Association of Police Organizations -

National Association of Public Hospitals -

National Association of School Psychologists -

National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers -

National Association of Secondary School Principals -

National Association of Social Workers -

National Black Nurses? Association -

National Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth -

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence -

National Coalition on Television Violence - www.nctvv.org ???????

National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament -

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA -

National Council of Jewish Women -

National Council on Family Relations -

National Council of La Raza -

National Council of Negro Women -

National Crime Prevention Council - www.ncpc.org

National Education Association* - ????

National League of Cities -

National Network for Youth -

National Network of Violence Prevention Practitioners - ?????

National Organization for Women - ?????????????

National Organization on Disability -

National Parent, Teachers Association*? -

National Parks and Conservation Association -

National Peace Foundation -

National People?s Action -

National Political Congress of Black Women -

National Safe Kids Campaign -

National Spinal Cord Injury Association -

National Urban League, Inc. -

National Urban Coalition -

National Victim Center - www.nvc.org

NCR Corp. - ??????? ???????????????????????????????

The Nelson Foundation - http://webofhope.org

Netscape -

NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby -

New Line Cinema -

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, Inc. - nyagv@nyagv.org ??

Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence - http://www.geocities.com/ocagv/

Ortenberg Foundation -

Pacific Center for Violence Prevention - www.pcvp.org ????????

PACT (Parents And Children Together), To Stop Violence -

Partnerships Against Violence - http://www.pavnet.org/ ??????????????????????????

Potomac Institute - http://www.potomac-inc.org/

PAX - http://www.paxusa.org ???????????????????????????

Peace Action - www.webcom.com/peaceact

People for the American Way -

PETA - http://www.peta-online.org/ ?????????????

Physicians for Social Responsibility - www.psr.org

Police Foundation -

Project on Demilitarization and Democracy -

PR Newswire - http://www.prnewswire.com/

Public Citizen -

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - http://www.rwjf.org/index.jsp

SaferWorld -

Safe Schools/Safe Students - http://www.stwnews.org/

Safe State - http://www.safestate.org/

Sara Lee - www.saralee.com ????

Showtime Cable Network -

Sierra Club - http://www.sierraclub.org

Silent March Against Gun Violence - www.planeteria.net/home/cccpgv/silentmarch.html

Society of Critical Care Medicine -

Southern Christian Leadership Conference -
Southwestern Bell -

SSM Health Care System - www.ssmhc.com/internet/home/ssmcorp.nsf

Starbucks Coffee Company - http://www.starbucks.com???????????????????????

Student Pledge Against Gun Violence - www.pledge.org

Tele-Communications, Inc. - http://www.attbroadband.com

The Council of the Great City Schools - http://www.cgcs.org/ `?????????????????????????????

The Synergetic Society -

AOL/Time-Warner - www.aol.com (85,000 Employees & est. 22-million subscribers/users) ????????????????????????????

TMP Worldwide/Monster.Com - http://www.tmpw.com/ and http://www.monster.com/ ??????????????????????

Tomkins PLC - http://www.tomkins.co.uk/ ????????????????????

Tota Company - http://www.totacompany.com

Trauma Foundation - www.traumafdn.org

U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development -

Union of American Hebrew Congregations - http://uahc.org/ ???
Unitarian Universalist Association - http://www.uua.org/

United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society* - http://www.dfms.org/

United Methodist Church, General Board of Church & Society - http://www.umc-gbcs.org/

United Nations - http://www.un.org/ ?

United States Catholic Conference - http://www.nccbuscc.org/ ????????????????????????

United States Conference of Mayors - http://www.usmayors.org/

Viacom Inc./Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. - http://www.viacom.com ?????????????????????????

Violence Policy Center - www.vpc.org ??????????

Walt Disney Company - http://disney.go.com ???????????????????????????????

War and Peace Foundation - http://www.warpeace.org/WPmn.html

Women Strike for Peace - http://www.iacenter.org/wsfp.htm

Women?s Action for New Directions - http://www.wand.org/ ?????????????????????????????

Women?s Int?l League for Peace and Freedom - http://www.wilpf.org/

Women?s National Democratic Club - http://www.democraticwoman.com/

Working Assets - http://www.workingforchange.com/index.cfm

World Spiritual Assembly, Inc. -

Young & Rubicon -

Young Texans Against Gun Violence - http://www.ytagv.org/index2.htm ?????????

Young Women?s Christian Association of the U.S.A. - http://www.ywca.org/
Who are you in bed with when you spend your dollar???
Dollar? Dang pardner, we ain't seen those prices since Miss Kitty come to Tombstone. Quality sure went up but it's $3 now.

Ahhh, the good ol' days...

Psst, they never use their real names! :cool:
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